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Cookiecutter template for generating fully tested Python scripting projects


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Cookiecutter PyScript

Cookiecutter PyScript (cc-pyscript) is a Cookiecutter template for generating fully tested Python scripting projects.

This Cookiecutter template allows for the creation of a fully tested Python scripting project. The benefits of this Cookiecutter template include:

  • Scripts can be executed as standalone .py script files OR directly from the command-line entry-point as part of an installable Python application.
  • Finished scripts can be made as portable as you like, but can also benefit from the added assurances of full unit-testing and test-matrix coverage using Tox and continuous integration services such as GitHub Actions (optional).
  • If your project grows in complexity such that it needs to be reconfigured into a fully-featured Python library, minimal work is needed because the majority of the Python scaffolding needed to make that conversion is already implemented as part of the project.
  • Conventions and best practices implemented using this template create a sense of consistency, making it easier for yourself and others to interpret and extend your code for any new project.

To review a sample repository rendered using this cc-pyscript Cookiecutter template, please see:

Below is a high level overview of the resulting directory structure when you generate a cc-pyscript project template.

{{ repo_name }}

 β”œβ”€ src/               <- Python source code for your project
 β”‚ └─ {{ package_name }}/       <- Default module containing your
 β”‚   β”‚                             script(s)
 β”‚   β”œβ”€             <- Makes this directory a module
 β”‚   └─ {{ script_name }}.py    <- The initial script saved to
 β”‚                                 this project
 β”œβ”€ tests/             <- Unit tests for your script(s)
 β”‚ └─ test_{{ script_name }}.py <- Default tests for script
 β”œβ”€ .github/           <- GitHub actions CI workflows (optional)
 β”‚ └─ workflows                 <- Workflows directory
 β”‚   └─ ci-test-matrix.yml      <- CI tests (runs tox matrix)
 β”œβ”€ docs/              <- A default Sphinx project for generating
 β”‚ └─ ...                 documentation (if required)
 β”œβ”€ .env               <- Sets project-specific environment
 β”‚                        variables such as credentials that you
 β”‚                        do not want committed to Git history
 β”œβ”€ .gitignore         <- Specified files to ignore from Git
 β”œβ”€ CHANGLOG.rst       <- Documents version-by-version changes
 β”œβ”€ LICENSE            <- Project license (included if open source)
 β”œβ”€ Pipfile            <- Requirements file for reproducing your
 β”‚                        project environment using the Pipenv
 β”‚                        package manager
 β”‚                        (see
 β”œβ”€ README.rst         <- The top-level README for developers
 β”œβ”€           <- Setup script for the project using
 β”‚                        setuptools
 β”œβ”€ setup.cfg          <- Contains default options for development
 β”‚                        tools (i.e. flake8, isort, pytest, etc.)
 └─ tox.ini            <- Default tox-automated test configuration

Of primary importance to me while designing the cc-pyscript template was the ability to write fully-tested Python scripts while retaining the ability to BOTH:

  1. Run those scripts as individual .py files, independent of the overarching project repository;
  2. Run those scripts as a suite of command-line applications, directly from CLI entry-points if so desired.

Also, of importance was to have the code packaged within a standardized Python application, easily extensible should the project grow in size and complexity.

While I have attempted to embed Python best practices and standards into the design of this template, best practices and standards change over time. What's more, this template is designed to formalize the workflows (see Getting started) and leverage the tools (see Features) that work best for me across a wide range of projects. If you choose to adopt this template for your own use, you may find these workflows and tools do not work for you without making some changes yourself. For that reason, please feel free to fork and modify your own version of this project.

Inspiration and sources

When I started building this project, I took note of the workflows and design decisions I began repeating across a number of my Python-based projects. Many of those workflows and decisions were inspired by methods I had learned from others and from patterns codified by other great Cookiecutter templates.

As a result, this template takes inspiration and borrows heavily from these other fabulous Cookiecutter templates available on GitHub:

For additional background on these other projects and to better understand the elements that appealed most to me, please read:

The default cc-pyscript template makes use of the following tools and features:

  • Pipenv for package management and for generating a repeatable environment;
  • Automated testing using Tox;
  • GitHub Actions for continuous integration (optional);
  • Azure Pipelines as an alternative continuous integration service (optional, but not yet implemented);
  • Project versioning with setuptools_scm;
  • Configuration of your individual script files for easy use as standalone Python scripts when used separately from the project repository (i.e. you can email someone just your .py script file, and they should be able to use it separate from the supporting Python package scaffolding);
  • Packaging of your Python scripts as part of an overarching module, allowing you to fully test your code and alternatively execute your scripts as an installable command-line entry-point;
  • Project documentation generated using Sphinx and reStructuredText, ready for hosting alongside your project on GitHub pages.

To see functionality anticipated for future versions of the cc-pyscript template, please see the Changelog notes regarding future-releases.

Basic prerequisites

This template and resulting cc-pyscript project has been tested to work with the following installed dependencies. However, I suspect it will will work with a broader range of cookiecutter and pipenv versions than are shown here:

  • python >= 3.6
  • cookiecutter >= 1.7
  • pipenv >= 2020.8.13

For an in-depth review of testing perfomed on this project, please see the write-up I have provided on "Project testing and the test API".

Installing cookiecutter

In order to generate this template, you will need cookiecutter installed on your machine. For instruction on how to install this, please see the Cookiecutter installation documentation.

Installing pipenv

In addition, because the resulting cc-pyscript project template is configured to use pipenv for package management, you will also want to enure that you have pipenv installed on your machine. For more information on pipenv please see the documentation. For instructions on how to properly install pipenv, please see the official installation instructions.

