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rrahn edited this page Jan 9, 2017 · 7 revisions

Modern C++


  • [05.09.] Introduction to Modern C++ [R]

  • [19.09.] Construction, Initialisation, Destruction [H]

  • [26.09.] Memory Management: RAII, pointer types, ... [R]

  • [10.10.] References/Move Semantics: rule-of-five, ... [H]

  • [17.10.] Variable Templates (replace Value-Metafunctions), constexpr, if-constexpr [H]

  • [24.10.] Type Traits vs Metafunctions [H]

  • [31.10.] Algorithms Library [R]

  • [07.11.] Functional Programming: Lambda, Variadic Templates, Folding [R]

  • [14.11.] Exceptions, exception-safety [R]

  • [11.01.] Ranges [H]

  • [17.01.] Parallelism: SIMD, atomic, threads, OMP, TBB, ... [M+R]

  • [24.01.] Concepts [H]

  • [31.01.] Documentation [JoK]

  • [07.02.] Test System [SM], Continues Integration/Deployment, Static Code Analysis, Test Coverage, Memory Check, Performance Test [RR]

  • [14.02.] Build System [ME]

  • [21.02.] General Library Design [HH, RR]

  • [06.03. - 10.03] Modul Sessions in small teams: Task Forces will be announced soon.

SeqAn 3 design

General sessions (for everyone)

  • general library design (how we bring all the stuff from above together) [H+R]
  • documentation system [Jo+H]
  • unit tests, CI, performance tests, Continuous Deployment, Static Code Analysis [R+S]
  • Build System (external Apps) [H+M]

Module sessions (3-5 people) [] -> people who do take part in this session

  • alphabet module and container module session [H+R+C+S
  • align module session(s) [H+R+M
  • index module session(s) [H+R+C+
  • io sessions
    • system io (mmap, compression..) [H+R+T+S
    • sequence_io [H+R+S
    • align_io [H+R+T
    • annotation_io und rna_struct_io [H+R+JΓΆ
  • external libraries (GSL-like lib with correct license, Boost(subset)?, SIMD lib?, test or doc libs?) [
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