Python directShow madVR movie player
- plays nearly every formats with LAV filters
- fullscreen exclusive mode with madVR
- dvd support with dvdNavigator filter
- automatic aspect ratio
- bookmarks
- default languages
- responsive antialiased OSD
- audio and subtitles tracks selection
- log scale volume
- seamless seek in playlist
- movie rotation
- filter graph is registered in the ROT to be viewed with graphedit
- event loop is safe for multi-threading
- ready to be embedded in any window
- directshow filters : LAV filters, XYsubFilter, Reclock, madVR
- direct3d9 (d3dx9_43.dll)
- python modules: pywin32, comtypes, unidecode, psyco
- register the OSD COM interface with /regserver
- see
- no windowed mode (move and resize events are not handled)
- no fallback when the graph can't be build
- no mouse handling
- no filter choice (because those chosen are the best at the moment IMHO)
- no DVD playlist
- iso639-2 languages decoded in french only