A static photo gallery generator.
Create an empty directory for your gallery and generate configuration file:
kaleidoscope init-gallery
Create a sub-directory for the first album and copy your photos into it. Generate album configuration file:
kaleidoscope init-album DIR
Build the gallery with
kaleidoscope build
Gallery properties are placed in gallery.ini
file with single section
named [gallery]
and following keys:
— title of the galleryauthor
— author name used in the copyright notice
Each album is placed in separate sub-directory with photo files and
configuration file album.ini
. The file has two sections:
with keystitle
with keys corresponding to file name of photos
You can add title for each photo by specifying value for the key. Pipe |
marks the end of short caption (displayed in the index page).
Additionally, you can change order of photos by reordering the keys.
Kaleidoscope uses standard Python configparse INI format https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html#supported-ini-file-structure
Kaleidoscope uses Poetry for packaging and managing dependencies
git clone https://github.com/sergejx/kaleidoscope.git
cd kaleidoscope
poetry install # Install Python dependencies
npm install # Install JS dependencies
npm run brunch build # Build JS and CSS into kaleidoscope/assets
Kaleidoscope and its default theme was inspired by ORIGINAL photo gallery https://github.com/jimmac/original