My aim was to create a comprehensive Online Book Library application, featuring both front-end and back-end components. The application utilizes Spring Security 6 for securing REST endpoints with role-based authentication and employs MySQL for the database. For the front end, technologies like React JS, HTML, and CSS are utilized.
- /user/register:This end-point will register an user with user information: firstName, lastName, email, password, address.
- /user/login: This end-point will login with user email and password and will return a token as response. User email should be present at payload data.
- /users/{userId}: Retrieve user details by userId. Only users with ADMIN roles should have access to this API.
- /users/{userId}/books: Retrieve the books borrowed or owned by a specific user. This endpoint can be accessible by the user to view their own books or by an ADMIN to view any user's books.
- /users/{userId}/borrowed-books: Retrieve the books currently borrowed by a specific user. This endpoint can be accessible by the user to view their own borrowed books or by an ADMIN to view any user's borrowed books.
- /books/create: This end-point will be used to add new book to the database. User must have “ADMIN” role to use this API.
- /books/update: This end-point will be used to update a book’s data that is already saved in the database. User must have “ADMIN” role to use this API.
- /books/delete: This end-point will be used to delete a book from the database. User must have “ADMIN” role to use this API.
- /books/all: This end-point will fetch and show all the books data stored in the database. User must have either “ADMIN” or “CUSTOMER” role to use this API.
- /books/{bookId}/borrow: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to borrow a book by bookId. Implement logic to track the book's availability and due date.
- /books/{bookId}/return: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to return a borrowed book by bookId. Update the book's status accordingly.
- /books/{bookId}/reserve: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to reserve a book that is currently unavailable. Implement logic to notify the user when the book becomes available.
- /books/{bookId}/cancel-reservation: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to cancel a book reservation. Update the reservation status accordingly.
- /books/{bookId}/reviews: Retrieve reviews and ratings for a specific book by bookId.
- /books/{bookId}/reviews/create: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to create a review and rating for a book.
- /books/{bookId}/reviews/{reviewId}/update: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to update their own review and rating for a book.
- /books/{bookId}/reviews/{reviewId}/delete: Allow users (CUSTOMER) to delete their own review and rating for a book.
- /users/{userId}/history: Allow users to view their borrowing history, including borrowed books, due dates, and return dates.