Image Processing assignments get a grasp of it.
- Implement all intensity transformation from Figure 3.3 (Identity, Negative, Log, nth root, nth power, inverse log). Use either gray-level transform of the attached image, or choose an image at your discretion (preferably to show the effect of each filter).
- Implement color piecewise linear transformation function that given proper ranges ((A,B) for each channel from Figure 3.11), can detect vegetables with a certain color range (or the background) from the attached image (peppers.png).
- Implement histogram equalization (Figure 3.20) and apply it on the images attached.
- (Figure 3.32) Design a band-stop filter using DCT transform code provided and apply it to different images (including but not limited to the images attached). Inverse-transform your band-stop filter and analyze the filter in the spatial domain.
- Using low-pass spatial filters and/or intensity transformation, detect sources (i.e. stars, galaxies and so) and generate an out image where pixels on the sources are white and the others black.
- Remove salt and pepper noise by using median filter.
- Apply image sharpening using a laplacian filter.
- Implement dilation and erosion filter for binary images using user-defined structuring elements.
- Implement top-hat transform