The role runs official docker container of the mtproto-proxy and send necessary parameters to you.
You can set secret key for proxy(mtproto_secret_key
) manually, or it will be generated automatically.
Install role from galaxy:
$ ansible-galaxy install sergkondr_ansible.mtproto-proxy
The role requires Docker 17.03 or higher installed.
mtproto_proxy_port: 8000
mtproto_secret_key: ''
mtproto_send_parameters: no
mtproto_telegram_token: ''
mtproto_telegram_chat_id: 0000000
To create your own telegram-bot, see:
To get chat id, do the following:
- Add your bot to group or send message to it
- Go to this page(or curl to it):{{ mtproto_telegram_token }}/getUpdates
- Find the object named 'chat' and take it's parameter 'id'
Install mtproto-proxy, generate secret-key and send it to specified chat via bot:
- hosts: mtproto-proxy
- { role: mtproto-proxy,
mtproto_send_parameters: yes,
mtproto_telegram_token: '000000000:0123456qwerty',
mtproto_telegram_chat_id: 1234567
Install mtproto-proxy with specified secret-key:
- hosts: mtproto-proxy
- { role: mtproto-proxy, mtproto_secret_key: 'qazwsxedcrfv00' }