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Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Sep 15, 2021 · 1 revision


Safari is a web browser by Apple Inc. Originally based on WebKit, it was rumored to be switching to Chromium. As of 2021 September 15th, these claims still fall flat, as Safari is still based on WebKit.

Safari was initially released on January 3rd 2003 as Apples own browser, and also to replace Internet Explorer for Mac as Microsoft had a deal with Apple at the time to bundle special versions of Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office into the MacOS operating system. Today, only Microsoft Office for Mac exists, and it goes by a different name.

Safari is still in development to this day. As of 2021, it is written in C++, Objective-C, and Swift. It is the default web browser for MacOS, iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, and TvOS. Versions for Windows were discontinued over a decade ago, and do not work on Windows 8 or later.

For WacOS, an alternative is being made that is known as Savannah for the lower end versions of WacOS, Cyberdog and other browsers are available. Firefox is the 2nd default browser for WacOS.


More sources coming soon, although right now, most information comes from the Safari (software) Wikipedia article, along with past knowledge.

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Written on: Wednesday, 2021 September 15th at 2:07 pm)

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Article version: 1 (Wednesday, 2021 September 15th at 2:07 pm)

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