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Semantic versioning for Java apps.


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This is an active copy of the great semver4j library created by @vdurmont, no longer maintained 😭

Semver4j is a lightweight Java library that helps you to handle versions. It follows the rules of the semantic versioning specification.

It also provides support for several range checking: node-semver, CocoaPods and Ivy.

Table of Contents


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Using Maven


Using Gradle


implementation 'org.semver4j:semver4j:5.4.0'


Version v1.0.x references to original library version v3.1.0 in source repository.


What is a version?

In Semver4j, a version looks like: 1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87.

  • 1 is the major part (required)
  • 2 is the minor part (required)
  • 3 is the patch part (required)
  • beta and 4 are the pre-release version (optional)
  • sha899d8g79f87 is the build metadata (optional)

The Semver object

You can create Semver object in number of ways.

Using constructor

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87");

Using Semver.parse() method

Semver version = Semver.parse("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87"); // returns correct Semver object
Semver version = Semver.parse("invalid"); // returns null, cannot parse this version

Using Semver.coerce() method

Library can help you to create valid Semver object when the version is not valid. This aims to provide forgiving translation from not-semver into semver.

Semver version = Semver.coerce("..1"); // it produces the same result as new Semver("1.0.0")
Semver version = Semver.coerce("invalid"); // returns null, cannot coerce this version

Is the version stable?

You can check if you're working with a stable version by using isStable().

A version is stable if its major number is strictly positive, and it has no pre-release version.


// true
new Semver("1.2.3").isStable(); // major is > 0 and has no pre-release version
new Semver("1.2.3+sHa.0nSFGKjkjsdf").isStable(); // major is > 0 and has only build metadata without pre-release version

// false
new Semver("0.1.2").isStable()); // major is < 1
new Semver("0.1.2+sHa.0nSFGKjkjsdf").isStable(); // major is < 1
new Semver("1.2.3-BETA.11+sHa.0nSFGKjkjsdf").isStable(); // major is > 0 but has pre-release version BETA.11

Comparing the versions

  • isGreaterThan() returns true if the version is strictly greater than the other one.
Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3");
version.isGreaterThan("1.2.2"); // true
version.isGreaterThan("1.2.4"); // false
version.isGreaterThan("1.2.3"); // false
  • isLowerThan() returns true if the version is strictly lower than the other one.
Semver version = new versionver("1.2.3");
version.isLowerThan("1.2.2"); // false
version.isLowerThan("1.2.4"); // true
version.isLowerThan("1.2.3"); // false
  • isEqualTo() returns true if the versions are exactly the same.
Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3+sha123456789");
version.isEqualTo("1.2.3+sha123456789"); // true
version.isEqualTo("1.2.3+shaABCDEFGHI"); // false
  • isEquivalentTo() returns true if the versions are the same (does not take the build metadata into account).
Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3+sha123456789");
version.isEquivalentTo("1.2.3+sha123456789"); // true
version.isEquivalentTo("1.2.3+shaABCDEFGHI"); // true

Versions diffs

If you want to know what is the main difference between 2 versions, use the diff() method. It will return a VersionDiff enum value among: NONE, MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH, PRE_RELEASE, BUILD.

It will always return the biggest difference.

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87");
version.diff("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87"); // NONE
version.diff("2.3.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // MAJOR
version.diff("1.3.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // MINOR
version.diff("1.2.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // PATCH
version.diff("1.2.3-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // PRE_RELEASE
version.diff("1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987");  // BUILD



If you want to check if a version satisfies a range, use the satisfies() method.

Semver4j can interpret the following range implementations:


The internal ranges builds ranges using fluent interface.

RangesExpression rangesExpression = equal("1.0.0")
        .or(greaterOrEqual("3.0.0")); // (=1.0.0 and <2.0.0) or >=3.0.0

Modifying the version

The Semver object is immutable. However, it provides a set of methods that will help you create new versions:

  • withIncMajor() and withIncMajor(int increment) returns a Semver object with the major part incremented
  • withIncMinor() and withIncMinor(int increment) returns a Semver object with the minor part incremented
  • withIncPatch() and withIncPatch(int increment) returns a Semver object with the patch part incremented
  • withClearedPreRelease() returns a Semver object with no pre-release version
  • withClearedBuild() returns a Semver object with no build metadata

You can also use built-in versioning methods such as:

  • nextMajor(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 2.0.0
  • nextMinor(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.3.0
  • nextPatch(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.2.4


Semver4j provides an API for programmatically creating Semver object.

The newly introduced API looks like:

Semver semver = Semver.of()

And is an equivalent of:

Semver semver = new Semver("1.2.0+5bb76cdb");


Sometimes you want to format Semver using custom formatters. You can do this using a format(Function<Semver, String> formatter) method from the Semver class:

Semver semver = new Semver("1.2.3-alpha.1+sha.1234");
String customVersion = semver.format(sem -> format("%d:%d:%d", sem.getMajor(), sem.getMinor(), sem.getPatch())); // 1:2:2

There is also a method in the SemverBuilder called toVersion(Function<Semver, String> formatter) which behaves exactly the same.


Any pull request or bug report are welcome! If you have any suggestion about new features, you can open an issue.


Logo created by Tomek Babik @tomekbbk.