✅ |
example |
example |
Example Entry |
Your Name Here |
✅ |
access |
amazon |
Amazon: Guardians of Eden |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
adl |
hires0 |
Hi-Res Adventure #0: Mission Asteroid |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
adl |
hires1 |
Hi-Res Adventure #1: Mystery House |
rehail |
✅ |
adl |
hires2 |
Hi-Res Adventure #2: Wizard and the Princess |
TrivialBalderdash |
✅ |
adl |
hires3 |
Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
adl |
hires4 |
Hi-Res Adventure #4: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
adl |
hires5 |
Hi-Res Adventure #5: Time Zone |
TrivialBalderdash |
✅ |
adl |
hires6 |
Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal |
TrivialBalderdash |
⬜️ |
agi |
agi-fanmade |
Fanmade AGI game |
✅ |
agi |
bc |
The Black Cauldron |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
caitlyn |
Caitlyn's Destiny |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
ddp |
Donald Duck's Playground |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
agi |
enclosure |
Enclosure |
✅ |
agi |
goldrush |
Gold Rush! |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
kq1 |
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
kq2 |
King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
kq3 |
King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
kq4 |
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella |
JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
lsl1 |
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards |
rehail, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
mh1 |
Manhunter 1: New York |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
mh2 |
Manhunter 2: San Francisco |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
mickey |
Mickey's Space Adventure |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
mixedup |
Mixed-Up Mother Goose |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
pq1 |
Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
agi |
serguei1 |
Serguei's Destiny 1 |
⬜️ |
agi |
serguei2 |
Serguei's Destiny 2 |
✅ |
agi |
sq0 |
Space Quest 0: Replicated |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
sq1 |
Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
sq2 |
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
sqx |
Space Quest X: The Lost Chapter |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
tetris |
AGI Tetris |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
troll |
Troll's Tale |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agi |
winnie |
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
agi |
xmascard |
Xmas Card |
✅ |
agos |
dimp |
Demon in my Pocket |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
elvira1 |
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
elvira2 |
Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
feeble |
The Feeble Files |
Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
jumble |
Jumble |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
pn |
Personal Nightmare |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
puzzle |
NoPatience |
Matt |
✅ |
agos |
simon1 |
Simon the Sorcerer 1 |
GandalfTheWhite80, tag2015 |
✅ |
agos |
simon2 |
Simon the Sorcerer 2 |
GandalfTheWhite80, tag2015 |
✅ |
agos |
swampy |
Swampy Adventures |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
agos |
waxworks |
Waxworks |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
46memorylane |
46 Memory Lane |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
5daysastranger |
5 Days a Stranger |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
6daysasacrifice |
6 Days a Sacrifice |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
7daysaskeptic |
7 Days a Skeptic |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
9hourstodawn |
9 Hours to Dawn |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
abscission |
Abscission |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
absurdistan |
Absurdistan |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
achristmasnightmare |
A Christmas Nightmare |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
adateinthepark |
A Date in the Park |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
aeronuts |
Aeronuts |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
afragmentofher |
A Fragment of Her |
DavidAriyan |
⬜️ |
ags |
ainthegoffantabulousw |
Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment |
⬜️ |
ags |
airwave |
airwave - I Fought the Law, And the Law One |
✅ |
ags |
alandlordsdream |
A Landlord's Dream |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
alemmo |
Al Emmo And The Lost Dutchman's Mine |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
allthewaydown |
All The Way Down |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
almostblue |
Amost Blue |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
alum |
Alum |
⬜️ |
ags |
amongthorns |
Among Thorns |
✅ |
ags |
apotheosis |
The Apotheosis Project |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
apprentice |
Apprentice |
⬜️ |
ags |
apprentice2 |
Apprentice II: The Knight's Move |
✅ |
ags |
archeos |
Archeos |
DavidAriyan |
⬜️ |
ags |
artofdying |
The Art of Dying |
✅ |
ags |
asecondface |
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is watching Us |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
ashinaredwitch |
Ashina: The Red Witch |
Official media, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
atotk |
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
bcremake |
Black Cauldron Remake |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
bentheredanthat |
Ben There, Dan That! |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
beyondhorizon |
Beyond Horizon |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
beyondowlsgard |
Beyond the Edge of Owlsgard |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
billymasterswasright |
Billy Masters Was Right |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
bitstream |
Bitstream |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
blackmorph |
Black Morph |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
blacksect1 |
Black Sect Remake |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
blackwell1 |
The Blackwell Legacy |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
blackwell2 |
Blackwell Unbound |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
blackwell3 |
The Blackwell Convergence |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
blackwell4 |
The Blackwell Deception |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
blackwell5 |
The Blackwell Epiphany |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
bloodedfields |
Blooded Fields |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
breakage |
Breakage |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
breakfastont1 |
Breakfast on Trappist-1 |
⬜️ |
ags |
brokenwindows1 |
Broken Windows - Chapter 1 |
⬜️ |
ags |
brokenwindows2 |
Broken Windows - Chapter 2 |
⬜️ |
ags |
brokenwindows3 |
Broken Windows - Chapter 3 |
⬜️ |
ags |
brokenwindows4 |
Broken Windows - Chapter 4 |
✅ |
ags |
camp1 |
Camp 1 |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
captaindisaster |
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
cartlife |
Cart Life |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
cedricandtherevolution |
Cedric and the Revolution |
✅ |
ags |
charnelhousetrilogy |
The Charnel House Trilogy |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
chronicleofinnsmouth |
Chronicle Of Innsmouth |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
⬜️ |
ags |
clotildesoffritti |
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Buy a Used Spaceship |
✅ |
ags |
clotildesoffritti2 |
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park Your Spaceship |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
comedyquest |
