Use the 3 Musketeers pattern to run some tools for local container development
- 3 Musketeers Pattern
- Concourse CI
- Portainer
- Rancher 2
- Update local
file with127.0.0.1 dockerlocal
- Install Docker Desktop and Make (e.g. with GitBash on Windows)
- Run
make portainer
- Access Portainer on https://dockerlocal:9000
- Run
make concourse
which will generate keys and start the concourse db, web and worker components - Access Concourse UI on https://dockerlocal:8443
- Run
make rancher
- Access Rancher UI on https://dockerlocal:9443
- Optionally create local k8s cluster with
make k8s
- Wait for the cluster to be initialised. I needed to reset my docker VM in order to avoid errors (etcd would not initialise properly).
- Run
make vault
- Access Vault UI on https://dockerlocal:8200