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preprocess for RTM
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Haipeng Li committed Aug 18, 2022
1 parent b0cf752 commit c955724
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Showing 11 changed files with 370 additions and 36 deletions.
Binary file modified .DS_Store
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion toolbox/
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Expand Up @@ -318,7 +318,10 @@ def __screenprint(self):

# pick and mute
if self.mute_late_arrival:
print('Data processing : time window, %.2f s after the first break' % self.mute_late_window)
if self.mute_late_window > 0:
print('Data processing : time window, %.2f s after the first break' % self.mute_late_window)
print('Data processing : time window, %.2f s mute first arrivals for RTM' % abs(self.mute_late_window))
print('Data processing : no time window')

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221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/
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@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
# SWIT: Seismic Waveform Inversion Toolbox
# by Haipeng Li at USTC,
# June, 2021
# Field data module

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import numpy as np
import obspy

from plot import plot_wavelet
from tools import array2su, get_offset, get_su_parameter, loadsu, savesu, smooth1d, su2array

def load_field_data(simu, data_list, x_beg, x_end):
''' Load field data (pre-processed), vertical geophone

nproc = np.min((simu.system.mpiproc, cpu_count()//2))
homepath = simu.system.homepath

# get prepared
srcn = len(data_list)
dt = simu.model.dt
nt = simu.model.nt

print('Field data: loading data and adjusting to current acquisition')

pool = Pool(nproc)
receiver_range = [pool.apply_async(load_field_data_serial, (homepath, data_list[isrc], isrc, x_beg, x_end, dt, nt, )) for isrc in range(srcn)]
receiver_range = np.array([p.get() for p in receiver_range])


simu.receiver.rec_beg = receiver_range[:,0]
simu.receiver.rec_end = receiver_range[:,1]

print('Field data: %d shotgathers in total' %(srcn))
print('Field data: %d time steps, %.2f ms samping interval\n'%(nt, dt*1000))

def load_field_data_serial(homepath, loadfile, isrc, x_beg, x_end, dt, nt):

# set path
savefile = homepath + 'data/obs/' %(isrc + 1)

# load data
trace = loadsu(loadfile)
_, _, dt_data = get_su_parameter(trace)

# select traces in calculate domain
trace = obspy.Stream(traces = [tr for tr in trace
if - x_beg >= 0.0
and - x_end <= 0.0])

# modify header to adjust to current acquisition geometry and for obspy plotting
for tr in trace: = int( - x_beg) = int( - x_beg)
tr.stats.distance = -

# interpolate if necessary
if dt_data != dt:
for tr in trace:

# ensure the same time steps
for tr in trace:
t0 = tr.stats.starttime
tr.trim(starttime=t0, endtime=t0 + dt*(nt-1), pad=True, nearest_sample=True, fill_value=0.0)

# save file to the working folder
savesu(savefile, trace)

# record the receiver range
x0 = trace[ 0]
x1 = trace[-1]

return np.array([x0, x1])

def source_wavelet_process(stf, stf_dt=0.001, use_dt = 0.001, use_nt=4001, shift = 0.0, lowpass = 0, highpass = 50, taper_beg=0.005):
''' source wavelet process
# convert to su
stf = array2su(1, stf_dt, stf)
t0 = stf[0].stats.starttime
# filter
if lowpass == 0:
stf.filter('lowpass', freq=highpass)#, corners=4, zerophase=True)
elif 0 < lowpass < highpass:
stf.filter('bandpass', freqmin=lowpass, freqmax=highpass)#, corners=4, zerophase=True)
stf.trim(starttime=t0, endtime=t0 + use_dt*(use_nt-1),
pad=True, nearest_sample=True, fill_value=0.)
stf[0].data[:] = smooth1d(stf[0].data[:], span = 5)
# apply shift
if shift > 0:
shift = int(shift//use_dt)
stf[0].data[0:-1-shift] = stf[0].data[shift:-1]

stf.taper(taper_beg, type='hann', side='left')

stf = stf[0].data[:]
if stf.size != use_nt:
ValueError('wrong size of the source wavelet')

return stf

def source_inversion(simu, inv_offset=10000):
''' source signature inversion by (Parrat, 1999)
# get prepared
homepath = simu.system.homepath
stf_now = simu.source.wavelet
srcx =[:,0]
recx =[:,:,0]
srcn = simu.source.n
dt = simu.model.dt

stf_inv = np.zeros_like(stf_now)

for isrc in range(srcn):