Comedy Quest |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
concurrence |
Concurrence |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
conspiracybelowzero |
Conspiracy: Below Zero |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
contact |
Contact |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
content |
Content |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
contrapasso |
Commissar's Contrapasso |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
crimsondiamond |
The Crimson Diamond |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
danewguys |
Da New Guys |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
danewguys2 |
Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass |
tag2015 |
⬜️ |
ags |
detectivebhdino |
Detective Boiled-Hard - Case File: Death of the Space Dino Hunter |
✅ |
ags |
detectivegallo |
Detective Gallo |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
docapocalypse |
Doc Apocalypse |
✅ |
ags |
downfall2009 |
Downfall (2009) |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
downfall2016 |
Downfall (2016) |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
dreamswitchhouse |
Dreams in the Witch House |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
dustbowl |
Dustbowl |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
englishhaunting |
An English Hunting |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
escapefromthechaoticcity |
Escape From The Chaotic City |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
excavationhb |
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
fall |
Fall |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
falconcity |
Falcon City |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
feriadarles |
Feria d'Arles |
Official media |
✅ |
ags |
footballgame |
Football Game |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
fuguestate |
The Man From The Fugue State |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
geminirue |
Gemini Rue |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
ghostcatchers |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
ghostdream |
Ghostdream |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
gobliiins5-1 |
Gobliiins5 - part 1 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
gobliiins5-2 |
Gobliiins5 - part 2 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
gobliiins5-3 |
Gobliiins5 - part 3 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
gobliiins5-4 |
Gobliiins5 - part 4 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
goldenwake |
A Golden Wake |
Official media |
✅ |
ags |
graceward |
Graceward - Complete Edition |
FransisKransis (Official media) |
⬜️ |
ags |
grandmabadass |
GrandMa Badass |
✅ |
ags |
guardduty |
Guard Duty |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
heartland |
Heartland |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
heroinequest |
Heroine's Quest |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
him |
Him |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
hjarta |
Hjarta |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
iamjason |
I Am Jason |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
icantsleep |
I Can't Sleep In Silence |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
icestationzero |
Ice Station Zero |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
inbloom |
In Bloom |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
ioawn4t |
If On A Winter's Night: Four Travellers |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
iwantout |
I Want Out! |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
journeyhell |
Journey to Hell |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
journeyhome |
Journey Home |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
justignorethem |
Just Ignore Them |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
justignorethembrea1 |
Just Ignore Them: Brea's Story Tape 1 |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
kathyrain |
Kathy Rain - A Detective Is Born |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
killyourself |
Kill Yourself |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
knobblycrook |
The Knobbly Crook |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
kq1agdi |
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Remake |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
kq2agdi |
King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones Remake |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
kq3agdi |
King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human |
tag2015 |
⬜️ |
ags |
kq3vga |
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human VGA Remake |
✅ |
ags |
lacroixpan |
La Croix Pan |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
lamplightcity |
Lamplight City |
DavidAriyan |
⬜️ |
ags |
lancelothangover |
Lancelot's Hangover |
✅ |
ags |
larrylotter |
Larry Lotter and the Test of Time |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
leewardep1 |
Leeward - Episode 1 |
✅ |
ags |
legendofhand |
Legend of Hand |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
lostanswers |
Lost Answers |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
lostinthenightmare |
Lost In The Nightmare |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
mage |
Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
maniacmansiondeluxe |
Maniac Mansion Deluxe |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
masked |
Masked |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
metaldead |
Metal Dead |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
metaphobia |
Metaphobia |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
mountainsofmadness |
Chronicle Of Innsmouth: Mountains Of Madness |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
mudlarks |
Mudlarks |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
mybigsister |
My Big Sister |
Official media |
✅ |
ags |
mybigsisterrm |
My Big Sister Remastered |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
myburdentokeep |
My Burden to Keep |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
myfatherssecret |
My Father's Secret |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
nellycootalot |
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
nellycootalot-hd |
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
neofeud |
Neofeud |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
neosaires2070 |
Neos Aires 2070: Sunday Comes First |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
nightmareframes |
Nightmare Frames |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
nofear |
Where No Fear Was |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
oldskies |
Old Skies |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
oott |
Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge |
Official media |
⬜️ |
ags |
overtheedge |
The Journey Down: Over the Edge |
✅ |
ags |
patchwork |
Patchwork |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
perfecttides |
Perfect Tides |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
perfidiouspetrolstation |
The Perfidious Petrol Station |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
personalrocket |
Personal Rocket |
✅ |
ags |
phantomfellows |
The Phantom Fellows |
Paul Korman |
✅ |
ags |
primordia |
Primordia |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
puzzlebots |
Puzzle Bots |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
qfg2agdi |
Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
qfi |
Quest for Infamy |
tag2015, Coby Cat, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
quantumnauts |
Quantumnauts |
⬜️ |
ags |
quantumnauts2 |
Quantumnauts 2 |
✅ |
ags |
rabbithill |
Rabbit Hill |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
reactor09 |
Reactor 09 |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
