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Table of Contents

Engine ID Game ID Game Name Credits
example example Example Entry Your Name Here
access amazon Amazon: Guardians of Eden Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
adl hires0 Hi-Res Adventure #0: Mission Asteroid Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
adl hires1 Hi-Res Adventure #1: Mystery House rehail
adl hires2 Hi-Res Adventure #2: Wizard and the Princess TrivialBalderdash
adl hires3 Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
adl hires4 Hi-Res Adventure #4: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
adl hires5 Hi-Res Adventure #5: Time Zone TrivialBalderdash
adl hires6 Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal TrivialBalderdash
⬜️ agi agi-fanmade Fanmade AGI game
agi bc The Black Cauldron Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi caitlyn Caitlyn's Destiny Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi ddp Donald Duck's Playground JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ agi enclosure Enclosure
agi goldrush Gold Rush! dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi kq1 King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi kq2 King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi kq3 King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi kq4 King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi lsl1 Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards rehail, GandalfTheWhite80
agi mh1 Manhunter 1: New York GandalfTheWhite80
agi mh2 Manhunter 2: San Francisco GandalfTheWhite80
agi mickey Mickey's Space Adventure Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
agi mixedup Mixed-Up Mother Goose dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
agi pq1 Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ agi serguei1 Serguei's Destiny 1
⬜️ agi serguei2 Serguei's Destiny 2
agi sq0 Space Quest 0: Replicated JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agi sq1 Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agi sq2 Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agi sqx Space Quest X: The Lost Chapter JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agi tetris AGI Tetris JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agi troll Troll's Tale JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agi winnie Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ agi xmascard Xmas Card
agos dimp Demon in my Pocket Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
agos elvira1 Elvira - Mistress of the Dark JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
agos elvira2 Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
agos feeble The Feeble Files Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80
agos jumble Jumble Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
agos pn Personal Nightmare Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
agos puzzle NoPatience Matt
agos simon1 Simon the Sorcerer 1 GandalfTheWhite80, tag2015
agos simon2 Simon the Sorcerer 2 GandalfTheWhite80, tag2015
agos swampy Swampy Adventures Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
agos waxworks Waxworks JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
ags 46memorylane 46 Memory Lane DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags 5daysastranger 5 Days a Stranger DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags 6daysasacrifice 6 Days a Sacrifice DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags 7daysaskeptic 7 Days a Skeptic DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags 9hourstodawn 9 Hours to Dawn DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags abscission Abscission tag2015
ags absurdistan Absurdistan tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags achristmasnightmare A Christmas Nightmare DavidAriyan
ags adateinthepark A Date in the Park DavidAriyan
ags aeronuts Aeronuts DavidAriyan
ags afragmentofher A Fragment of Her DavidAriyan
⬜️ ags ainthegoffantabulousw Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment
⬜️ ags airwave airwave - I Fought the Law, And the Law One
ags alandlordsdream A Landlord's Dream DavidAriyan
ags alemmo Al Emmo And The Lost Dutchman's Mine tag2015
ags allthewaydown All The Way Down DavidAriyan
ags almostblue Amost Blue DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags alum Alum
⬜️ ags amongthorns Among Thorns
ags apotheosis The Apotheosis Project tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags apprentice Apprentice
⬜️ ags apprentice2 Apprentice II: The Knight's Move
ags archeos Archeos DavidAriyan
⬜️ ags artofdying The Art of Dying
ags asecondface A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is watching Us DavidAriyan
