Small Size Dockerized Nginx + PHP-FPM7, with Alpine Linux as base image.
- Best for development use
- Small Size
- Optimized nginx and php-fpm7 configuration (based from my experience)
- opcache enabled
- Can passing custom build argument SERVER_NAME for nginx configuration (default to web.local)
- Can passing custom build argument error_reporting for php.ini configuration (default to E_ALL)
Pull alpine:edge image with this command:
$ docker pull alpine:edge
[Optional] If you want to use database (I prefer mariadb), then pull also the mariadb:latest image with this command:
$ docker pull mariadb:latest
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
Inside folder repo, run this command to build the image:
$ docker build -t whatever-name-tag-you-want .
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
Inside folder repo, run this command to build the image with custom argument:
$ docker build -t whatever-name-tag-you-want --build-arg SERVER_NAME=yourdomain.local .
In this case, we passing the SERVER_NAME argument and set it to yourdomain.local . Beside SERVER_NAME, there is also another argument that you can passing out to the images. You can check it at the Features line above.
After the build is finished, you may want to check it first to make sure the image is successfully created with this command:
$ docker images
The output from above command should be like this (in this case I passed rasyid-php7 as the name/tag of the image):
docker-p7fpm-ng (master) $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE rasyid-php7 latest 1f4aeecbca82 15 hours ago 38.41 MB
To run the image, run this command:
$ docker run -d --name php7-webserver -v /home/your-username/your-php-project:/var/www/localhost/htdocs -ti the-name-of-the-image
The flag -v above, means that we set mount the host folder /home/your-username/your-php-project, to the docker container folder at /var/www/localhost/htdocs, which is the webroot
To access the webroot from docker host, you need to find out what the ip address of the container first. To do this, run this command:
$ docker inspect php7-webserver | grep IPAddress
Access the ipaddress from your web browser
The default server_name is web.local (if you not passing any parameters when build the image), you may want to set your /etc/hosts to pointing the ip address of docker container to that server_name
Good question. For this case, you need to make sure you've already pulled the mariadb:latest image as suggested on the Features above. Then run the mariadb images with this command:
$ docker run --name some-mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mariadb:latest
For another environment values that can be passed when running the mariadb image, you can check on their docker hub page.
After that, to linked your php7-webserver container with the mariadb container, we need to run our php7-webserver container with this command (make sure you're not having any container running except the mariadb container):
$ docker run --name php7-webserver --link some-mariadb:mysql -d the-name-of-the-image