redbow |
Red Bow |
Official media |
✅ |
ags |
resonance |
Resonance |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
richardandalice |
Richard and Alice |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
rnrneverdies |
Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die! |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
rogue |
Rogue |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
roguestate |
Rogue State |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
samaritan |
The Samaritan Paradox |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
sepulchre |
Sepulchre |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
shardlight |
Shardlight |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
shardsofgod |
Shards of God |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
shivah |
The Shivah |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
shivahkosher |
The Shivah - Kosher Edition |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
skumring |
Skumring |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
skyfall |
Skyfall |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
ags |
sphonx |
Sphonx |
✅ |
ags |
spooks |
Spooks |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
sq2dote |
Space Quest: Decision Of The Elders |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
sq2fg |
Space Quest for Glory |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
sq2vga |
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
sq45 |
Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco and the Voyage Home |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
sqinc |
Space Quest: Incinerations |
Tucky27, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
sqvsb |
Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back |
Tucky27, tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
starshipquasar |
Starship Quasar |
tag2015 |
⬜️ |
ags |
stayingalive |
The Ancient Art of Staying Alive |
⬜️ |
ags |
stellarmessep1 |
Stellar Mess - Episode 1: The Princess Conundrum |
✅ |
ags |
strangeland |
Strangeland |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
sulifallenharmony |
Suli: Fallen Harmony |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
sumatra |
Sumatra: Fate of Yandi |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
superegoch0 |
Superego - Chapter 0 |
DavidAriyan, tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
superegoch12 |
Superego - Chapter 1+2 |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
tales |
Tales |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
teafortwo |
Tea For Two: A Detective Logan Case |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
technobabylon |
Technobabylon |
DavidAriyan |
⬜️ |
ags |
terrorofthevampire |
Terror of the Vampire! |
✅ |
ags |
tftoz1 |
Tales From The Outer Zone: Cyborg Seppuku |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
tftoz2 |
Tales From The Outer Zone: The Goat Crone |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
tftoz3 |
Tales From The Outer Zone: Fleshworms |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
tftoz4 |
Tales From The Outer Zone: The Construction |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theadventuresoffatman |
The Adventures of Fatman |
✅ |
ags |
theadventuresoftheblackhawk |
The Adventures of the Black Hawk |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
theawakening |
The Awekening |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
thecabin |
The Cabin |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
thecastle |
The Castle |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
thecatlady |
The Cat Lady |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theexperimentp1 |
The Experiment - Part 1: The Laboratory |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theexperimentp2 |
The Experiment - Part 2: Menacing Darkness |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theinfinitystring |
The Infinity String |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
themanisee |
The Man That Only I Can See |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
themarionette |
The Marionette |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theoven |
The Oven |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
therapods |
Theropods |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
thereaper |
The Reaper |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
therebirth |
The Rebirth |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theshaft |
The Shaft |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
theterribleoldman |
The Terrible Old Man |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
thevacuum |
The Vacuum |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
timegentlemenplease |
Time Gentlemen, Please! |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
trilbysnotes |
Trilby's Notes |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
twelvethirteense |
Twelve Thirteen - Special Edition |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
unavowed |
Unavowed |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
unbound |
Unbound |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
untilihaveyou |
Until I have you |
DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
urbanwitchstory |
Urban Witch Story |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
wduprodigal |
Prodigal |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
whispersofamachine |
Whispers of a Machine |
tag2015 |
✅ |
ags |
witchlullaby |
The Witch's Lullaby |
DavidAriyan |
✅ |
ags |
zidjourney |
Zid Journey |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ags |
zniwadventure |
Zniw Adventure |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
asylum |
sanitarium |
Sanitarium |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
avalanche |
avalanche |
Lord Avalot d'Argent |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
bagel |
spacebar |
Spacebar |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
bbvs |
bbvs |
Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
bladerunner |
bladerunner |
Blade Runner |
NekoFever, DavidAriyan |
✅ |
bladerunner |
bladerunner-final |
Blade Runner |
NekoFever, DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
buried |
buried |
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
cge |
soltys |
Soltys |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
cge2 |
sfinx |
Sfinx |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
chewy |
chewy |
Chewy: Esc from F5 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
cine |
fw |
Future Wars |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
cine |
os |
Operation Stealth |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
composer |
babayaga |
Magic Tales: Baba Yaga and the Magic Geese |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
composer |
darby |
Darby the Dragon |
GandalfTheWhite80, WhiteRakogis |
✅ |
composer |
gregory |
Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
composer |
imoking |
Magic Tales: Imo and the King |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
composer |
liam |
Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
composer |
littlesamurai |
Magic Tales: The Little Samurai |
Tucky27 |
⬜️ |
composer |
magictales |
Magic Tales |
✅ |
composer |
princess |
Magic Tales: The Princess and the Crab |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
composer |
sleepingcub |
Magic Tales: Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
creab |
unrest |
Unrest |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
cruise |
cruise |
Cruise for a Corpse |
rehail |
✅ |
cryomni3d |
versailles |
Versailles 1685 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
dgds |
rise |
Rise of the Dragon |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
apeodyssey |
