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shahed22 authored Jul 31, 2024
1 parent 06f9a27 commit cb8149a
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 50 deletions.
161 changes: 111 additions & 50 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,34 @@
import re
import datetime
from tkinter import simpledialog, messagebox
from graphviz import Digraph

def is_valid_verilog_identifier(name):
"""Check if the given name is a valid Verilog identifier."""
return re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', name) is not None

def generate_state_diagram(state_name, file_name):
"""Generate a PNG state diagram from the state machine definition."""
dot = Digraph(comment='State Machine')

for state in state_name:
dot.node(state, state)

for state in state_name:
for next_state in state_name:
condition = input(f"Condition for Transition {state} -> {next_state}: "
"Condition to go from {state} to {next_state} (enter 0 if no condition): ")
if condition != "0":
dot.edge(state, next_state, label=condition)

# Save the diagram to a file
dot.format = 'png'
dot.filename = file_name

def grey_converter(n):
"""Convert a binary number to its Gray code equivalent."""
return n ^ (n >> 1)

def parse_ports(ports_str):
"""Parse ports from a string in format (name:size, separated by commas)."""
ports = {}
Expand All @@ -25,52 +47,91 @@ def get_file_name(entry):
file_name = "untitled_" +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
if is_valid_verilog_identifier(file_name):
return file_name + ".v"
messagebox.showerror("Invalid File Name",
"File name must start with a letter or underscore, followed by letters, digits, "
"or underscores.")
return None

def get_encoding_style(parent):
"""Prompt the user for the encoding style using a dropdown in a popup dialog."""
dialog = CustomDialog(parent, "Encoding Style", "Choose encoding style to be used:", ["Binary", "Gray", "One-hot"])
encoding_style = dialog.result
if encoding_style == "Binary":
return 1
elif encoding_style == "Gray":
return 2
elif encoding_style == "One-hot":
return 3
messagebox.showerror("Invalid Choice", "Invalid choice. Please try again.")
return None

def get_state_machine_states(parent, state_num, seq):
"""Get the state names and their corresponding encodings for the state machine."""
state_name = {}
length = len(bin(state_num - 1)) - 2
code = ""
if seq == 1:
encoding_style = get_encoding_style(parent)
if encoding_style is None:
return state_name

for i in range(state_num):
state = simpledialog.askstring("State Name", f"Enter state {i} name:", parent=parent)
if encoding_style == 1:
code = format(i, f'0{length}b')
elif encoding_style == 2:
code = format(grey_converter(i), f'0{length}b')
elif encoding_style == 3:
code = format(1 << i, f'0{state_num}b')
state_name[state] = code
for i in range(state_num):
state = simpledialog.askstring("State Name", "Enter state name:", parent=parent)
code = simpledialog.askstring("State Code", "Enter code:", parent=parent)
state_name[state] = code

return state_name
raise ValueError("File name must start with a letter or underscore, followed by letters, digits, or underscores.")

def grey_converter(n):
"""Convert a binary number to its Gray code equivalent."""
return n ^ (n >> 1)
def get_reset_state(parent, state_name):
"""Prompt the user for the reset state."""
reset_state = input(f"Enter your reset state (available states: {list(state_name.keys())}): ")
if reset_state in state_name:
return reset_state
raise ValueError("Please enter an available state only.")

def write_ports(f, ports, direction):
"""Write the Verilog port declarations to the file."""
for size in sorted(set(ports.values()), reverse=True):
port_list = [name for name, port_size in ports.items() if port_size == size]
if direction == "output":
k = " reg "
k = " "
f.write(f"{direction}{k}[{size - 1}:0] " if size > 1 else f"{direction}{k}")
f.write(", ".join(port_list) + ";\n")

def write_state_transitions(f, file_name, state_name, input_ports):
"""Write the state transitions to the file."""
dot = Digraph(comment='State Machine')
for state in state_name:
dot.node(state, state)
for state in state_name:
f.write(f"\n\t\t{state}: begin\n\t\t\tns <= {state};")
for tran_state in state_name:
if tran_state != state:
while True:
condition = input(f"Condition for Transition {state} -> {tran_state}: "
"Condition to go from {state} to {tran_state} (enter 0 if no condition): ")
if condition == "0" or is_valid_verilog_expression(condition, input_ports):
print("Invalid condition. Please enter a valid Verilog expression using input ports.")
if condition != "0":
f.write(f"\n\t\t\tif({condition}) ns <= {tran_state};")
dot.edge(state, tran_state, label=condition)
dot.format = 'png'
dot.filename = file_name[:-2]

def is_valid_verilog_expression(expr, input_ports):
"""Check if the given string is a valid Verilog expression and uses only valid input ports."""
if not expr:
return False

# Check for balanced parentheses
stack = []
stack1 = []
for char in expr:
if char == '(':
elif char == ')':
if not stack:
return False
if char == '?':
elif char == ':':
if not stack1:
return False

if stack or stack1:
return False

# Verilog operators and identifiers pattern
valid_pattern = re.compile(

# Split the expression into tokens
tokens = re.split(r'(\W+)', expr)
if '?' in tokens or ':' in tokens:
# Check each token
for token in tokens[0:len(tokens) - 2]:
token = token.strip()
if not token:
if not valid_pattern.match(token) and token not in input_ports.keys() and re.fullmatch(r'^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?$', tokens[-1]) is not None:
return False

return True

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