This Chrome app allows you to stream FM4 media to your chromecast.
Update [08.10.2019] Convert sender to PWA
Update [04.11.2018] Published first public accessible version.
Update [02.11.2018] Tabula rasa - Rewriting the code for the CAF Receiver.
Just open with Chrome and select your casting device.
Playback of the livestream
Similar UI as the official Radio FM4 online player
Timeline rendering
- Past, current and scheduled tracks
- Supported types: Music, News, live sessions(?)
- Timeline scrolling
Show information
Album artwork
Tested devices
- Chromcast (v1)
- Chromcast Audio
- Google Home Mini
Please feel free to submit feedback, bug reports or pull requests
- Improve reloading of tracklist/timeline data
- Support more types of BroadcastItem
- Cleanup CSS / DOM
- Cleanup JS / d3 rendering code
The current versions of the FM4 webpage and Android/iOS apps do not support casting. This webpace/receiver only uses the public available content to fill this gap.
Copyright 2013,2018 Sebastian Haas (
Released under the MIT license
@RadioFM4, feel free to use some of this code and make it an official feature.