PituPiPy is a Python implementation of P2P (peer-to-peer) networking program that enables users to message and share files within in a P2P network pool.
A network requires one tracker to be setup and clients should type the ip and port information of the tracker in order to join a network. Details of how to start up each program are outlined below.
The program requires pipenv
to be installed locally.
pipenv -v
pipenv install
If the above command does not work in your environment, you must install pipenv.
pip install pipenv
Initiate with the command,
python pitupipy/app.py
Press keyboard up or down to choose the program (tracker or client) to start.
COMMAND? [/q or /help] >> /help
Jiin @jiin-kim109
Jusung @Pentaminum
Lauren @laurenlee0307
Jooyoung @jylee2033
SeungHwan @SHKim331