React Implementation of E-Commerce: Single and Multi Vendor web app.
If you want to setup node and run the application in your host os.
- Yarn >= v1 [we are using yarn as primary package manager.]
- npm 5+ [We are using npm only for eslint-config-airbnb]
If you want to clone the repo using https use instead.
Clone with SSH
$ git clone
$ cd commerce-fm
Pull the dependencies and start server.
$ yarn install
$ yarn run dev
For the default eslint config we are using:
- eslint
- prettier
For viewing the lint related issues, run the following command.
$ yarn eslint
For fixing the lint related issues run the following command:
$ yarn eslint:fix
For fixing the formatting related issues run the following command:
yarn prettier:fix
For fixing the both lint and prettier related issues run the following command:
$ yarn lint:fix
- Checking errors:
$ yarn lint
- Error during commit:
$ yarn lint:fix
[Note: Pre commit hook is installed so unless lint and prettier auto fix or a programmer themselves fixes formatting related issues, commit can't be made.]