A Tiny library for measuring the perceived visual difference between two colors
ΔE - (Delta E, dE) The measure of change in visual perception of two given colors.
Delta E is a metric for understanding how the human eye perceives color difference. The term delta comes from mathematics, meaning change in a variable or function. The suffix E references the German word Empfindung, which broadly means sensation.
On a typical scale, the Delta E value will range from 0 to 100.
Delta E | Perception |
<= 1.0 | Not perceptible by human eyes. |
1 - 2 | Perceptible through close observation. |
2 - 10 | Perceptible at a glance. |
11 - 49 | Colors are more similar than opposite |
100 | Colors are exact opposite |
credit to: http://zschuessler.github.io/DeltaE/learn/
npm install color-delta-e
yarn add color-delta-e
pnpm add color-delta-e
takes two colors and measures the percievable difference between them and returns the deltaE value 0-100
import { deltaE } from 'color-delta-e'
const res = deltaE(
'rgb' // need to pass the type of the values if passing a tuple
res // 14.143
you can also pass values as strings, values dont have to be the same type
import { deltaE } from 'color-delta-e'
const res = deltaE(
'#0e51a2', // the types will be inferred when using strings!
res // 14.143
deltaE automatically caches results, in order to save calculation of the same colors, if you need to clear this cache in order to remove a potential memory leak there are two options.
import { deltaE } from 'color-delta-e'
const res = deltaE(
true, //nocache option: when set to tru will not cache the result.
import { deltaE, clearCache } from 'color-delta-e'
deltaE('#BADA55', '#C0FFEE') //result cached
deltaE('#BADA55', '#C0FFEE') // cached result returned
deltaE('#BADA55', '#C0FFEE') // value recalculated and cached
takes two numbers an returns a boolean indicating if the value is above the threshold default: 5
import { isPerceivable } from 'color-delta-e'
// do stuff
takes a color and will return with black
or white
which ever contrasts best with provided color, the return type will be in same format inputted, so and rgb string will return an rgb string, a hex string will return a hex string.
import { contrastText } from 'color-delta-e'
const res = contrastText([0,0,0])
res // '[255,255,255]'
takes in base options including base color to compare to, and threshold. rest arguments are a list of fallback colors to go through. selector will return the first color that has a perceptible contrast that meets the threshold provided. If no contrasting values found, will return the last fallback provided.
import { selector } from 'color-delta-e'
const res = selector({
compare: [0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 2, 0],
[200, 30, 10],
[255, 255, 255]
res // [200, 30, 10]
values dont have to be the same type
import { selector } from 'color-delta-e'
const res = selector({
compare: 'hsl(0, 0%, 0%)'
'rgb(0, 1, 0)',
[200, 30, 10],
[255, 255, 255]
res // [200, 30, 10]
takes in an HTMLImageElement
will sample the image and return the average(median) color in image.
only works in browser environments.
doesn't support crossOrigin images.
import { sampleImage } from 'color-delta-e'
const myImgEl = document.querySelector('img')
const res = sampleImage(myImgEl)
res // [100, 23, 221]