Reproduction of "MixMatch - A Holistic Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning" by David Berthelot, Nicholas Carlini, Ian Goodfellow, Nicolas Papernot, Avital Oliver and Colin Raffel in Pytorch.
Our project uses the python installer for Python packages pip. Refer to the documentation for instructions on how to download it. Once you have downloaded pip, you can install all dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
The train needs an configuration file to run. You can find all the configuration files we used to reproduce all the experiments in ./experiments folder. An example run with the example ./experiments/config.yml is
python --config=experiments/config.yml
You can validate pre trained models or validate a specific trained model stored in checkpoints directory with
python --checkpoint_file=checkpoints/<path_to_checkpoint_file> --datase_name=CIFAR10
python --checkpoint_file=checkpoints/<path_to_checkpoint_file> --datase_name=SVHN
You can also validate more checkpoints at the same time by providing a path to the checkpoints file with
python --checkpoint_dir=checkpoints/<path_to_checkpoint_file> --datase_name=SVHN
The below experiments were performed with 1024 iterations and only 200 epochs due to limitations in our resources. Training the same model with supervised learning on the entire 50000-example training set achieved an error rate of 4.33%. The error rates for CIFAR-10 are presented below.
Methods/Labels | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 | 4000 |
MixUp | 47.55 | 36.09 | 25.21 | 20.09 | 14.49 |
Pseudo-Label | 49.88 | 40.65 | 33.77 | 22.02 | 15.95 |
MixMatch | 12.25 | 10.48 | 10.24 | 8.91 | 6.69 |
This work was initiated as a project of our master's level course titled 'Deep Learning in Data Science' @ KTH Stockholm, Sweden. We would like to thank the course staff for providing us with the necessary Google Cloud tickets to run our experiments.