Using an alternative to pipenv for package management

If you prefer NOT to use pipenv for packaging and virtual environment management in favor of an alternative such as conda or virtualenv, you will need to modify the resulting template structure accordingly.

See the :ref:`requirements` section of above to ensure basic system dependencies are met.

Once you have met the basic requirements listed above, generating a new cc-pyscript project template is as easy as executing this in your command line:

cookiecutter gh:sedelmeyer/cc-pyscript

Alternatively, if you have a local working copy of the cc-pyscript project in which you have made customizations to the template, you can run:

cookiecutter <path-to-directory>/cc-pyscript

The below listed prompts will be presented on the command-line after initiating your project template (see Step 1 above). For each prompt, default values will be presented in brackets (i.e. full_name [Bob Smith]:).

To modify defaults or customize these prompts, you can do so in the cookiecutter.json file. Additional information on the cookiecutter.json file can be found in the Cookiecutter "choice variables" documentation.

Additionally, if you would like to auto-populate the values for any of these promptsi across multiple Cookiecutter templates, you can also create a .cookiecutterrc configuration file as is outlined in the Cookiecutter "user config" documentation.

  1. full_name
    • Main author of this library or application (used in and docs/
    • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file
  2. email
    • Contact email of the author (used in
    • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file
  3. website
    • Website of the author (not yet used in resulting template).
    • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file
  4. github_username
    • GitHub user name of this project (used for GitHub links in and docs/
    • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file
  5. project_name
    • Verbose project name (used in headings in README.rst, docs/index.rst, etc.)
  6. repo_name
    • Repository root-directory name and repo name on GitHub (used in, docs/, and for GitHub links)
  7. package_name
    • Python package name (the source code package name as you would import it in your code, i.e.: import package_name)
  8. script_name
    • Python script .py filename for the initial script saved to your project (can be executed as a standalone script by running a command such as python src/package_name/ -h )
  9. distribution_name
    • PyPI distribution name (what you would pip install)
  10. project_short_description
    • One line description of the project (used in README.rst,, and docs/
  11. release_date
    • Release date of the project (ISO 8601 format), defaults to today (used in CHANGELOG.rst)
  12. year_from
    • Initial copyright year (used in Sphinx docs/
  13. version
    • Release version, defaults to 0.0.0 (used in and docs/
  14. scm_versioning
    • Enables the use of setuptools-scm, defaults to yes (there is currently no option to turn this off, all projects will include this capability by default)
  15. license
    • License to use in the rendered template
    • Available options:
      • MIT license
      • BSD 2-Clause license
      • BSD 3-Clause license
      • ISC license
      • Apache Software License 2.0
      • Not open source
    • If need help deciding which license to pick, see this:
  16. test_runner
    • Available options: pytest only
  17. linter
    • Available options: flake8 only
  18. command_line_interface
    • Enables a CLI bin/executable file.
    • Available options: argparse only
  19. command_line_interface_bin_name
    • Name of the CLI bin/executable file (used to set the console script name in and the name you would use to invoke the CLI from your terminal when you have the overarching Python module installed in your active environment)
  20. gh_actions
    • Adds a default GitHub Actions badge and .github/workflows/ci-test-matrix.yml configuration file to the rendered template, defaults to yes
    • Available options:
      • yes
      • no
  21. tox
    • Adds a default tox.ini test automation configuration file to the rendered template, defaults to yes (there is currently no option to turn this off, all projects will include this capability by default)

The first thing you should do once your template has been generated is to cd into your new repository and initialize git:

cd <newly-generate-directory>
git init

This step will be required prior to inititating your Pipenv environment because setuptools-scm is used for versioning your newly generated package. If Git has not yet been initialized for your project, the pipenv install of your local package will fail in the next step below.

Once you have Git version control initiated (see Step 3 above), you can build your working Pipenv virtual environment:

pipenv install --dev

Note that the --dev option is specified so that both development and package dependencies are installed in your Pipenv environment.

To activate your environment after it has been created:

pipenv shell

To deactivate your environment:


For a more complete overview of how to use pipenv for package and dependencies management, please see the Pipenv project page.

Congratulations! You've stood up a new cc-pyscript project template!

Now it's time to explore some of the important features of this template! See this project's full tutorial for more detail!

If your cc-pyscript project is complex enough to require multiple scripts, you can easily add new scripts to the rendered template such that each new script benefits from all of the same packaging benefits as the initial default script rendered by the template. To accomplish this, simply:

  1. Add new .py scripts to the src/{{ package_name }}/ module directory,
  2. Add new command-line entry-points to the project's file corresponding to each newly added .py script.

Taking both of these steps will ensure that each new script is packaged as part of the overarching Python {{ package_name }} module and will have its own dedicated command-line entry-point. As an example, a new script should be added to the src/ directory structure as such:

{{ repo_name }}
 β”œβ”€ src/
 β”‚ └─ {{ package_name }}/
 β”‚   β”‚
 β”‚   β”œβ”€
 β”‚   β”œβ”€ {{ script_name }}.py
 β”‚   └─           <- Newly added script

And, a new entry point should be added to as shown below:

    "console_scripts": [
        "{{ command_line_interface_bin_name }} = "
        "{{ package_name }}.{{ script_name }}:main",
        # newly added script's CLI entry point
        "new-bin-name = {{ package_name }}",

For further reading, please see this project's full tutorial as well as these other useful resources:

Cookiecutter resources

Tools leveraged by cc-pyscript

  • Pipenv for package and virtual environment management
  • GitHub Actions for continuous integration
  • setuptools_scm for project versioning
  • Sphinx and reStructuredText for authoring project documentation
  • Pytest for use as a Python test-runner
  • Tox for automated test configuration and matrix testing on multiple versions of Python

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