Ape Odyssey 2001 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
alice |
Alice: An Interactive Museum |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
chaos |
The C.H.A.O.S. Continuum |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
director |
classicalcats |
Classical Cats |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
chopsuey |
Chop Suey |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
cutemachine |
The Cute Machine |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
darkeye |
The Dark Eye |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
easternmind |
Eastern Mind |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
gadget |
Gadget: Invention, Travel and Adventure |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
kyoto |
Cosmology of Kyoto |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
lzone |
L-Zone |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
majestic |
Majestic Part 1: Alien Encounter |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
timegal |
Time Gal |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
warlock |
Spaceship Warlock |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
director |
wrath |
Wrath of the Gods |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
draci |
draci |
Draci Historie |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
dragons |
dragons |
Blazing Dragons |
dotdc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
drascula |
drascula |
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
dreamweb |
dreamweb |
DreamWeb |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
efh |
efh |
Escape From Hell |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
freescape |
castlemaster |
Castle Master |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
freescape |
darkside |
Dark Side |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
freescape |
driller |
Driller |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
freescape |
totaleclipse |
Total Eclipse |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
freescape |
totaleclipse2 |
Total Eclipse II |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
7doctors |
The seven doctors |
Tucky27 |
⬜️ |
glk |
adrianmole1 |
Adrian Mole I |
⬜️ |
glk |
adrianmole2 |
Adrian Mole II |
✅ |
glk |
adv350 |
Adventure, 350 point Colossal Cave |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
adv350h |
Adventure, 350 point Colossal Cave |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
adv440 |
Adventure II, 440 point Colossal Cave |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
adv550 |
Adventure 3, 550 point Colossal Cave |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
adv551 |
Adventure 6, 551 point Colossal Cave |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
adventureland |
Adventureland |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
adventurequest |
Adventure Quest |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
amfv |
A Mind Forever Voyaging |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
ballyhoo |
Ballyhoo |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
beyondzork |
Beyond Zork |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
borderzone |
Border Zone |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
buckaroobanzai |
Buckaroo Banzai |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
bureaucracy |
Bureaucracy |
Tucky27 , GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
ccfirstadv |
Colossal Cave - The First Adventure |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
claymorguesorcerer |
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
colossaladvjod |
Colossal Adventure /JoD |
JenniBee |
✅ |
glk |
corruption |
Corruption |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
crimsoncrown |
The Crimson Crown |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
cutthroats |
Cutthroats |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
deadline |
Deadline |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
dungeonadv |
Dungeon Adventure |
Tucky27 |
⬜️ |
glk |
dungeonadvjod |
Dungeon Adventure /JoD |
✅ |
glk |
elf20 |
The Elf's Christmas Adventure |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
elves87 |
Elves '87 |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
emeraldisle |
Emerald Isle |
✅ |
glk |
enchanter |
Enchanter |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
eriktheviking |
Erik the Viking |
✅ |
glk |
fish |
Fish! |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
ghosttown |
Ghost Town |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
gnomeranger |
Gnome Ranger |
✅ |
glk |
goldenvoyage |
The Golden Voyage |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
guild |
The Guild of Thieves |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
hhgttg |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
hollywoodhijinx |
Hollywood Hijinx |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
infidel |
Infidel |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
infocomsampler1 |
Infocom Sampler 1 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
infocomsampler2 |
Infocom Sampler 2 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
ingridsback |
Ingrid's Back |
✅ |
glk |
jinxter |
Jinxter |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
journey |
Journey |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
knightorc |
Knight Orc |
⬜️ |
glk |
lancelot |
Lancelot |
✅ |
glk |
lgop |
Leather Goddesses of Phobos |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
lordsoftime |
Lords of Time |
⬜️ |
glk |
lordsoftimetm |
Lords of Time /T&M |
⬜️ |
glk |
lordsoftimetmgd |
Lords of Time /T&M GD |
✅ |
glk |
lurkinghorror |
The Lurking Horror |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
magnetic |
Magnetic Scrolls Game |
✅ |
glk |
marveladventure |
Questprobe featuring The Hulk |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
marveladventure2 |
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
marveladventurei5 |
Questprobe featuring The Hulk |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
milliways |
Milliways |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
minizork1 |
Mini Zork I: The Great Underground Empire |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
missionimpossible |
Mission Impossible |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
moonmist |
Moonmist |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
mysteryfunhouse |
Mystery Fun House |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
myth |
Myth |
tag2015 |
✅ |
glk |
nordbert |
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
ootopos |
Oo-Topos |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
pawn |
the Pawn |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
pirateadventure |
Pirate Adventure |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
pirateisle |
Return to Pirate Isle |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
planetfall |
Planetfall |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
plunderedhearts |
Plundered Hearts |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
priceofmagik |
Price of Magik |
⬜️ |
glk |
priceofmagiktm |
Price of Magik /T&M |
⬜️ |
glk |
priceofmagiktmgd |
Price of Magik /T&M GD |
✅ |
glk |
pyramidofdoom |
Pyramid Of Doom |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
questforexcalibur |
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
glk |
questprobe2i5 |
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
redmoon |
Red Moon |
⬜️ |
glk |
redmoontm |
Red Moon /T&M |
⬜️ |
glk |
redmoontmgd |
Red Moon /T&M GD |
⬜️ |
glk |
returntoeden |
Return to Eden |
⬜️ |
glk |
returntoedensd |
Return to Eden /SD |
✅ |
glk |
savageisland1 |
Savage Island, Part 1 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
savageisland2 |
Savage Island, Part 2 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
