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Installing the IDA operator on Other Kubernetes Platform

Planning for IDA deployment according to System Requirements.

Before you begin

Step 1. Install Kubectl

#Latest Version:
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

#Specific Version:
curl -LO ""
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Step 2. Log in to your cluster by either of the two ways.

  • For installer with cluster-admin role
#Login By Basic Auth
kubectl config set-credentials <cluster-user>/<cluster-host>:<port> --username=<cluster-user> --password=<password>
#Login By Token
kubectl config set-credentials <cluster-user>/<cluster-host>:<port> --token=<user_token>

kubectl config set-cluster <cluster-host>:<port> --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true --server=https://<cluster-host>:<port>
kubectl config set-context default/<cluster-host>:<port>/<cluster-user> --user=<cluster-user>/<cluster-host>:<port> --namespace=default --cluster=<cluster-host>:<port>
kubectl config use-context default/<cluster-host>:<port>/<cluster-user>
  • For installer without cluster-admin role
#Create service account in target namespace by cluster admin
kubectl create namespace <ida_namespace>
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>
kubectl create sa ida-installer-sa
kubectl apply -f ./descriptors/rbac/ida-installer-k8s.yml 
kubectl create clusterrolebinding ida-installer-rolebinding --clusterrole=ida-installer --serviceaccount=<ida_namespace>:ida-installer-sa

#Get service account token
kubectl apply -f ./descriptors/rbac/ida-installer-secret.yml
TOKEN=`kubectl get secret ida-installer-secret -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d`

#Login service account
kubectl config set-credentials ida-installer/<cluster-host>:<port> --token=$TOKEN
kubectl config set-cluster <cluster-host>:<port> --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true --server=https://<cluster-host>:<port>
kubectl config set-context ida/<cluster-host>:<port>/ida-installer --user=ida-installer/<cluster-host>:<port> --namespace=<ida_namespace> --cluster=<cluster-host>:<port>
kubectl config use-context ida/<cluster-host>:<port>/ida-installer

Step 3. Log in to your docker registry

#Example of using private docker registry:
podman login --tls-verify=false $REGISTRY_HOST

Step 4. Download IDA operator scripts

git clone
cd ida-operator

Step 5. Load IDA docker images

Get the IDA image file ida-<version>.tgz, then push it to your private registry.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -p ida-<version>.tgz -r <docker_registry>

#Example of using private docker registry:
scripts/ -p ida-25.0.1.tgz -r $REGISTRY_HOST/ida

IDA Operator

Installing IDA Operator

Step 1. Go to the namespace that you want to install IDA Operator.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>

#For example:
kubectl create namespace ida
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ida

Step 2. Preparing private docker registry secret

kubectl create secret docker-registry ida-operator-secret --docker-server=<docker_registry>  --docker-username=<docker_username> --docker-password=<docker_password>

Step 3. Deploy IDA operator to your cluster.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -i <operator_image> -c <operator_scope> -s <image_pull_secret>

#Example of namespace-scoped operator:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida-operator:25.0.1 -s ida-operator-secret

#Example of cluster-scoped operator:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida-operator:25.0.1 -c Cluster -s ida-operator-secret

Step 4. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

kubectl get pods -w

Notes: When started, you can monitor the operator logs with the following command:

kubectl logs -f deployment/ida-operator

Uninstall IDA Operator.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -c <operator_scope>

#Example of namespace-scoped operator uninstallation:

#Example of cluster-scoped operator uninstallation:
scripts/ -c Cluster

Upgrade IDA Operator.

Step 1. Switch to the IDA Operator namespace.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>

#For example:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ida

Step 2. Preparing new IDA Operator Image

Follow the Step 2 of Installing IDA Operator to prepare the new IDA Operator Image.

Step 3. Upgrade IDA operator.

