The Simple E-Learning Language (=: SELL) is an open standard for mathematical e-learning questions with the following objectives:
- Simple syntax: No unneeded overhead. Defining a task/question should be similar to describe the task/question on a blackboard.
- Expressive language: Programs are short and concise such that the semantics can be grasped quickly. Irrelevant detail is avoided.
- Reuse of established standards: We inherit AsciiMath for mathematical expressions and Markdown for text formatting.
Project website:
Project maintainer: Andreas Schwenk / TH Köln.
SELL is a domain-specific language (DSL). Visit the official website for detailed information.
The following example demonstrates a question written in SELL.
Matrix Operations
a := { 1, 2, 3 }
A, C in MM( 2 x 1 | a )
B in MM( 2 x 2 | a )
D := (A + B^T * C)^T
Please calculate:
* $ (A + B^T * C)^T = #D $
You'll find a set of working examples (in the German language) here.
The corresponding SELL-code can be found in this repository in directory /examples/
(work in progress. Please come back later)
(work in progress. Please come back later)
- Run
to install Node.js dependencies and check for other dependencies. - Run
to build SELL. - Open
for a demonstration of the high-level API in the browser. - Open
for a demonstration of the low-level API in the browser. - You'll find a demonstration of the low-level API for Node.js in file
(We provide a VS Code launch configuration in .code/launch.json
- For debugging, you may use
(a launch configuration for VS Code is available). This file parses imported SELL-questions with Node.js and writes alsotest-sell.html
, which can be tested in a web browser. Refer to the information in the terminal output.
▸ autoCreateQuiz(sellCode
, htmlDivElement
): boolean
Creates a quiz including HTML control elements. This function can be used for a trivial integration of a stand-alone SELL quiz into a website. WARNING: do not mix using this high-level function and low-level functions.
Name | Type | Description |
sellCode |
string |
SELL source code of one or multiple questions (divided by a line equal to %%%) |
htmlDivElement |
HTMLElement |
HTML element that will contain all questions. |
▸ autoEvaluateQuiz(questionID
, htmlQuestionElementID
): boolean
Evaluates a quiz that has been created by autoCreateQuiz(..). This function is called automatically.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
htmlQuestionElementID |
string |
Identifier of the (global) HTML element that contains all questions. |
▸ backupQuestion(questionID
): string
Creates a backup of a question which includes internal states (for example random variables).
Stringified JSON object of the question state or null in case that an error occourred.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
▸ createQuestion(sellCode
): number
Creates a new question.
Name | Type | Description |
sellCode |
string |
SELL source code of a single question. |
Question index or -1 in case of errors.
▸ createQuestionFromBackup(questionBackupStr
): number
Creates a new question from a question backup (refer to function backupQuestion(..)).
Name | Type |
questionBackupStr |
string |
Question index or -1 in case of errors.
▸ disableInputFields(questionID
): boolean
Disables all input field HTML elements for editing.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
▸ enableInputFields(questionID
): boolean
Enables all input field HTML elements for editing.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
▸ evaluateQuestion(questionID
): boolean
Evaluates the student answers of a question. This function does NOT read and write HTML elements. Also refer to functions "readStudentAnswersFromHtmlElements" and "writeFeedbackToHtmlElements".
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
▸ getErrorLog(): string
Gets the error log for the last created question.
Error log.
▸ getFeedbackText(questionID
): string
Gets the feedback text of an already evaluated question.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question Index. |
▸ getQuestionBody(questionID
): string
Gets the question body.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
Body as HTML code or an empty string, if the question does not exist.
▸ getQuestionInputFields(questionID
): [{ [id: string]: string
; }]
Gets the input fields of a question. *
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
[{ [id: string]: string
; }]
Array of dictionaries with entries "element_id" for the HTML element identifier, "element_type" for the HTML element type (refer to enum SellInputElementType in file quiz.js) and "solution_variable_id" the identifier of the corresponding soluion variable.
▸ getQuestionTitle(questionID
): string
Gets the question title.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
Title as HTML code or an empty string, if the question does not exist.
▸ getScore(questionID
): number
Gets the evaluation score of an already evaluted question.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question Index. |
Score in range [0, 1]
▸ readStudentAnswersFromHtmlElements(questionID
): boolean
Reads student answers from HTML elements. Also refer to functions "evaluateQuestion" and "writeFeedbackToHtmlElements".
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
▸ refreshMatrixDimensions(questionID
, matrixId
, deltaRows
, deltaCols
): boolean
Updates the number of rows and columns of a matrix input. Thes function is mainly called internally.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
matrixId |
string |
- |
deltaRows |
number |
Number of rows added (subtracted). |
deltaCols |
number |
Number of columns added (subtracted). |
▸ refreshQuestion(questionID
): boolean
Refreshes the HTML elements of a questions. This is mainly required for matrices that can be resized by students. This function is mainly called internally.
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
▸ reset(): void
Remove all questions.
▸ setGenerateInputFieldHtmlCode(enable?
): void
Enables (or disables) the generation of HTML code for input and feedback element.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
enable |
boolean |
true |
If false, then getQuestionBody() returns HTML code that includes only placeholders for input and feedback fields. Placeholders have the form '$$ID', where ID can be obtained by calling getQuestionInputFields(). |
▸ setLanguage(langID
): void
Sets the language for text outputs. Default is "en" := English.