scapeghost |
Scapeghost |
✅ |
glk |
scottsampler |
Adventure International's Mini-Adventure Sampler |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
seastalker |
Seastalker |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
sherlockriddle |
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
shogun |
James Clavell's Shogun |
NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
snowball |
Snowball |
⬜️ |
glk |
snowballsd |
Snowball /SD |
✅ |
glk |
softporn |
Softporn Adventure |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
sorcerer |
Sorcerer |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
spellbreaker |
Spellbreaker |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
starcross |
Starcross |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
stationfall |
Stationfall |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
strangeodyssey |
Strange Odyssey |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
suspect |
Suspect |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
suspended |
Suspended |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
talisman |
Talisman: Challenging the Sands of Time |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
thearchers |
The Archers |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
thecount |
The Count |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
thewitness |
The Witness |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
transylvania |
Transylvania |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
trinity |
Trinity |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
voodoocastle |
Voodoo Castle |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
wishbringer |
Wishbringer |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
wonderland |
Wonderland |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
glk |
worminparadise |
Worm in Paradise |
⬜️ |
glk |
worminparadisesd |
Worm in Paradise /SD |
⬜️ |
glk |
zcode |
Unknown Z-code game |
✅ |
glk |
zork0 |
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
zork1 |
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
zork2 |
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
zork3 |
Zork III: The Dungeon Master |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
glk |
ztuu |
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gnap |
gnap |
Gnap |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
gob |
abracadabra |
Once Upon A Time: Abracadabra |
⬜️ |
gob |
adi1 |
ADI 1 |
✅ |
gob |
adi2 |
ADI 2 |
BJNFNE, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
adi4 |
ADI 4 |
BJNFNE, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
adi5 |
ADI 5 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
adibou1 |
sdelamarre, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
adibou2 |
sdelamarre, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
adibou3 |
sdelamarre, GandalfTheWhite80, BJNFNE |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboucuisine |
Adibou présente Cuisine |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboudessin |
Adibou présente Dessin |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboumagie |
Adibou présente Magie |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboudchoumer |
Adiboud'chou a la mer |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboudchoubanquise |
Adiboud'chou sur la banquise |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboudchoucampagne |
Adiboud'chou a la campagne |
⬜️ |
gob |
adiboudchoujunglesavane |
Adiboud'chou dans la jungle et la savane |
⬜️ |
gob |
babayaga |
Once Upon A Time: Baba Yaga |
✅ |
gob |
bambou |
Playtoons Limited Edition - Bambou le sauveur de la jungle |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
bargon |
Bargon Attack |
Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
crousti |
Croustibat |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
gob |
dynastywood |
The Last Dynasty & The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble |
⬜️ |
gob |
dynasty |
The Last Dynasty |
⬜️ |
gob |
englishfever |
English Fever |
✅ |
gob |
fascination |
Fascination |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
geisha |
Geisha |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
gob1 |
Gobliiins |
nightm4re94, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
gob2 |
Gobliins 2 |
nightm4re94, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
gob3 |
Goblins Quest 3 |
Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
inca2 |
Inca II: Wiracocha |
BJNFNE, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
lit |
Lost in Time |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
gob |
lit1 |
Lost in Time Part 1 |
⬜️ |
gob |
lit2 |
Lost in Time Part 2 |
⬜️ |
gob |
magicstones |
The Land of the Magic Stones |
⬜️ |
gob |
nathanvacances |
Nathan Vacances |
✅ |
gob |
littlered |
Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
gob |
onceupon |
Once Upon A Time |
✅ |
gob |
playtnck1 |
Playtoons Construction Kit 1 - Monsters |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
playtnck2 |
Playtoons Construction Kit 2 - Knights |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
playtnck3 |
Playtoons Construction Kit 3 - Far West |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
playtoons1 |
Playtoons 1 - Uncle Archibald |
GandalfTheWhite80, BJNFNE |
✅ |
gob |
playtoons2 |
Playtoons 2 - The Case of the Counterfeit Collaborator |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
playtoons3 |
Playtoons 3 - The Secret of the Castle |
GandalfTheWhite80, BJNFNE |
✅ |
gob |
playtoons4 |
Playtoons 4 - The Mandarine Prince |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
playtoons5 |
Playtoons 5 - The Stone of Wakan |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
gob |
playtoonsdemo |
Playtoons Demo |
✅ |
gob |
urban |
Urban Runner |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
ween |
Ween: The Prophecy |
Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
gob |
woodruff |
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
griffon |
griffon |
The Griffon Legend |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
grim |
grim |
Grim Fandango |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
grim |
monkey4 |
Escape From Monkey Island |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
groovie |
11h |
The 11th Hour |
bobdevis, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
groovie |
clandestiny |
Clandestiny |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
groovie |
t7g |
The 7th Guest |
NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
groovie |
tlc |
Tender Loving Care |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
groovie |
unclehenry |
Uncle Henry's Playhouse |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hadesch |
hadesch |
Hades Challenge |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hdb |
hdb |
Hyperspace Delivery Boy! |
SupSuper, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hopkins |
hopkins |
Hopkins FBI |
rehail, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hugo |
hugo1 |
Hugo 1: Hugo's House of Horrors |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hugo |
hugo2 |
Hugo 2: Whodunit? |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hugo |
hugo3 |
Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
hypno |
sinistersix |
Spider-Man: The Sinister Six |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
hypno |
soldierboyz |
Soldier Boyz |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
hypno |
wetlands |
Wetlands |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
icb |
icb |
In Cold Blood |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
illusions |
duckman |
Duckman |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
kingdom |
kingdom |
Kingdom: The Far Reaches |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
