Reg No - ICT1920069, Index Number - 5007, I am Nafees Nismi, a student from the Department of Computing, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. This portfolio project serves as a showcase of my multimedia skills and projects.
- index.html: Homepage featuring my name and a link to the contact page.
- about.html: Information about my academic background and experiences.
- portfolio.html: Gallery showcasing multimedia projects.
- contact.html: Contact information including address, phone number, email, and a form for collecting user details.
- styles.css: Styles for layout, typography, and colors.
- responsive.css: Styles for responsive design (optional).
- script.js: Provides interactivity to the website, such as smooth scrolling and form validation.
- images/: Directory containing images used throughout the website.
- videos/: Directory containing video files for showcasing projects.
- audio/: Directory containing audio files for embedding sound effects or background music (if applicable).
- resume.pdf: PDF file containing the student's resume or CV.
- list if there is any additional file:
- chat with chatGPT 3.5: share the link for the chat that you have used to implement the website
- Additional Features: Implement features like a blog section, interactive animations, or a client testimonial section to enhance engagement..
- Improvements: Gather user feedback to improve navigation, optimize loading times, and ensure accessibility.
- Maintenance: Plan regular updates to add new projects, update contact information, and address any issues or bugs.
In conclusion, this website encapsulates my journey, skills, and aspirations in the realm of multimedia and computing. It serves as a platform to showcase my work and connect with potential collaborators or employers. Moving forward, I aim to continuously refine and expand the website to stay relevant and impactful in the ever-evolving digital landscape.