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Vert.x Kue Features


We recommend the applications are wrapped in verticles.

public class KueExampleVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

  public void start() throws Exception {
    // write your logic here


Creating Jobs

First we should create a job queue instance(Kue) with Kue.createQueue(vertx, config):

Kue kue = Kue.createQueue(vertx, config());

Then we could call kue.createJob() to create a job, with a specific job type and arbitrary job data. After that, we could save a Job into Redis backend with a default priority level of "normal" using Job#save method. The save method is a Future based asynchronous method so we could attach a Handler on it and once the save operation is successful or failed, the logic in attached Handler will be called.

JsonObject data = new JsonObject()
      .put("title", "Learning Vert.x")
      .put("content", "core");

Job job = kue.createJob("learn vertx", data); -> {
    if (r0.succeeded()) {
        // process the job
    } else {
        // process failure

Job Priority

To specify the priority of a job, simply invoke the priority method with a Priority enum class:

JsonObject data = new JsonObject()
      .put("title", "Learning Vert.x")
      .put("content", "core");

Job job = kue.createJob("learn vertx", data)

There are five levels in Priority class:

public enum Priority {

Job Logs

Job-specific logs enable you to expose information to the UI at any point in the job's life-time. To do so we can simply invoke job.log(str) method, which accepts a message string:

job.log("job ttl failed");

Job Progress

Job progress is extremely useful for long-running jobs such as video conversion. To update the job's progress we can invoke job.progress(completed, total):

job.progress(frames, totalFrames);

The progress method returns Future<Job> so we can also set a handler on it.

Job Events

Job-specific events are registered on the Event Bus of Vert.x. We support the following events:

  • start the job is now running (onStart)
  • promotion the job is promoted from delayed state to queued (onPromotion)
  • progress the job's progress ranging from 0-100 (onProgress)
  • failed_attempt the job has failed, but has remaining attempts yet (onFailureAttempt)
  • failed the job has failed and has no remaining attempts (onFailure)
  • complete the job has completed (onComplete)
  • remove the job has been removed (onRemove)

Here is an example:

JsonObject data = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "Learning Vert.x")
  .put("content", "core");

Job j = kue.createJob("learn vertx", data)
  .onComplete(r -> { // on complete handler
    System.out.println("Feeling: " + r.getResult().getString("feeling", "none"));
  }).onFailure(r -> { // on failure handler
    System.out.println(" difficult...");
  }).onProgress(r -> { // on progress modifying handler
    System.out.println("I love this! My progress => " + r);

Queue Events

With prefix job_:

kue.on("job_complete", r -> {

Delayed Jobs

We can schedule to process a job with delays by calling job.setDelay(ms) method. The job's state will be DELAYED.

Job email = kue.createJob("email", data)

Vert.x Kue will check the delayed jobs(checkJobPromotion) with a timer, promoting them if the scheduled delay has been exceeded, defaulting to a check of top 1000 jobs every second.

Failure Backoff

Job retry attempts are done as soon as they fail, with no delay, even if your job had a delay set via Job#delay. If you want to delay job re-attempts upon failures (known as backoff) you can use set a backoff config on the object:

job.setBackoff(new JsonObject().put("delay", 5000).put("type", "fixed"));

At present we support two kinds of backoff: fixed and exponential. The fixed type uses a fixed delay timeout, and we can specify it via the delay attribute in backoff field. If not specified, Vert.x Kue will use the original delay field in the job. The exponential type enables exponential backoff.

Processing Jobs

It's very simple to process jobs in Vert.x Kue. We can use kue.process(jobType, n, handler) to process jobs concurrently. The first parameter refers to the type of job and the second parameter refers to the maximum active job count, while the third parameter refers to the handler that process the job.

In the following example we are going to process jobs in email type. We process 3 jobs at the same time. In the handler, we could invoke done() method to finish the job. If we encountered error, we could invoke done(err) to fail the job:

kue.process("email", 3, job -> {
    if (job.getData().getString("address") == null) {
        job.done(new IllegalStateException("invalid address")); // fail

    // process logic...

    job.done(); // finish

Error Handling

Error events will send on the worker address and we could add listener on it using Kue#on(error, handler):

kue.on("error", event -> {
      // process error

Queue Metrics

Kue object has two type of methods to tell us about the number of jobs in each state:

  .setHandler(r -> {
    if (r.succeeded()) {
      if (r.result() > 1000)
        System.out.println("It's too bad!");

It also supports query on a specific job type:

  .setHandler(r -> {
    if (r.succeeded()) {
      if (r.result() > 1000)
        System.out.println("It's too bad!");

and iterating over job ids:

  .setHandler(r -> {
    // ...

Redis Connection Settings

In Vert.x Kue, we use Vert.x Redis Client as the redis component so we can refer to Vert.x-redis document. We recommend to use a json config file like this:

    "": "",
    "redis.port": 6379

Then we can pass the config file to Vert.x Launcher when we deploy our verticles.


The UI of Vert.x Kue is from the original Automattic/kue. Thanks to Automattic/kue and the open-source community!

If we want to use Kue UI, we can simply run kue-http component:

java -jar kue-http/build/libs/vertx-blueprint-kue-http.jar -cluster -ha -conf config/config.json

Then you can visit localhost:8080:

Vert.x Kue REST API

GET /stats

Get global stats(workTime and counts of every job state):

  "workTime" : 699960,
  "inactiveCount" : 0,
  "completeCount" : 404,
  "activeCount" : 13,
  "failedCount" : 0,
  "delayedCount" : 0

GET /job/:id

Get a job with certain id:

  "address_id" : "a245319e-341d-49f9-b6bb-371247a6a358",
  "attempts" : 0,
  "created_at" : 1466348210024,
  "data" : {
    "title" : "Account renewal required",
    "template" : "renewal-email",
    "to" : ""
  "delay" : 8888,
  "duration" : 2027,
  "failed_at" : 0,
  "id" : 403,
  "max_attempts" : 1,
  "priority" : "HIGH",
  "progress" : 100,
  "promote_at" : 1466348218912,
  "removeOnComplete" : false,
  "started_at" : 1466348219067,
  "state" : "COMPLETE",
  "type" : "email",
  "updated_at" : 1466348221099,
  "zid" : "03|403"

GET /job/:id/log

Get job :id's log:

  "error | f1",
  "error | f2",
  "error | f3"

GET /jobs/:from/to/:to/:order?

Get jobs with the specified range :from to :to, for example /jobs/0/to/2/asc, where :order may be asc or desc.

GET /jobs/:state/:from/to/:to/:order?

Same as above, restricting by :state which is one of:

  • active
  • inactive
  • failed
  • complete

GET /jobs/:type/:state/:from/to/:to/:order?

Same as above, however restricted to :type and :state.

DELETE /job/:id

Delete a job:

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/job/6
{"message":"job 6 removed"}

PUT /job

Create a job.