Library gathering functions for all SERTIT's projects.
Find the API documentation here.
For installing this library to your environment, please type this: pip install sertit[full]
will allow you to use the whole library, but you will need to install also rioxarray
and geopandas
(with GDAL installation issues on Windows, so please install them from wheels that you can
find here).
However, if you do not need everything, you can type instead:
- nothing, and you won't need
:pip install sertit --extra-index-url ...
, and you won't needrioxarray
:pip install sertit[rasters_rio] --extra-index-url ...
:pip install sertit[rasters] --extra-index-url ...
:pip install sertit[colorlog] --extra-index-url ...
to havecolorlog
:pip install sertit[dask] --extra-index-url ...
to havedask
You can install it via conda (but you will automatically have the full version):
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda install -c conda-forge sertit