kyra |
eob |
Eye of the Beholder |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
kyra |
eob2 |
Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
kyra |
kyra1 |
The Legend of Kyrandia |
Tucky27, beresk_let |
✅ |
kyra |
kyra2 |
The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
kyra |
kyra3 |
The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
kyra |
lol |
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos |
dotdc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
lab |
lab |
Labyrinth of Time |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
lure |
lure |
Lure of the Temptress |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
m4 |
burger |
Orion Burger |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
made |
lgop2 |
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
made |
manhole |
The Manhole |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
made |
rodney |
Rodney's Funscreen |
Matt, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
made |
rtz |
Return to Zork |
JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mads |
nebular |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender |
TrivialBalderdash |
✅ |
mm |
mm1 |
Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum |
GandalfTheWhite80, Tucky27 |
✅ |
mm |
mm1_enh |
Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum Enhanced |
GandalfTheWhite80, Tucky27 |
✅ |
mm |
cloudsofxeen |
Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mm |
darksideofxeen |
Might and Magic V: Dark Side of Xeen |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mm |
swordsofxeen |
Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mm |
worldofxeen |
Might and Magic: World of Xeen |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
arthur |
Arthur's Teacher Trouble |
mileso |
✅ |
mohawk |
arthurbday |
Arthur's Birthday |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
beardark |
The Berenstain Bears In The Dark |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
bearfight |
The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
create |
The Story of Creation |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
daniel |
Daniel in the Lion's Den |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
grandma |
Just Grandma and Me |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
greeneggs |
Green Eggs and Ham |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
harryhh |
Harry and the Haunted House |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
lilmonster |
Little Monster at School |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
makingofmyst |
The Making of Myst |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
myst |
Myst |
TrivialBalderdash |
✅ |
mohawk |
newkid |
The New Kid on the Block |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
riven |
Riven: The Sequel to Myst |
TrivialBalderdash |
✅ |
mohawk |
ruff |
Ruff's Bone |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
seussabc |
Dr Seuss's ABC |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mohawk |
sheila |
Sheila Rae, the Brave |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
stellaluna |
Stellaluna |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mohawk |
tortoise |
Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
mortevielle |
mortevielle |
Mortville Manor |
WhiteRakogis, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mtropolis |
mti |
Muppet Treasure Island |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
mtropolis |
obsidian |
Obsidian |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
myst3 |
myst3 |
Myst III Exile |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80,beresk_let |
✅ |
nancy |
nancy1 |
Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
nancy |
nancy2 |
Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
nancy |
nancy3 |
Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
nancy |
nancy4 |
Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
nancy |
nancy5 |
Nancy Drew: The Final Scene |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
nancy |
vampirediaries |
The Vampire Diaries |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
neverhood |
neverhood |
The Neverhood Chronicles |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ngi |
fullpipe |
Full Pipe |
App Store page, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
parallaction |
nippon |
Nippon Safes Inc. |
Redbar, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
pegasus |
pegasus |
The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
petka |
petka1 |
Red Comrades 1: Save the Galaxy |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
petka |
petka2 |
Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
pink |
peril |
The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
pink |
pokus |
The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
plumbers |
plumbers |
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties! |
nightm4re94, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
prince |
prince |
The Prince and the Coward |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
private |
private-eye |
Private Eye |
Adventure Gamers page, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
qdengine |
maski |
Mask Show |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
qdengine |
3mice1 |
Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
qdengine |
3mice2 |
Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
qdengine |
nupogodi3 |
Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a hare |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
qdengine |
shveik |
The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
queen |
queen |
Flight of the Amazon Queen |
NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
saga2 |
fta2 |
Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
saga |
ihnm |
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream |
NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
saga |
ite |
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
astrochicken |
Astro Chicken |
thevolumeremote |
✅ |
sci |
camelot |
Conquests of Camelot: King Arthur, Quest for the Grail |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
castlebrain |
Castle of Dr. Brain |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
sci |
catdate |
The Dating Pool |
✅ |
sci |
chest |
Inside the Chest |
Tucky27 |
⬜️ |
sci |
christmas1988 |
Christmas Card 1988 |
⬜️ |
sci |
christmas1990 |
Christmas Card 1990: The Seasoned Professional |
⬜️ |
sci |
christmas1992 |
Christmas Card 1992 |
✅ |
sci |
cnick-kq |
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: King Graham's Board Game Challenge |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
cnick-laurabow |
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Parlor Games with Laura Bow |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
cnick-longbow |
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Robin Hood's Game of Skill and Chance |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
cnick-lsl |
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Leisure Suit Larry's Casino |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
cnick-sq |
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Game Pack |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
ecoquest |
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
ecoquest2 |
EcoQuest II: Lost Secret of the Rainforest |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
fairytales |
Mixed-up Fairy Tales |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
freddypharkas |
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
sci |
funseeker |
Fun Seeker's Guide |
✅ |
sci |
gk1 |
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers |
TrivialBalderdash, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
gk2 |
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery |
TrivialBalderdash, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
hoyle1 |
Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 1 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
hoyle2 |
Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 2 |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
hoyle3 |
Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 3 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
hoyle4 |
Hoyle Classic Card Games |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
hoyle5 |
Hoyle Classic Games |
Thunderforge, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
sci |
hoyle5bridge |
Hoyle Bridge |
⬜️ |
sci |
hoyle5children |
Hoyle Children's Collection |
✅ |
sci |
hoyle5solitaire |
Hoyle Solitaire |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
iceman |
Codename: Iceman |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
islandbrain |
The Island of Dr. Brain |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
jones |
Jones in the Fast Lane |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
kq1sci |
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown |
dotdc, Tucky27 |
✅ |
sci |
kq4sci |
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella |
JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
kq5 |
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder |
JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
kq6 |
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow |
JenniBee, Tucky27, beresk_let |
✅ |
sci |
kq7 |
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
kquestions |
King's Questions |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
laurabow |
Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
laurabow2 |
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
lighthouse |
Lighthouse: The Dark Being |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
longbow |
Conquests of the Longbow: The Adventures of Robin Hood |
Tucky27, beresk_let, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
lsl1sci |
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
lsl2 |
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
lsl3 |
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
lsl5 |
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
lsl6 |
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
lsl6hires |
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
lsl7 |
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail! |
rehail |
✅ |
sci |
mothergoose |
Mixed-Up Mother Goose |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
mothergoose256 |
Mixed-Up Mother Goose |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
mothergoosehires |
Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe |
dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
msastrochicken |
Ms. Astro Chicken |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
sci |
pepper |
Pepper's Adventure in Time |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
phantasmagoria |
Phantasmagoria |
dotdc, DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
phantasmagoria2 |
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh |
dotdc |
✅ |
sci |
pq1sci |
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel |
Thanius, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
pq2 |
Police Quest II: The Vengeance |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
pq3 |
Police Quest III: The Kindred |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
pq4 |
Police Quest IV: Open Season |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
pqswat |
Police Quest: SWAT |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
qfg1 |
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
sci |
qfg1vga |
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
qfg2 |
Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
sci |
qfg3 |
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War |
JenniBee |
✅ |
sci |
qfg4 |
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
sci |
rama |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
sci |
sci |
Sierra SCI Game |
⬜️ |
sci |
sci-fanmade |
Fanmade SCI Game |
✅ |
sci |
shivers |
Shivers |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
slater |
Slater & Charlie Go Camping |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sci |
sq1sci |
Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter |
JenniBee, Tucky27 |
✅ |
sci |
sq3 |
Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon |
JenniBee |
✅ |
sci |
sq4 |
Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers |
JenniBee |
✅ |
sci |
sq5 |
Space Quest V: The Next Mutation |
JenniBee |
✅ |
sci |
sq6 |
Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier |
JenniBee |
✅ |
sci |
torin |
Torin's Passage |
Urgeistenergie, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
activity |
Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack |
Tucky27; GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
airport |
Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
arttime |
Blue's Art Time Activities |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
atlantis |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
balloon |
Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
baseball |
Backyard Baseball |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
baseball2001 |
Backyard Baseball 2001 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
baseball2003 |
Backyard Baseball 2003 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
basketball |
Backyard Basketball |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
blues123time |
Blue's 123 Time Activities |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
bluesabctime |
Blue's ABC Time Activities |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
bluesbirthday |
Blue's Birthday Adventure |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
bluestreasurehunt |
Blue's Treasure Hunt |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
brstorm |
Bear Stormin' |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
scumm |
catalog |
Humongous Interactive Catalog |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
chase |
SPY Fox in Cheese Chase |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
comi |
The Curse of Monkey Island |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
dig |
The Dig |
Urgeistenergie, tag2015 |
✅ |
scumm |
dog |
Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
farm |
Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
fbear |
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
fbpack |
Fatty Bear's Fun Pack |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
football |
Backyard Football |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
football2002 |
Backyard Football 2002 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
freddi |
Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
freddi2 |
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
freddi3 |
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
freddi4 |
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
freddicove |
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
freddisfunshop |
Freddi Fish's One-Stop Fun Shop |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
ft |
Full Throttle |
JenniBee |
✅ |
scumm |
funpack |
Putt-Putt's Fun Pack |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
indy3 |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
indyloom |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & Loom |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
indyzak |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & Zak McKracken |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
jungle |
Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
loom |
Loom |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
lost |