Name | Type | Description |
langID |
string |
Language identifier (one of {"en", "de"}). |
▸ setQuestionHtmlElement(questionID
, element
): boolean
Sets the HTML element that contains the question body (Alternatively, the element can also be a parent element of the question body). This function must be called once before calling "readStudentAnswersFromHtmlElements" or "writeFeedbackToHtmlElements".
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
element |
HTMLElement |
HTML element that contains the question body. |
▸ setStudentAnswerManually(questionID
, solutionVariableID
, answerStr
): boolean
Sets a student answer string manually. Also refer to functions "getInputElements" and "backupQuestion"
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
solutionVariableID |
string |
- |
answerStr |
string |
Answer string in ASCII-math encoding (e.g. "a+bi" for complex numbers, "[a,b,c]" for vectors, "[[a,b],[c,d]]" for matrices). |
▸ writeFeedbackToHtmlElements(questionID
): boolean
Writes feedback to HTML elements. Also refer to functions "evaluateQuestion" and "readStudentAnswersFromHtmlElements".
Name | Type | Description |
questionID |
number |
Question index. |
sell =
title { code | text };
code =
"§CODE_START" { (code_prop | code_hint | assign) "\n" } "§CODE_END";
code_prop =
"input" ("rows"|"cols") ":=" ("resizeable"|"static");
code_hint =
"?" text;
assign =
ID {"," ID} (":="|"=") expr
| ID {"," ID} "in" (matrix_def | set | expr)
| ID "[" expr "," expr "]" (":="|"=") expr
| ID "[" expr "," expr "]" "in" (matrix_def | set | expr)
| ID "(" ID {"," ID} ")" (":="|"=") symbolic_term;
expr =
or =
and [ "or" and ];
and =
equal [ "and" equal ];
equal =
compare [ ("=="|"!=") compare ];
compare =
add [ ("<="|"<"|">="|">") add ];
add =
mul { ("+"|"-") mul };
mul =
pow { ("*"|"/"|"mod") pow };
pow =
unary { ("^") unary };
unary = (
"-" unary;
| "true" | "false"
| "not" unary
| "i" | "j" | "T"
| function_call
| ID
| "..."
| matrix
| "(" expr ")"
) [ factorial ];
matrix =
"[" "[" expr {"," expr} "]" { "," "[" expr {"," expr} "]" } "]";
function_call =
|"atan"|"norm2"|"dot"|"cross"|"linsolve"| "is_zero")
ID "(" [ expr {"," expr} ] ")";
factorial =
matrix_def =
"MM" "(" expr "x" expr "|" expr [ {"," ("invertible"|"symmetric")} ] ")";
set =
"{" [ expr { "," expr } ] "}";
symbolic_term =
symbolic_term_expr =
symbolic_term_add =
symbolic_term_mul { ("+"|"-") symbolic_term_mul };
symbolic_term_mul =
symbolic_term_pow { ("*"|"/") symbolic_term_pow };
symbolic_term_pow =
symbolic_term_unary { "^" symbolic_term_unary };
symbolic_term_unary =
"(" symbolic_term_expr ")"
| INT ["!"]
| ("exp"|"sin"|"cos") "(" symbolic_term_expr ")"
| "diff" "(" symbolic_term_expr "," ID ")"
| ID
| ID "(" [ expr { "," epxr } ] ")"
| "-" symbolic_term_pow;
title =
{ ID | "#" ID | MISC } "\n";
text =
{ single_multiple_choice | itemize | inline_listing | listing
| inline_math | im_input | ID | MISC };
itemize =
single_multiple_choice =
"(" ("x"|expr) ")"
| "[" ("x"|expr) "]";
inline_listing =
"`" { MISC } "`";
listing =
"```" { MISC } "```";
inline_math =
"$" { im_expr } "$";
im_expr = /*similar to ASCII math*/
im_list =
im_assign { (","|":"|"->"|"|->") } im_assign;
im_assign =
im_other_binary_op "=" im_other_binary_op;
im_other_binary_op =
im_relational { ("in"|"notin"|"uu"|"^^"|"vv"|"@") } im_relational;
im_relational =
im_add { ("<"|"<="|">"|">="|"!=") im_add };
im_add =
im_mul { ("+"|"-") im_mul };
im_mul =
im_pow { ("*"|"/") im_pow };
im_pow =
im_unary { "^" im_unary };
im_unary = (
| "text" "(" { MISC } ")"
| "augmented" "(" ID "|" ID ")"
| ("sum"|"prod"|"lim"|"int") [ "_" expr ] [ "^" expr ]
| "RR" | "ZZ" | "QQ" | "CC"
| "oo" | "infty"
| "equiv" | "mod"
| "EE" | "AA"
| "dx" | "dy" | "dz"
| "bar" im_unary
| "-" unary
| " "
| ID
| ID "[" (INT|":") "," (INT|":") "]"
| "\"" ID "\""
| "(" im_expr ")"
| "{" { im_expr } "}"
| "|"
| "\"
| "\\"
| "..."
| im_matrix
) [ "!" | {"'"} ];
im_matrix =
"[" "[" im_expr {"," im_expr} "]"
{ "," "[" im_expr {"," im_expr} "]" } "]";
| "(" "(" im_expr {"," im_expr} "]"
{ "," "[" im_expr {"," im_expr} ")" } ")";
im_input =
"#" [ "[" "diff" ID "]" ] (
| "\"" (ID|INT) { "|" (ID|INT) } "\"" /* gap question text */