#Example of using private docker registry:
oc set image deployment/ida-operator operator=$REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida-operator:25.0.1

Step 4. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

kubectl get pods -w

IDA Instance

Notes: If Installing the IDA with non cluster-admin user, cluster admin needs to assign the ida-operators-edit role to installer user.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding ida-edit-rolebinding --clusterrole ida-operators-edit --user <K8S_USER>

Preparing to install IDA Instance

Step 1. Go to the namespace that you want to install IDA Instance.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>

#For example:
kubectl create namespace ida
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ida

Step 2. Preparing private docker registry secret

kubectl create secret docker-registry ida-docker-secret --docker-server=<docker_registry> --docker-username=<docker_username> --docker-password=<docker_password>

Step 3. Preparing signed SSL certificate secret (Optional)

By default, IDA uses self-signed SSL certification. You can also prepare your own signed SSL certifications which includes the files "tls.crt" and tls.key", then create a secret for it.

#For example:
kubectl create secret tls ida-tls-secret --cert tls.crt --key tls.key

Step 4. Preparing LDAPS SSL certificate secret (Optional)

If you want to integrate with LDAP server by LDAPS protocol, then you need to add the LDAPS SSL certificate into IDA trusted certification list.

  • You can get the LDAPS certificate file by infrastructure team or export by LDAP server URL.
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <LDAPS server host>:<LDAP server port> </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > /root/ldapserver-cert.crt

#For example:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > /root/ldapserver-cert.crt
  • Create trusted secret for the certificate file
#For example:
kubectl create secret generic ida-trusted-secret --from-file=ldap.crt=/root/ldapserver-cert.crt

Step 5. Preparing the IDA storage.

  • For Demo Purpose

    IDA will automatically create the storage, and deleting ida instance will also remove it.

  • For Production Purpose

    Please use below command to create a storage for IDA.

    chmod +x scripts/
    scripts/ -n <pvc_name> -s <storage_class> -m <access_mode> -c <stoage_capacity>
    # Get the storage class name of your cluster
    kubectl get sc
    #Example of using default configurations(Name: ida-data-pvc, AccessMode: ReadWriteMany, Capacity: 20Gi):
    scripts/ -s managed-nfs-storage

    Notes: If you want to run multiple pods of IDA, please make sure the storage access mode is ReadWriteMany.

Step 6. Preparing Database.

  • For Demo Purpose (Using Internal Database)

    IDA will create an internal db, and deleting ida instance will also remove the db.

  • For Product Purpose (Using External Database)

    Step 1. Configuring your database by either of the two ways.

    Step 2. Creating a database credentials.

    #Switch to your IDA Instance namespace:
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>
    kubectl create secret generic ida-db-credential --from-literal=DATABASE_USER=<DATABASE_USER> \
    kubectl create secret generic ida-db-credential --from-literal=DATABASE_USER=postgres \

Installing IDA Instance

Step 1. Go to the namespace that you want to install IDA Instance.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>

#For example:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ida

Step 2. Deploying an IDA Instance.

A custom resource YAML is a configuration file that describes an instance of a deployment and includes parameters to install IDA. Each time that you need to make an update or modification, you must apply the changes to your deployments.

  • Configuring IDA Custom Resource

    Please check and edit the IDA custom resource (CR) file before you apply it to the operator, and you can find the IDA CR template at descriptors/patterns/ida-cr-production.yaml.

