A command-line interface for interacting with ecosyste.ms APIs.
- Python 3.12+
# Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:sebs/ecosyste_ms_cli.git
cd ecosyste_ms_cli
# Set up virtual environment and install dependencies
make setup
Each command includes helpful examples in its help text. Use --help
with any command to see usage examples.
# Show available commands
ecosystems --help
: Set the timeout in seconds for all HTTP requests (default: 20 seconds)--format
: Set the output format (default: table). Available formats: table, json, tsv, jsonl
The CLI supports multiple output formats:
# Example: Set a 30-second timeout for all requests
ecosystems --timeout 30 repos topics
# Example: Get output in JSON format
ecosystems --format json repos topics
# Example: Get output in TSV format (tab-separated values)
ecosystems --format tsv repos topics
# Example: Get output in JSONL format (JSON Lines)
ecosystems --format jsonl repos topics
repos topics
- List all topicsrepos topic
- Get a specific topicrepos hosts
- List all repository hostsrepos host
- Get a specific hostrepos repository
- Get a specific repositoryrepos list
- List available operationsrepos call
- Call an operation directly
packages registries
- List all registriespackages registry
- Get a specific registrypackages package
- Get a specific packagepackages version
- Get a specific package versionpackages list
- List available operationspackages call
- Call an operation directly
summary repo
- Get repository summarysummary package
- Get package summarysummary list
- List available operationssummary call
- Call an operation directly
awesome projects
- List all projectsawesome project
- Get a specific projectawesome lists
- List all listsawesome list
- Get a specific listawesome list-projects
- Get projects in a listawesome topics
- List all topicsawesome topic
- Get a specific topicawesome operations
- List available operationsawesome call
- Call an operation directly
# Get all projects from the awesome API
ecosystems awesome projects
- Development Guide - Information about development, testing, and release processes
- Changelog - History of changes and releases
- License - MIT License details