Pajama Sam's Lost & Found |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
maniac |
Maniac Mansion |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
maze |
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
monkey |
The Secret of Monkey Island |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
monkey2 |
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge |
Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
moonbase |
Moonbase Commander |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
mustard |
SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
pajama |
Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
pajama2 |
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
pajama3 |
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
pass |
Passport to Adventure |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
pjgames |
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
puttcircus |
Putt-Putt Joins the Circus |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
puttmoon |
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
puttputt |
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
puttrace |
Putt-Putt Enters the Race |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
puttsfunshop |
Putt-Putt's One-Stop Fun Shop |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
putttime |
Putt-Putt Travels Through Time |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
puttzoo |
Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo |
Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
readtime |
Blue's Reading Time Activities |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
scumm |
samnmax |
Sam & Max Hit the Road |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
samsfunshop |
Pajama Sam's One-Stop Fun Shop |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
soccer |
Backyard Soccer |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
soccer2004 |
Backyard Soccer 2004 |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
soccermls |
Backyard Soccer MLS Edition |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
socks |
Pajama Sam's Sock Works |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
spyfox |
SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
scumm |
spyfox2 |
SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
scumm |
spyozon |
SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
scumm |
tentacle |
Day of the Tentacle |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
thinker1 |
Big Thinkers First Grade |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
scumm |
thinkerk |
Big Thinkers Kindergarten |
Tucky27,GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
water |
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
zak |
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
scumm |
zakloom |
Zak McKracken & Loom |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sherlock |
rosetattoo |
The Case of the Rose Tattoo |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
sherlock |
scalpel |
The Case of the Serrated Scalpel |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
sky |
sky |
Beneath a Steel Sky |
nightm4re94 , GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
stark |
tlj |
The Longest Journey |
JenniBee |
✅ |
supernova |
msn1 |
Mission Supernova 1 |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
supernova |
msn2 |
Mission Supernova 2 |
Tucky27 |
✅ |
sword1 |
sword1 |
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars |
nightm4re94, beresk_let |
✅ |
sword2 |
sword2 |
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror |
nightm4re94, beresk_let |
✅ |
sword25 |
sword25 |
Broken Sword 2.5 |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
teenagent |
teenagent |
Teen Agent |
robertmegone, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tetraedge |
syberia |
Syberia |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tetraedge |
syberia2 |
Syberia II |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tinsel |
dw |
Discworld |
rehail, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tinsel |
dw2 |
Discworld 2: Missing Presumed ...!? |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
titanic |
titanic |
Starship Titanic |
thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
toltecs |
toltecs |
3 Skulls of the Toltecs |
Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tony |
tony |
Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths |
rehail |
✅ |
toon |
toon |
Toonstruck |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
touche |
touche |
Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer |
Canuma |
✅ |
trecision |
nl |
Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tsage |
blueforce |
Blue Force |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
tsage |
ringworld |
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch |
JenniBee |
✅ |
tsage |
ringworld2 |
Return to Ringworld |
tag2015 |
✅ |
tucker |
tucker |
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
twine |
lba |
Little Big Adventure |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
twp |
twp |
Thimbleweed Park |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
martiandreams |
Ultima - Martian Dreams |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
martiandreams_enh |
Ultima - Martian Dreams |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
remorse |
Crusader: No Remorse |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
thesavageempire |
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
thesavageempire_enh |
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
ultima4 |
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
ultima4_enh |
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
ultima6 |
Ultima VI - The False Prophet |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
ultima6_enh |
Ultima VI - The False Prophet |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
ultima |
ultima8 |
Ultima VIII - Pagan |
Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
vcruise |
reah |
Reah: Face the Unknown |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
vcruise |
schizm |
Schizm: Mysterious Journey |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
voyeur |
voyeur |
Voyeur |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
5ld |
Five Lethal Demons |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
5ma |
Five Magical Amulets |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
bickadoodle |
Bickadoodle |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
chivalry |
Chivalry is Not Dead |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
corrosion |
Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
deadcity |
Dead City |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
dirtysplit |
Dirty Split |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
escapemansion |
Escape from the Mansion |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
helga |
Helga Deep In Trouble |
GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
openquest |
Open Quest |
JenniBee |
✅ |
wintermute |
reversion1 |
Reversion: The Escape |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
reversion2 |
Reversion: The Meeting |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
⬜️ |
wintermute |
reversion3 |
Reversion: The Return |
✅ |
wintermute |
ritter |
1 1/2 Ritter: Auf der Suche nach der hinreissenden Herzelinde |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
rosemary |
Rosemary |
tag2015 |
✅ |
wintermute |
thekite |
The Kite |
tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
wintermute |
twc |
The White Chamber |
tag2015 |
✅ |
zvision |
zgi |
Zork: Grand Inquisitor |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |
✅ |
zvision |
znemesis |
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands |
JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80 |