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TG bot на потребу волонтерів з Миколаєва. Автоматизує пошук заявок.

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A bot that automates the search for applications

Бот що автоматизує пошук заявок


start - Знайомство
create_order - Створити заявку
find_by_phone - Шукати за номером телефону
find_by_name - Шукати за ім'ям
find_by_dob - Шукати за датою народження
find_by_address - Шукати за адресою
find_by_order - Шукати за номером заяви
help - Докладний перелік можливостей


  • Implement create_order task
  • Implement Descending order for all search results
  • Check that user belongs to NikoVoluneers (Naive)
  • Check that user belongs to NikoVoluneers (Proper)
  • Parser fails on Names with ' sign in Ukrainian, e.g. В'юн В'ячеслав Дем'янович
  • find_by_name fails on Names with ‘ sign.
  • find_by_phone now supports all formats
  • Eliminated edge case with absence of names
  • Added find_by_order command and functionality
  • Add search by name chunks, e.g. Захарч Волод Олекс
  • Implement CANCEL command ?
  • Improve search by address (See below)
  • Add inline joint_search, e.g. /joint_search p=0990000999 d=12.31.1995 n=(...) a=(...)
  1. PROFIT!!!111

Notes and thoughts

Search by address is far from ideal based on data we have. So it is most realistic to search by street names with $regex. That will generate many results (20 +)

  1. Create mechanism for this < Вулиця + 16 + кв 5 >
    1. Searches within prev results

          # narrows the scope by adding house number
          search (16):
              # narrows the scope by adding house number
              search (кв 5):
                  # exact result```
    2. OR Add InlineKeyboard to create choosable address cards

      1. Update to latest version: pip install python-telegram-bot==v20.0a2
      2. Rewrite the WHOLE APP accordingly :( """



TG bot на потребу волонтерів з Миколаєва. Автоматизує пошук заявок.







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