- List of papers related to CWB: https://github.com/sealuzh/cloud-workbench
This overview lists which benchmarks were used for which study/paper:
- rmit-microbenchmarking-scheduler (benchmark suite)
- rmit-combined (benchmark suite)
An Approach and Case Study of Cloud Instance Type Selection for Multi-Tier Web Applications (CCGrid'17)
- acmeair-single
- acmeair_mongodb
- acmeair_wlp_morphia
- acmeair_wlp_morphia_distributed
- acmeair_wlp_wxs
- cwb-jmeter
- cwb-monitoring
- cwb-tuning
- fileserver
- jm-acmeair-api
- jm-acmeair-default
- jm-acmeair-default-assets
- jm-acmeair-default-double-peak
- jm-acmeair-default-double-peak-assets
- jm-acmeair-readonly
- jm-acmeair-readwrite