'providers' => {
'google' => {
'project_id' => 'my_GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID',
'client_email' => 'my_GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL',
'json_key_FILE' => File.read('my_GOOGLE_JSON_KEY_PATH'),
# The following variables are available
# benchmark_name: Name of the benchmark definition from the web interface
# benchmark_name_sanitized: benchmark_name where all non-word-characters are replaced with an underscore '_'
# benchmark_id: The unique benchmark definition identifier
# execution_id: The unique benchmark execution identifier
# chef_node_name: The default node name used for Chef client provisioning
# tag_name: The default tag name set as aws name tag
SSH_USERNAME = 'ubuntu'
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.ssh.username = SSH_USERNAME
config.vm.provider :google do |google, override|
# https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/images
google.image = 'ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20181204'
# https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/machine-types
google.machine_type = 'f1-micro' # Default: 'n1-standard-1'
# https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/
google.zone = 'europe-west3-b'
config.vm.provision 'cwb', type: 'chef_client' do |chef|
chef.add_recipe 'cli-benchmark' # @1.1.0 version is optional
chef.json =
'benchmark' => {
'ssh_username' => SSH_USERNAME,
'cli-benchmark' => {
'packages' => %w(sysbench),
# 'install' => 'cd /usr/local && echo "This runs during installation." >> install.txt',
# 'pre_run' => 'echo "This runs immediately before execution" >> log.txt',
'run' => 'sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=4000 run',
'repetitions' => 3,
'metrics' => {
# [name of the metric] => [regex to extract result from stdout],
'execution_time' => 'total time:\s*(\d+\.\d+)s',