    • Configuring shared configuration parameters
    Parameters Description
    shared.imageRegistry Image registry URL for all components, can be overridden individually. E.g.,
    shared.imageTag Image tag for IDA and Operator, can be overridden individually. E.g., 25.0.1
    shared.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy, The possible values are "IfNotPresent", "Always", and "Never", the default value is IfNotPresent, can be overridden individually.
    shared.imagePullSecrets A list of secrets name to use for pulling images from registries. E.g., ["ida-docker-secret", "ida-operator-secret"].
    shared.storageClassName Storage class if using dynamic provisioning. E.g., managed-nfs-storage
    • Configuring database parameters
    Parameters Description
    idaDatabase.type Database type. The possible values are "mysql", "postgres", "db2" and "oracle". Internal database only supports "mysql" and "postgres".
    idaDatabase.internal.enabled Enable internal database for demo purpose. The default value is false.
    idaDatabase.external.enabled Enable external database for production purpose. The default value is true.
    idaDatabase.external.databaseUrl The JDBC URL. Only Oracle is supported. E.g., jdbc:oracle:thin:@serverName:port:databaseName
    idaDatabase.external.databaseName Database instance name, for database except Oracle. E.g., ida
    idaDatabase.external.databasePort Database port, for database except Oracle. E.g., 5432
    idaDatabase.external.databaseServerName Database server name in the form of either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address, for database except Oracle. E.g.,
    idaDatabase.external.currentSchema Database schema name. This parameter is optional. E.g., databaseschema
    idaDatabase.external.databaseCredentialSecret Secret name that contains the DATABASE_USER and DATABASE_PASSWORD keys. E.g., ida-db-credential
    • Configuring IDA Web parameters
    Parameters Description
    idaWeb.imageName IDA Image name. E.g., ida/ida
    idaWeb.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy. The default value is IfNotPresent.
    idaWeb.replicas Number of IDA pods. The default value is 1.
    idaWeb.resources.requests.cpu Minimum number of CPUs required for IDA container. The default value is 2.
    idaWeb.resources.requests.memory Minimum amount of memory required for IDA container. The default value is 4Gi.
    idaWeb.resources.limits.cpu Maximum number of CPUs allowed for IDA container. The default value is 4.
    idaWeb.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory allowed for IDA container. The default value is 8Gi. The storage capacity for persisting data, if using dynamic provisioning. The default value is 5Gi. PVC for data if you are not using dynamic provisioning. E.g., ida-data-pvc
    idaWeb.initContainer.resources.requests.cpu Minimum number of CPUs required for IDA init containers. The default value is 100m.
    idaWeb.initContainer.resources.requests.memory Minimum amount of memory required for IDA init containers. The default value is 256Mi.
    idaWeb.initContainer.resources.limits.cpu Maximum number of CPUs allowed for IDA init containers. The default value is 200m.
    idaWeb.initContainer.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory allowed for IDA init containers. The default value is 512Mi.
    idaWeb.tlsCertSecret Secret name that contains the files tls.crt and tls.key for IDA. E.g., ida-tls-secret
    idaWeb.trustedCertSecret Secret name that contains trusted certificate files. E.g., ida-trusted-secret IDA service expose type. The possible values are "route" and "ingress".
  • Deploying IDA Custom Resource

    Use the Kubernetes CLI to apply the custom resource.

    kubectl apply -f descriptors/patterns/ida-cr-production.yaml

Step 3. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

kubectl get pods -w

Notes: When started, you can monitor the IDA logs with the following command:

kubectl logs -f deployment/idadeploy-ida-web

IDA Access URL

You can find the IDA cluster internal service url by command echo $(kubectl get svc | grep ida-web | awk '{print$1}').<IDA_NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local, please expose IDA service based on your cluster network.

#Example of exposing IDA service by NGINX Ingress Controller:
kubectl create ingress ida-web --class=nginx --rule <IDA_HOST>/*=idadeploy-ida-web:9443 --annotation -n <IDA_NAMESPACE>

Uninstall IDA Instance

kubectl delete IDACluster idadeploy

Upgrade IDA Instance.

Step 1. Switch to the IDA Instance namespace.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<ida_namespace>

#For example:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ida

Step 2. Preparing new IDA Image

Follow the Step 2 of Preparing to install IDA Instance to prepare the new IDA Image.

Step 3. Upgrade IDA Instance.

kubectl patch --type=merge idacluster/idadeploy -p '{"spec": {"shared": {"imageTag": "25.0.1"}}}'

Step 4. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

kubectl get pods -w