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Grateful: Give Thanks Daily

Grateful: Give Thanks Daily is a simple application for expressing gratitude.

Getting started

Build configurations

The app is structured to require separate Google Services configurations for dev and production. Please see this link for instructions to configure Firebase. Alos, see here, here, and here.

Custom entry points

Grateful uses distinct variables for development and prod. These are specified in two different entry point files in the lib/ directory.

In order to run a debug version of Grateful, use the command flutter run -t lib/main_development.dart --flavor development.

This tells flutter to run the app using lib/main_development.dart as the entry point, and the development flavor specified in app/build.gradle.

Likewise, to build the android app, run flutter build apk -t lib/main_development.dart --flavor development.

Build flavors

There are two build flavors described for grateful: development and production. For Android, these build flavors' unique resources are specified in android/app/src/${build_flavor}. Any file unique to the build flavor should be defined in that directory. The google-services.json files should be placed in each of these respective build folders, and their names should not be changed.

For iOS, the build flavors are defined in XCode. Specific Google Service configurations must be placed in the ios/config/${BUILD_ENVIRONMENT} folder. These resources should also be manually added to XCode by dragging them into the project under the Runner folder in the XCode project.