ags ashinaredwitch Ashina: The Red Witch Official media, GandalfTheWhite80
ags atotk A Tale Of Two Kingdoms tag2015
ags bcremake Black Cauldron Remake DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags bentheredanthat Ben There, Dan That! tag2015
ags beyondhorizon Beyond Horizon DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags beyondowlsgard Beyond the Edge of Owlsgard tag2015
ags billymasterswasright Billy Masters Was Right tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags bitstream Bitstream DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags blackmorph Black Morph DavidAriyan
ags blacksect1 Black Sect Remake DavidAriyan
ags blackwell1 The Blackwell Legacy Tucky27, tag2015
ags blackwell2 Blackwell Unbound Tucky27, tag2015
ags blackwell3 The Blackwell Convergence Tucky27, tag2015
ags blackwell4 The Blackwell Deception Tucky27, tag2015
ags blackwell5 The Blackwell Epiphany tag2015
ags bloodedfields Blooded Fields DavidAriyan
ags breakage Breakage DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags breakfastont1 Breakfast on Trappist-1
⬜️ ags brokenwindows1 Broken Windows - Chapter 1
⬜️ ags brokenwindows2 Broken Windows - Chapter 2
⬜️ ags brokenwindows3 Broken Windows - Chapter 3
⬜️ ags brokenwindows4 Broken Windows - Chapter 4
ags camp1 Camp 1 DavidAriyan
ags captaindisaster Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots tag2015
ags cartlife Cart Life tag2015
ags cedricandtherevolution Cedric and the Revolution
ags charnelhousetrilogy The Charnel House Trilogy DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags chronicleofinnsmouth Chronicle Of Innsmouth DavidAriyan, tag2015
⬜️ ags clotildesoffritti Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Buy a Used Spaceship
ags clotildesoffritti2 Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park Your Spaceship tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags comedyquest Comedy Quest tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags concurrence Concurrence DavidAriyan
ags conspiracybelowzero Conspiracy: Below Zero DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags contact Contact DavidAriyan
ags content Content DavidAriyan
ags contrapasso Commissar's Contrapasso tag2015
ags crimsondiamond The Crimson Diamond tag2015
ags danewguys Da New Guys DavidAriyan
ags danewguys2 Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass tag2015
⬜️ ags detectivebhdino Detective Boiled-Hard - Case File: Death of the Space Dino Hunter
ags detectivegallo Detective Gallo DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags docapocalypse Doc Apocalypse
ags downfall2009 Downfall (2009) GandalfTheWhite80
ags downfall2016 Downfall (2016) DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags dreamswitchhouse Dreams in the Witch House tag2015
ags dustbowl Dustbowl DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags englishhaunting An English Hunting tag2015
ags escapefromthechaoticcity Escape From The Chaotic City DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags excavationhb The Excavation of Hob's Barrow tag2015
ags fall Fall DavidAriyan
ags falconcity Falcon City tag2015
ags feriadarles Feria d'Arles Official media
ags footballgame Football Game tag2015
ags fuguestate The Man From The Fugue State DavidAriyan
ags geminirue Gemini Rue DavidAriyan
ags ghostcatchers GHOSTCATCHERS DavidAriyan
ags ghostdream Ghostdream DavidAriyan
ags gobliiins5-1 Gobliiins5 - part 1 GandalfTheWhite80
ags gobliiins5-2 Gobliiins5 - part 2 GandalfTheWhite80
ags gobliiins5-3 Gobliiins5 - part 3 GandalfTheWhite80
ags gobliiins5-4 Gobliiins5 - part 4 GandalfTheWhite80
ags goldenwake A Golden Wake Official media
ags graceward Graceward - Complete Edition FransisKransis (Official media)
⬜️ ags grandmabadass GrandMa Badass
ags guardduty Guard Duty tag2015
ags heartland Heartland DavidAriyan
ags heroinequest Heroine's Quest tag2015
ags him Him DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags hjarta Hjarta DavidAriyan
ags iamjason I Am Jason DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags icantsleep I Can't Sleep In Silence DavidAriyan
ags icestationzero Ice Station Zero DavidAriyan
ags inbloom In Bloom DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags ioawn4t If On A Winter's Night: Four Travellers DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags iwantout I Want Out! DavidAriyan
ags journeyhell Journey to Hell DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags journeyhome Journey Home DavidAriyan
ags justignorethem Just Ignore Them tag2015
ags justignorethembrea1 Just Ignore Them: Brea's Story Tape 1 tag2015
ags kathyrain Kathy Rain - A Detective Is Born GandalfTheWhite80
ags killyourself Kill Yourself tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags knobblycrook The Knobbly Crook tag2015
