Scrape the news content from the Google news website (
It uses a keyword to retrieve the news title, URL, publisher, and date. The complete news content can then be retrieved from the URL.
pip3 install pygooglenewsscraper
Retrieve Google News items through a search keyword
from pygooglenewsscraper import GoogleNews, NewsArticle
# define keyword
keyword = 'artificial intelligence'
# google news object
googlenews = GoogleNews(keyword = keyword)
# perform google news search and retrieve raw news
raw_news = googlenews.get_raw_news()
# parse out the news articles
news = googlenews.parse_news(html = raw_news.text)
# print out results
for k, v in news.items():
Extract the news content for each URL
# get main content of news items
for k, v in news.items():
# news article object
news_article = NewsArticle(url = v['url'])
# parse out news
news_content = news_article.parse_main_content()