Made this. Ran out of motivation to keep working on it. Don't know if it's good. Anyone sees it and thinks it's good, you're free to copy it, do whatever you want with it, take all the credit. I'm not a real programmer. Just a bored dabbler. Spent the time and effort to write it. Wanted it posted somewhere on the off chance it's something useful. If not, no harm no foul.
Oh, should add a description. Idea is a neural net made via prodecural generation. Neurons are supposed to behave similarly to real ones. This is incomplete, and if a completed version would work at all, would be far from optimized. Beyond my ability to finish it, or to vet whether it's worth the effort to finish, anyway. would probably have two operating modes. tick based for self running, and one cycle at a time for training mode. maybe some in between for a number of cycles if that's possible, to make training less tedious somehow, though my basic idea of training would need to be reworked. The thing completed would have the capacity to train a network within it's network to basically motivate itself, in alignment with the sorts of training responses it gets from whoever initially trains it. Can't guarantee no eventual drift though.
this is a very incomplete concept and I'm not equipped /to/ complete it. the hope is more or less that if I'm onto something with this, that someone actually capable of doing anything with it will see it and make their own better version of it that's finshed and actually works. If I'm not onto something, that's also fine. Better than me spending god knows how long barking up the wrong tree. Running on intuition alone without any relevant knowledge or experience has limits.
oh, lastly, if I had ever finished it, I was going to name it Roko