# load data and set offset
obs = loadsu(homepath + 'data/obs/'%(isrc+1))
syn = loadsu(homepath + 'data/syn/'%(isrc+1))
if not np.array_equal(get_offset(obs), get_offset(syn)):
raise ValueError("offset not consistant.")
offset = get_offset(syn)
obs = su2array(obs)
syn = su2array(syn)

# select data for source inversion
rec_used = np.argwhere(abs(offset) < inv_offset)
n1 = int(rec_used[0])
n2 = int(rec_used[-1])
data_obs = np.squeeze(obs[n1:n2, :]).T
data_syn = np.squeeze(syn[n1:n2, :]).T
Do = np.fft.fft(data_obs, axis=0) # frequency domain
Dm = np.fft.fft(data_syn, axis=0) # frequency domain

# current source wavelet
src = np.squeeze(stf_now[isrc, :])
S = np.fft.fft(np.squeeze(src), axis=0) # frequency domain

# check
if abs(np.sum(Dm * np.conj(Dm))) == 0:
raise ValueError("No trace for source inversion, check for the reason.")

# source inversion
A = np.sum(np.conj(Dm)*Do, axis=1) / np.sum(Dm * np.conj(Dm), axis=1)
temp = np.real(np.fft.ifft(A*S[:]))
temp = temp / np.max(abs(temp))
stf_inv[isrc, :] = temp

# process the source wavelet
stf_now = convert_wavelet_su(dt, stf_now, srcx)
stf_inv = convert_wavelet_su(dt, stf_inv, srcx)

# save source wavelet plots
plot_wavelet(simu, stf_now, 'stf_now', scale=1.0, color='k', plot_dx=5000, t_end = 1.0)
plot_wavelet(simu, stf_inv, 'stf_inv', scale=1.0, color='r', plot_dx=5000, t_end = 1.0)

# save source wavelet data
np.savetxt(homepath+'outputs/stf_now.dat', su2array(stf_now))
np.savetxt(homepath+'outputs/stf_inv.dat', su2array(stf_inv))

print('Source inversion finished\n')

def set_frequency_band(zmax, hmax, f_begin, band_num):
''' Multi-scale implemation based on Boonyasiriwat et al, 2009.
f(n+1) = f(n) / alpha_min, where
alpha_min = z/sqrt( h**2 + z**2), and
z is maximum depth to be imaged, and
h is maximum half-offset.

alpha_min = zmax / np.sqrt(zmax**2 + hmax**2)
fre_band = np.zeros(band_num)
fre_band[0] = f_begin
for iband in range(band_num):
if iband > 0:
fre_band[iband] = fre_band[iband-1] / alpha_min

# set two decimal
fre_band = np.around(fre_band, decimals=2)

return fre_band

def convert_wavelet_su(dt, wavelet, srcx):
''' Convert wavelet array to the SU streame
srcn = np.size(wavelet, 0)

wavelet_su = array2su(srcn, dt, wavelet)

ishot = 0
for iwvlt in wavelet_su:
iwvlt.stats.distance = srcx[ishot]

return wavelet_su
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions toolbox/
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Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ def inversion(simu, optim, inv_model):
# synthetic data from the current model
forward(simu, simu_type='syn', savesnap=1)

plot_trace(simu, 'syn', simu_type='syn', suffix='', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale = 0.8, color='b')
plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc', simu_type='syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale = 0.8, color='b')
# plot_trace(simu, 'syn', simu_type='syn', suffix='', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale = 0.8, color='b')
# plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc', simu_type='syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale = 0.8, color='b')

