Goobuntu was a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu LTS (long-term support). It was used by almost 10,000 Google employees. It added a number of packages for in-house use, including security features and disabled the installation of some applications, but was otherwise similar. Thomas Bushnell, a Google technical leader for the company's Linux desktops, displayed Goobuntu at LinuxCon 2012. Bushnell explained that "Goobuntu is simply a light skin over standard Ubuntu.
Some suggested Google might plan to market the distribution more widely, but Goobuntu was never officially released. While both Google and Mark Shuttleworth, who spearheaded the development of Ubuntu, confirmed the existence of Goobuntu, both denied that Google had any plans to market the operating system.
Mark Shuttleworth confirmed that Google has contributed patches to Ubuntu.
Google used Puppet to manage its installed base of Goobuntu machines.
In 2018, Google replaced Goobuntu with gLinux, a Linux distribution based on Debian Testing.
Goobuntu was mainly used for Google employees, and doesn't really need any alternatives. If you want to use Goobuntu, you can use it in a virtual machine, or you can use Ubuntu versions 12.04 to 16.04 in a virtual machine/on a physical computer and have a similar experience.
I need more sources and better sources for this article. This article is also a stub, and needs to be expanded and rewritten, as it is a copy and paste from Wikipedia.
Written on: 2021 Saturday, October 2nd at 6:15 pm
Last revised on: 2021 Saturday, October 2nd at 6:15 pm
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