Main technologies:
- kitty. Terminal emulator
- neovim. Text editor
- tmux. Terminal multiplexer
- dwm. Window manager
m2i. Use midi to control your system- gromit-mpx. Draw on top of your screen
- keyd. A key remapping daemon for linux
- pipewire. Multimedia processing graphs
- wireplumber. Session manager for Pipewire
Necesary dependencies for my workflow
- Pragmasevka Nerd Font
- feh. Set your system wallpaper programatically
- jq. Command-line JSON processor
- xgetres. Get entries from .Xresources
Add m2i's config files. Still in progressChanged my mind, I only want to use the keyboard to control my system.- Add wireplumber's config files. ✅
Still in progress - Add pipewire's config files. ✅
Still in progress