oc new-project ida-db
oc create secret docker-registry docker-secret --docker-server=<docker_registry> --docker-username=<docker_username> --docker-password=<docker_password>
Get schema-postgres.sql and data-postgres.sql from IDA release package.
mv schema-postgres.sql 1-schema-postgres.sql
mv data-postgres.sql 2-data-postgres.sql
oc create configmap pg-db-configmap --from-file=2-data-postgres.sql --from-file=1-schema-postgres.sql
Edit pg-db.yaml.
- Modify the image path according to your private docker registry.
- Modify the storageClassName of pg-db-pvc
# Get the storage class name of your cluster
oc get sc
- Modify the environment variables POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD of pg-db deployment
oc apply -f pg-db.yaml
You can find the DB internal service url by command echo $(oc get svc | grep pg-db | awk '{print$1}').<DB_NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local
#Switch to your IDA Instance project:
oc project <ida_project_name>
oc create secret generic ida-db-credential --from-literal=DATABASE_USER=postgres \