ags kq1agdi King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Remake tag2015
ags kq2agdi King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones Remake tag2015
ags kq3agdi King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human tag2015
⬜️ ags kq3vga King's Quest III: To Heir is Human VGA Remake
ags lacroixpan La Croix Pan DavidAriyan
ags lamplightcity Lamplight City DavidAriyan
⬜️ ags lancelothangover Lancelot's Hangover
ags larrylotter Larry Lotter and the Test of Time tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags leewardep1 Leeward - Episode 1
ags legendofhand Legend of Hand tag2015
ags lostanswers Lost Answers DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags lostinthenightmare Lost In The Nightmare DavidAriyan
ags mage Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements tag2015
ags maniacmansiondeluxe Maniac Mansion Deluxe GandalfTheWhite80
ags masked Masked tag2015
ags metaldead Metal Dead tag2015
ags metaphobia Metaphobia DavidAriyan
ags mountainsofmadness Chronicle Of Innsmouth: Mountains Of Madness DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags mudlarks Mudlarks DavidAriyan
ags mybigsister My Big Sister Official media
ags mybigsisterrm My Big Sister Remastered tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags myburdentokeep My Burden to Keep DavidAriyan
ags myfatherssecret My Father's Secret DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags nellycootalot Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! tag2015
ags nellycootalot-hd Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags neofeud Neofeud DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags neosaires2070 Neos Aires 2070: Sunday Comes First DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags nightmareframes Nightmare Frames DavidAriyan
ags nofear Where No Fear Was DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags oldskies Old Skies tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags oott Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge Official media
⬜️ ags overtheedge The Journey Down: Over the Edge
ags patchwork Patchwork DavidAriyan
ags perfecttides Perfect Tides tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags perfidiouspetrolstation The Perfidious Petrol Station tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags personalrocket Personal Rocket
ags phantomfellows The Phantom Fellows Paul Korman
ags primordia Primordia Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ags puzzlebots Puzzle Bots tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags qfg2agdi Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Tucky27, tag2015
ags qfi Quest for Infamy tag2015, Coby Cat, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags quantumnauts Quantumnauts
⬜️ ags quantumnauts2 Quantumnauts 2
ags rabbithill Rabbit Hill DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags reactor09 Reactor 09 DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags redbow Red Bow Official media
ags resonance Resonance DavidAriyan
ags richardandalice Richard and Alice tag2015
ags rnrneverdies Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die! tag2015
ags rogue Rogue DavidAriyan
ags roguestate Rogue State tag2015
ags samaritan The Samaritan Paradox DavidAriyan
ags sepulchre Sepulchre DavidAriyan
ags shardlight Shardlight tag2015
ags shardsofgod Shards of God tag2015
ags shivah The Shivah tag2015
ags shivahkosher The Shivah - Kosher Edition tag2015
ags skumring Skumring DavidAriyan
ags skyfall Skyfall DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ ags sphonx Sphonx
ags spooks Spooks DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags sq2dote Space Quest: Decision Of The Elders Tucky27, tag2015
ags sq2fg Space Quest for Glory tag2015
ags sq2vga Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge Tucky27, tag2015
ags sq45 Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco and the Voyage Home tag2015
ags sqinc Space Quest: Incinerations Tucky27, tag2015
ags sqvsb Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back Tucky27, tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags starshipquasar Starship Quasar tag2015
⬜️ ags stayingalive The Ancient Art of Staying Alive
⬜️ ags stellarmessep1 Stellar Mess - Episode 1: The Princess Conundrum
ags strangeland Strangeland DavidAriyan
ags sulifallenharmony Suli: Fallen Harmony tag2015
ags sumatra Sumatra: Fate of Yandi tag2015
ags superegoch0 Superego - Chapter 0 DavidAriyan, tag2015
ags superegoch12 Superego - Chapter 1+2 tag2015
ags tales Tales tag2015
ags teafortwo Tea For Two: A Detective Logan Case DavidAriyan
ags technobabylon Technobabylon DavidAriyan
⬜️ ags terrorofthevampire Terror of the Vampire!
