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@seek-oss-ci seek-oss-ci released this 01 Oct 05:49
· 96 commits to main since this release

skuba 9 is a reasonably large release but it shouldn't be too much trouble to upgrade.

The main changes are:

  • ESLint 9 and flat config migration (where skuba format should handle most of the work)
  • Swapping out ts-node for tsx
  • Some fixes in Buildkite & Docker files

Read the full changelog:

Major Changes

  • deps: ESLint 9 + typescript-eslint 8 (#1537)

    This major upgrade bundles the following changes:

    • Migration to flat config format

      skuba format will attempt to migrate your existing .eslintignore and .eslintrc.js files to a flat eslint.config.js file.

      See the migration guide for more information.

    • Some lint rules have been changed or renamed

      You will likely need to manually review and adjust your code after running skuba lint.

    • eslint-plugin-import has been replaced with eslint-plugin-import-x

      To migrate, replace references to eslint-plugin-import with eslint-plugin-import-x, and import/ rules with import-x/.

    Wider changes may be necessary if your project has a custom ESLint configuration. Refer to the following resources to get started:

  • node, start: Replace ts-node with tsx (#1623)

    skuba node and skuba start now use tsx instead of ts-node to execute TypeScript files.

    tsx improves support for ESM features like dynamic import()s. However, if you use its REPL by running skuba node without any arguments, there are a couple regressions to note:

    • Static import declarations are no longer supported. Use require and await import() instead.
    • Pasting code into the editor may be more finicky by default. Consider using .editor mode.

    skuba node <file> and skuba start should continue to work as expected, but we have marked this as a major upgrade as it is difficult to comprehensively test every scenario. We strongly recommend to manually verify usage of skuba node and skuba start when you upgrade.

Minor Changes

  • format, lint: Point Docker base images to AWS ECR Public and remove constant --platform arguments (#1684)

    This updates references to node: or python: Docker images in your Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml files to point to AWS ECR Public to avoid Docker Hub rate limiting. It also removes constant --platform arguments from Dockerfiles.

    - FROM --platform=arm64 node:20-alpine AS dev-deps
    + FROM AS dev-deps

    Your Dockerfiles may not be set up to build multi-platform images, so keep in mind that building them locally on an Intel x86 laptop may not yield images that can execute on AWS Graviton instances.

  • format, lint: Remove obsolete version field from docker-compose.yml files (#1638)

  • format, lint, template: Mount Buildkite .npmrc in /tmp/ rather than <workdir>/tmp/ (#1693)

    This avoids accidental inclusion in Git commits or published artifacts, as per the original intent of this handling.

    - secrets: id=npm,src=tmp/.npmrc
    + secrets: id=npm,src=/tmp/.npmrc
    - output-path: tmp/
    + output-path: /tmp/
  • deps: TypeScript 5.6 (#1655)

    This major release includes breaking changes. See the TypeScript 5.6 announcement for more information.

  • format, lint: Fix duplicated YAML merge keys in .buildkite/ pipelines (#1537)

    - - <<: *deploy
    -   <<: *docker
    + - <<: [*deploy, *docker]
        label: stuff

    This change supports standardised YAML parsing across tools such as ESLint; it should not functionally alter the behaviour of your build pipeline.

    The bundled patch is fairly conservative and will not attempt to migrate more complex scenarios, such as where there are other keys between the merge keys. Take care with preserving the order of merge keys when manually updating other occurrences.

    - - <<: *deploy
    + - <<: [*deploy, *docker]
        label: stuff
    -   <<: *docker
  • format, lint: Remove logic to skip autofixing Renovate branches when there is no open pull request (#1687)

    Previously, this was put in place to prevent an issue where a Renovate branch could get stuck in an Edited/Blocked state without a pull request being raised.

    skuba's default autofix commits are now ignored in our recommended Renovate configuration.

Patch Changes

  • template/koa-rest-api: Switch from koa-bodyparser to @koa/bodyparser (#1605)

  • template/koa-rest-api: Enable secure headers middleware by default (#1601)

    See the Koala documentation for more information.

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Comply with AWS tagging guidance (#1643)

  • api: Truncate Buildkite annotations over 1 MiB to resolve buildkite-agent crash (#1645)

  • deps: validate-npm-package-name ^6.0.0 (#1682)

  • deps: normalize-package-data ^7.0.0 (#1681)

  • deps: esbuild ~0.24.0 (#1671)

  • deps: concurrently ^9.0.0 (#1666)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Replace custom hooks with @seek/aws-codedeploy-infra (#1644)

  • template: Point Docker base images to AWS ECR Public and remove constant --platform arguments (#1684)