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Configure music events

Charly Bollinger edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 1 revision


This page will guide you step by step to configure music and events.
Dedicated pages will be linked to specific topics so that you have a better understanding of the music system.

Configure tab

Resource pack screen

The first step is to open the Music Menu (default key: M).
From there, you can click on the Configure tab. Here you have two options:

  • Enable a Resource Pack
  • Create a new Resource Pack

Enable or create a resource pack

The first option should be disabled the first time you use the mod, as you shouldn't have any Resource Pack made by the mod.
Once you've made one, this screen won't reappear unless you disable it. This allows you to have several packs with predefined events.
More details about the Built-In Resource pack on a future page.

Configuration screen

After selecting or creating a Resource Pack, the tab should update to display the real Configuration screen.
It is divided in three:

  • The left side to select the music/event you want to update
  • The right side to add/remove music/events to the selected music/event
  • The bottom side containing only the Save button, to save your work and be able to keep it the next time you run the game

Configuration screen


Let's focus on the left side first, though the selection is the same on the right side.

Each time you have a list, you can choose to display Music or Events through a button.
On this side, this allows you either to define what music can be played by an event (if you display events) or what events can play a music (if you display music).

Then, you just have to click on a Music or Event to start configuring it.
To avoid scrolling too much, you can filter what can display a list with the text field. See Text filtering for more info.

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