This project recursively generates art based on random math equations.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Pillow fork from the Python Imaging Library will need to be installed in order to run this program. This can be done by running the following line in a Linux terminal:
'''python $ conda install Pillow '''
To run the doc tests for this system, run the program from a Linux terminal. If there is no output, all the doc tests have passed. There is a second test at the end of the code that is most likely commented out, and will need to be uncommented in order to be run.
The doc test checks if the math performing functions are working correctly. There is a latter test that checks if the PIL is working.
- Alana Huitric - Initial work - ahuitric
- Thanks to the professors for providing the original framework and doctests.