- Docker installed.
Packages in the repository are signed with the GPG key. If you already have a pair of keys, export it to ASCII and put it in pgp_keys directory. Keys will be imported. If an email field of a key matches maintainer_email, the key will be used. Otherwise a new key will be generated.
A self-signed certificate for nginx will be generated when building. Further. it can be replaced
Key generation requires a fair amount of entropy. Docker uses host machine entropy source. Therefore, to speed up the build it is recommended to install haveged
sudo apt-get install haveged
sudo service haveged start
git clone https://github.com/shadowlamer/docker_repo_builder.git
cd docker_repo_builder
docker build [<parameters>] -t ubuntu_packages .
For each parameter you need to specify:
--build-arg <parameter_name>=<value>
Параметр | Описание |
repo | Ubuntu distro name, e.g. 'xenial' |
repo_url | Repo deploying URL |
repo_user, repo_passwd | Login and password to protect the repo |
repo_label | Repo description |
maintainer_name | Name to generate GPG key |
maintainer_email | Email to generate GPG key |
git_user, git_passwd | Will be passed to scripts as ${BBUSER}, ${BBPASS} |
To facilitate the build, there is a config.sh script that asks for parameters and then generates build.sh script, which you can run to build. Parameters are saved in the .settings file. It also generates .yml file to run the container using docker-compose.
Generate signed openssl certificates for nginx. Use Let’s Encrypt, for example.
If you are going to use docker-compose, edit paths to certificates in ubuntu-packages.yml.
docker run -p 80:90 -p 443:443 -v <cert_path>:sslcerts/certificate.pem -v <privkey_path>:sslcerts/privkey.pem ubuntu-packages --detach
docker-compose -f ubuntu-packages.yml up -d
If the package has its own build system, put the script that builds the package in scripts/src-packages. .sh extension is required. Don't forget to give it permission to run. Packages built must have .deb extension and placed in /output
Do not store package source codes in this repo!!!
If the package does not have its own build system, create <package_name> subdirectory in packages directory. create a necessary file structure inside the directory. Create a DEBIAN directory inside, fill in DEBIAN/control. Use existing packages as example. Put the aprpopriate script in the scripts/src-packages to compile and install the necessary files to packages/.
If the package does not require compilation, simply create the necessary file structure in packages/<package_name>
- Use something better in place of dpkg-deb.