This project was generated with Angular CLI version 17.3.11. An intuitive platform for searching users and displaying their profile details and repositries. This project is a frontend application that allows users to search for profiles using a responsive UI.
Run 'npm install'
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests.
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
- Search Bar: A reusable search bar component for querying user profiles.
- Pagination: Allows users to navigate through results.
- Sorting: Users can sort results by name.
- Profile Navigation: Navigate to a detailed view of a selected user's profile and repositries.
- Feedback: Toast notifications for system feedback and a loader for search requests "ngx-toaster".
- loader: is displayed during search requests
- State Management: Implements state management using NgRx for search functionality.
- Test cases: Implements test cases for search functionality.
- Angular Material: Utilizes Angular Material for pagination and icons.
- Responsive Design: Designed to work seamlessly across devices "boostrap".
- Interceptors: Centralized request handling for consistent behavior across endpoints "Toast notifications".
- RXJS Endpoints, Behviour subject
- Clean project structure
- Standalone components
- Loader will be displayed with each end point request using "interceptors" not for only user list search
- Test cases for user profile page
- Design enhancment
- Make repos list as a reusable component
- Apply lazy loading
- Pagination enhancment
- Continue page not found design
- Make pagination functionality as directive "if applicable"
1- Component Creation Ensures that the component is instantiated successfully.
Result: ✅ Passed it('should create', () => { expect(component).toBeTruthy(); });
2- Dispatch Action on Valid Input Verifies that the searchUsers action is dispatched when a valid input is provided.
Result: ✅ Passed it('should dispatch searchUsers action on valid input', () => { component.searchForm.controls['query'].setValue('valid query'); component.onSearch(); expect(dispatchSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(searchUsers({ searchObj: { searchText: 'valid query', page: '1', perPage: '10' } })); });
3- No Action on Empty Input Ensures that the searchUsers action is not dispatched when the input is empty.
Result: ✅ Passed
it('should not dispatch searchUsers action on empty input', () => {
4- Disable Search Button for Invalid Input Confirms that the search button is disabled when the form is invalid (empty input).
Result: ✅ Passed
it('should disable the search button when the form is invalid', () => {
const button = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('button');
5- Enable Search Button for Valid Input Ensures that the search button is enabled when the form is valid (valid input).
Result: ✅ Passed
it('should enable the search button when the form is valid', () => {
component.searchForm.controls['query'].setValue('valid query');
const button = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('button');