ags tftoz1 Tales From The Outer Zone: Cyborg Seppuku DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags tftoz2 Tales From The Outer Zone: The Goat Crone DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags tftoz3 Tales From The Outer Zone: Fleshworms DavidAriyan
ags tftoz4 Tales From The Outer Zone: The Construction DavidAriyan
ags theadventuresoffatman The Adventures of Fatman
ags theadventuresoftheblackhawk The Adventures of the Black Hawk tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags theawakening The Awekening DavidAriyan
ags thecabin The Cabin DavidAriyan
ags thecastle The Castle tag2015
ags thecatlady The Cat Lady DavidAriyan
ags theexperimentp1 The Experiment - Part 1: The Laboratory DavidAriyan
ags theexperimentp2 The Experiment - Part 2: Menacing Darkness DavidAriyan
ags theinfinitystring The Infinity String DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags themanisee The Man That Only I Can See DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags themarionette The Marionette DavidAriyan
ags theoven The Oven DavidAriyan
ags therapods Theropods DavidAriyan
ags thereaper The Reaper DavidAriyan
ags therebirth The Rebirth DavidAriyan
ags theshaft The Shaft DavidAriyan
ags theterribleoldman The Terrible Old Man DavidAriyan
ags thevacuum The Vacuum DavidAriyan
ags timegentlemenplease Time Gentlemen, Please! tag2015
ags trilbysnotes Trilby's Notes DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags twelvethirteense Twelve Thirteen - Special Edition DavidAriyan
ags unavowed Unavowed DavidAriyan
ags unbound Unbound DavidAriyan
ags untilihaveyou Until I have you DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
ags urbanwitchstory Urban Witch Story tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags wduprodigal Prodigal DavidAriyan
ags whispersofamachine Whispers of a Machine tag2015
ags witchlullaby The Witch's Lullaby DavidAriyan
ags zidjourney Zid Journey tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
ags zniwadventure Zniw Adventure tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
asylum sanitarium Sanitarium JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
avalanche avalanche Lord Avalot d'Argent JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
bagel spacebar Spacebar GandalfTheWhite80
bbvs bbvs Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
bladerunner bladerunner Blade Runner NekoFever, DavidAriyan
bladerunner bladerunner-final Blade Runner NekoFever, DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
buried buried The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time GandalfTheWhite80
cge soltys Soltys JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
cge2 sfinx Sfinx JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
chewy chewy Chewy: Esc from F5 GandalfTheWhite80
cine fw Future Wars Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
cine os Operation Stealth JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
composer babayaga Magic Tales: Baba Yaga and the Magic Geese Tucky27
composer darby Darby the Dragon GandalfTheWhite80, WhiteRakogis
composer gregory Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon GandalfTheWhite80
composer imoking Magic Tales: Imo and the King Tucky27
composer liam Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story Tucky27
composer littlesamurai Magic Tales: The Little Samurai Tucky27
⬜️ composer magictales Magic Tales
composer princess Magic Tales: The Princess and the Crab Tucky27
composer sleepingcub Magic Tales: Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage Tucky27
creab unrest Unrest GandalfTheWhite80
cruise cruise Cruise for a Corpse rehail
cryomni3d versailles Versailles 1685 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
dgds rise Rise of the Dragon GandalfTheWhite80
director apeodyssey Ape Odyssey 2001 GandalfTheWhite80
director alice Alice: An Interactive Museum GandalfTheWhite80
director chaos The C.H.A.O.S. Continuum Tucky27
director classicalcats Classical Cats GandalfTheWhite80
director chopsuey Chop Suey GandalfTheWhite80
director cutemachine The Cute Machine GandalfTheWhite80
director darkeye The Dark Eye GandalfTheWhite80
director easternmind Eastern Mind GandalfTheWhite80
director gadget Gadget: Invention, Travel and Adventure GandalfTheWhite80
director kyoto Cosmology of Kyoto Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
director lzone L-Zone Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
director majestic Majestic Part 1: Alien Encounter Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
director timegal Time Gal GandalfTheWhite80
