- code cleanup (8b359869)
- 依赖项: bump io.freefair.lombok from to 8.4 (0978216d)
- 依赖项: bump team.yi.semantic-gitlog from 0.5.17 to 0.6.5 (a8cbca88)
- 依赖项: bump commons-lang3 from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0 (1069b4a8)
- 依赖项: bump slf4j from 2.0.7 to 2.0.11 (94e09520)
- 依赖项: bump junit-jupiter from 5.9.3 to 5.10.1 (83b1a8dc)
- gradle: bumped gradle version from 6.6.1 to 8.5 (da554927)
- gradle: remove plugin
(1b44b954) - gradle: remove plugin
- code cleanup (fd0a4bbd)
- 依赖项: bump io.freefair.lombok from 5.2.1 to (f51c227c)
- 依赖项: bump commons-lang3 from 3.11 to 3.12.0 (d33b2af0)
- 依赖项: bump junit-jupiter from 5.7.0 to 5.9.3 (8734ef97)
- 依赖项: bump team.yi.semantic-gitlog from 0.5.13 to 0.5.17 (42554c02)
- 依赖项: bump slf4j from 1.7.30 to 2.0.7 (3aa43ad6)
- editorconfig: update .editorconfig, disable .mustache file indent (255fe7a2)
- code cleanup (c811e0d5)
- 配置: 从 CHANGELOG 模板中移除 'Unreleased' 标记 (83c2bf08)
- 配置: update gitlog config (d73a4c2c)
- 依赖项: bump team.yi.semantic-gitlog from to 0.5.3 (cc0e8280)
- 依赖项: bump io.freefair.lombok from 4.1.6 to 5.1.0 (c4e758a9)
- 依赖项: bump junit-jupiter from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2 (3cd77120)
- 依赖项: bump commons-lang3 from 3.9 to 3.11 (cde1677e)
- 依赖项: bump gradle-wrapper from 6.3 to 6.5.1 (bc21b274)
- 依赖项: bump team.yi.semantic-gitlog from 0.5.3 to 0.5.13 (fe16f20c)
- 依赖项: bump io.freefair.lombok from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1 (ecec3482)
- 依赖项: bump junit-jupiter from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0 (52645c6f)
- 依赖项: bump checkstyle from 8.30 to 8.36.1 (4c8ac635)
- 依赖项: bump pmd from 6.22.0 to 6.27.0 (b01c82ff)
- gradle: bumped gradle version from 6.5.1 to 6.6.1 (dea20fc1)
- github: add github workflows (081d3924)
- github: update github workflows (196067ab)
- travis: delete git pushback (ae49953b)