# process the synthetic data
process_workflow(simu, optim, simu_type='syn')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,15 +97,10 @@ def rtm(simu, optim, inv_model):
# synthetic data from the current model
forward(simu, simu_type='syn', savesnap=1)

plot_trace(simu, 'syn', simu_type='syn', suffix='', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale = 0.8, color='b')
plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc', simu_type='syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale = 0.8, color='b')

# process the synthetic data
process_workflow(simu, optim, simu_type='syn')

# compute the RTM image
inv_scheme['g_now'] = adjoint(simu, optim)

# plot and save
plot_rtm(simu, optim, inv_scheme)

print('\n----------- RTM end -----------\n')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,7 +280,7 @@ def backtrack(simu, optim, inv_scheme):
ftol = 1e-4 # control the accuracy of the line search routine
wolfe = 0.9 # coefficient for the Wolfe condition
search_max = 6 # line search max iteration
vmax_thresh = 200 # when direction is too large
vmax_thresh = 300 # when direction is too large
vmin_thresh = 20 # when direction is too small

# get parameters
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Expand Up @@ -94,10 +94,13 @@ def adjoint_source_serial(homepath, isrc, misfit_type):

obs = loadsu(homepath + 'data/obs/'%(isrc+1))
syn = loadsu(homepath + 'data/syn/'%(isrc+1))

if get_su_parameter(obs) != get_su_parameter(syn):
raise ValueError('obs and syn are not consistent.')
# we do not use syn data in RTM
if misfit_type.lower() not in ['rtm']:
syn = loadsu(homepath + 'data/syn/'%(isrc+1))

if get_su_parameter(obs) != get_su_parameter(syn):
raise ValueError('obs and syn are not consistent.')

# Waveform difference L2-norm (Tarantola, 1984)
if misfit_type.lower() in ['waveform']:
Expand All @@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ def adjoint_source_serial(homepath, isrc, misfit_type):

# Reverse Time Migration
elif misfit_type.lower() in ['rtm']:
adj = adjoint_source_rtm(obs, syn)
adj = adjoint_source_rtm(obs)

return adj

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ def adjoint_source_global_correlation(obs, syn):

def adjoint_source_rtm(obs, syn):
def adjoint_source_rtm(obs):
''' Reverse Time Migration
# parameters
Expand All @@ -250,6 +253,10 @@ def adjoint_source_rtm(obs, syn):
for irec in range(recn):
adj[irec,:] = obs[irec].data

# # differentiate the seismic trace twice
# adj[irec,:] = np.diff(adj[irec,:], prepend = adj[irec,0])
# adj[irec,:] = np.diff(adj[irec,:], prepend = adj[irec,0])

return adj

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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool

from tools import loadsu, add_su_header, convert_wavelet_su
from tools import loadsu, add_su_header, convert_wavelet_su, savebinfloat32

### Plot acquisition geometry
def plot_geometry(simu):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,12 +251,12 @@ def plot_inv_scheme(simu, optim, inv_scheme):
plot_model2D(simu, dire.reshape(nx, nz).T, -dirc_caxis, dirc_caxis, 'dire-%03d' % it, colormap = 'seismic')

if optim.iter == 1 :
plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc-initial-model', simu_type = 'syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale=0.8, color='r')
plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc-initial', simu_type = 'syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale=0.8, color='r')
elif optim.iter == optim.maxiter:
data_misfit = np.loadtxt('./outputs/misfit_data.dat')
data_misfit = data_misfit / data_misfit[0]
plot_misfit(simu, data_misfit, 'data')
plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc-final-model', simu_type = 'syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale=0.8, color='b')
plot_trace(simu, 'syn-proc-final', simu_type = 'syn', suffix='_proc', src_space=1, trace_space=5, scale=0.8, color='b')

Expand All @@ -277,6 +277,9 @@ def plot_rtm(simu, optim, inv_scheme):

plot_model2D(simu, grad.reshape(nx, nz).T, -grad_caxis, grad_caxis, 'RTM-image', colormap = 'gray')

# save RTM image
savebinfloat32(simu.system.homepath + 'outputs/gradient/RTM-image.bin', inv_scheme['g_now'])

def my_seismic_cmap():
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