Linq-to-XML styled project to create static-typed JSON Objects, e.g. - JString and JSingleValue for ("string" and 45).
public void ParseTest()
JSONParser jSONParser = new JSONParser("O:\\VCSharp\\MediaStreamer.Web\\AuthMVCApplication\\appsettings.Development.json");
var jItem = jSONParser.Parse();
var logLevel = jItem.FindPairByKey(new JString("LogLevel"));
var defaultLogLevel = logLevel.FindPairByKey(new JString("Default"));
// {"Logging":{"LogLevel":{"Default":"Information","Microsoft":"Warning","Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime":"Information"}}}
// "LogLevel":{"Default":"Information","Microsoft":"Warning","Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime":"Information"}
// {"Default":"Information","Microsoft":"Warning","Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime":"Information"}
// "Default":"Information"
// "Information"
[Fact] // for XUnit [Test] //For NUnit
public void CreateAndOpenJObjectFile()
// No parent element so first parameter is null
JObject jObject = new JObject(null,
new JKeyValuePair(
new JString("Key"), new JString("Value")
// Result in "jKeyValuePair.txt"
// {"Key":"Value"}
You can output the created objects using public methods like JItem.ToString() and JItem.ToFile("filename.txt"). See unit-tests for more info.
Create a JSONParser class by calling Constructor (string filename)
Create a JSONParser class by calling Constructor (string[] JSONString) ** first element[0] of JSONString represents the in-memory JSONString that the parser will parse through. The next step is the in-memory objects represented :
public abstract class JItem
public abstract class JCollection
JKeyValuePair class = "key" : "value" // (JKeyValuePair): JCollection
JSingleValue = false || true || 1234 || 194.0 // (JSingleValue) : JItem (bool, integer, double, string)
JString = "JString object" || "any string value" // (JString) : (JSingleValue)
JObject = // (JObject) : JCollection *{ "JString" : true } || *{ { "JObject" }, { true }, { "JString" } } || *{ "Key" : "Value" } // JObject : JItem
JArray = [ { "JString" }, { "JObject" }, [ "JArray" ] ] // (JArray) : JCollection