director warlock Spaceship Warlock Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
director wrath Wrath of the Gods GandalfTheWhite80
draci draci Draci Historie JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
dragons dragons Blazing Dragons dotdc, GandalfTheWhite80
drascula drascula Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
dreamweb dreamweb DreamWeb thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
efh efh Escape From Hell GandalfTheWhite80
freescape castlemaster Castle Master GandalfTheWhite80
freescape darkside Dark Side GandalfTheWhite80
freescape driller Driller GandalfTheWhite80
freescape totaleclipse Total Eclipse GandalfTheWhite80
freescape totaleclipse2 Total Eclipse II GandalfTheWhite80
glk 7doctors The seven doctors Tucky27
⬜️ glk adrianmole1 Adrian Mole I
⬜️ glk adrianmole2 Adrian Mole II
glk adv350 Adventure, 350 point Colossal Cave JenniBee, Tucky27
glk adv350h Adventure, 350 point Colossal Cave JenniBee, Tucky27
glk adv440 Adventure II, 440 point Colossal Cave JenniBee, Tucky27
glk adv550 Adventure 3, 550 point Colossal Cave JenniBee, Tucky27
glk adv551 Adventure 6, 551 point Colossal Cave JenniBee, Tucky27
glk adventureland Adventureland Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk adventurequest Adventure Quest Tucky27
glk amfv A Mind Forever Voyaging Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk ballyhoo Ballyhoo Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk beyondzork Beyond Zork JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk borderzone Border Zone Tucky27
glk buckaroobanzai Buckaroo Banzai Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk bureaucracy Bureaucracy Tucky27 , GandalfTheWhite80
glk ccfirstadv Colossal Cave - The First Adventure JenniBee, Tucky27
glk claymorguesorcerer Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle Tucky27
glk colossaladvjod Colossal Adventure /JoD JenniBee
glk corruption Corruption tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
glk crimsoncrown The Crimson Crown Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk cutthroats Cutthroats Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk deadline Deadline Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk dungeonadv Dungeon Adventure Tucky27
⬜️ glk dungeonadvjod Dungeon Adventure /JoD
glk elf20 The Elf's Christmas Adventure JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk elves87 Elves '87 JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk emeraldisle Emerald Isle
glk enchanter Enchanter Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk eriktheviking Erik the Viking
glk fish Fish! tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
glk ghosttown Ghost Town Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk gnomeranger Gnome Ranger
glk goldenvoyage The Golden Voyage Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk guild The Guild of Thieves tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
glk hhgttg The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk hollywoodhijinx Hollywood Hijinx Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk infidel Infidel Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk infocomsampler1 Infocom Sampler 1 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk infocomsampler2 Infocom Sampler 2 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk ingridsback Ingrid's Back
glk jinxter Jinxter tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
glk journey Journey Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk knightorc Knight Orc
⬜️ glk lancelot Lancelot
glk lgop Leather Goddesses of Phobos JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk lordsoftime Lords of Time
⬜️ glk lordsoftimetm Lords of Time /T&M
⬜️ glk lordsoftimetmgd Lords of Time /T&M GD
glk lurkinghorror The Lurking Horror Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk magnetic Magnetic Scrolls Game
glk marveladventure Questprobe featuring The Hulk Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk marveladventure2 Questprobe featuring Spider-Man Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk marveladventurei5 Questprobe featuring The Hulk Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk milliways Milliways Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk minizork1 Mini Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk missionimpossible Mission Impossible Tucky27
glk moonmist Moonmist Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk mysteryfunhouse Mystery Fun House Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk myth Myth tag2015
