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Leetcode-75 Problems and Solutions

LeetCode 75 - Study Plan - LeetCode

Problem Name Python Solution Swift Solution Level
Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Python Swift Easy
Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Python Swift Easy
Merge Strings Alternately Python Swift Easy
Move Zeroes Python Swift Easy
Can Place Flowers Python Swift Easy
Reverse vowels of a string Python Swift Easy
Is Subsequence Python Swift Easy
Single Number Python Swift Easy
Find Pivot Index Python Swift Easy
Maximum Average Subarray I Python Swift Easy
Find The Highest Altitude Python Swift Easy
Find The Difference of Two Arrays Python Swift Easy
Counting Bits Python Swift Easy
Unique number of occurences Python Swift Easy
Number of Recent Calls Python Swift Easy
Reverse Linked List Python Swift Easy
Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree Python Swift Easy
Leaf-Similar Trees Python Swift Easy
Search in a Binary Search Tree Python Swift Easy
Guess Number is Higher or Lower Python Swift Easy
Nth-Tribonacci Number Python Swift Easy
Min Cost Climbing Stars Python Swift Easy
Container with Most Water Python Swift Medium
Reverse words in a string Python Swift Medium
Products of array except self Python Swift Medium
String Compression Python Swift Medium
Increasing Triplet Subsequence Python Swift Medium
Determine if Two Strings are Close Python Swift Medium
Remove Stars from String Python Swift Medium
Smallest Number in Infinite Set Python Swift Medium
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python Swift Medium
House Robber Python Swift Medium
Unique Paths Python Swift Medium
Longest Common Subsequence Python Swift Medium
Find Peak Element Python Swift Medium
Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length Python Swift Medium
Daily Temperatures Python Swift Medium
Asteroid Collision Python Swift Medium
Decode String Python Swift Medium
Equal row and column pairs Python Swift Medium
Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element Python Swift Medium
Max Consecutive Ones III Python Swift Medium
Max Number of K-Sum Pairs Python Swift Medium
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons Python Swift Medium
Non-Overlapping Intervals Python Swift Medium
Number of Provinces Python Swift Medium
Online Stock Span Python Swift Medium