glk nordbert Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk ootopos Oo-Topos Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk pawn the Pawn tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
glk pirateadventure Pirate Adventure Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk pirateisle Return to Pirate Isle Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk planetfall Planetfall Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk plunderedhearts Plundered Hearts Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk priceofmagik Price of Magik
⬜️ glk priceofmagiktm Price of Magik /T&M
⬜️ glk priceofmagiktmgd Price of Magik /T&M GD
glk pyramidofdoom Pyramid Of Doom Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk questforexcalibur Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur Tucky27
glk questprobe2i5 Questprobe featuring Spider-Man Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk redmoon Red Moon
⬜️ glk redmoontm Red Moon /T&M
⬜️ glk redmoontmgd Red Moon /T&M GD
⬜️ glk returntoeden Return to Eden
⬜️ glk returntoedensd Return to Eden /SD
glk savageisland1 Savage Island, Part 1 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk savageisland2 Savage Island, Part 2 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk scapeghost Scapeghost
glk scottsampler Adventure International's Mini-Adventure Sampler Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk seastalker Seastalker Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk sherlockriddle Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk shogun James Clavell's Shogun NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk snowball Snowball
⬜️ glk snowballsd Snowball /SD
glk softporn Softporn Adventure JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk sorcerer Sorcerer Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk spellbreaker Spellbreaker Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk starcross Starcross Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk stationfall Stationfall Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk strangeodyssey Strange Odyssey Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk suspect Suspect Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk suspended Suspended Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk talisman Talisman: Challenging the Sands of Time Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk thearchers The Archers Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk thecount The Count Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk thewitness The Witness Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk transylvania Transylvania Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk trinity Trinity Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk voodoocastle Voodoo Castle Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk wishbringer Wishbringer Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
glk wonderland Wonderland Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ glk worminparadise Worm in Paradise
⬜️ glk worminparadisesd Worm in Paradise /SD
⬜️ glk zcode Unknown Z-code game
glk zork0 Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk zork1 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk zork2 Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk zork3 Zork III: The Dungeon Master JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
glk ztuu Zork: The Undiscovered Underground JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
gnap gnap Gnap JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ gob abracadabra Once Upon A Time: Abracadabra
⬜️ gob adi1 ADI 1
gob adi2 ADI 2 BJNFNE, GandalfTheWhite80
gob adi4 ADI 4 BJNFNE, GandalfTheWhite80
gob adi5 ADI 5 GandalfTheWhite80
gob adibou1 ADIBOU 1 sdelamarre, GandalfTheWhite80
gob adibou2 ADIBOU 2 sdelamarre, GandalfTheWhite80
gob adibou3 ADIBOU 3 sdelamarre, GandalfTheWhite80, BJNFNE
⬜️ gob adiboucuisine Adibou présente Cuisine
⬜️ gob adiboudessin Adibou présente Dessin
⬜️ gob adiboumagie Adibou présente Magie
⬜️ gob adiboudchoumer Adiboud'chou a la mer
⬜️ gob adiboudchoubanquise Adiboud'chou sur la banquise
⬜️ gob adiboudchoucampagne Adiboud'chou a la campagne
⬜️ gob adiboudchoujunglesavane Adiboud'chou dans la jungle et la savane
⬜️ gob babayaga Once Upon A Time: Baba Yaga
gob bambou Playtoons Limited Edition - Bambou le sauveur de la jungle Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
gob bargon Bargon Attack Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80
gob crousti Croustibat JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ gob dynastywood The Last Dynasty & The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
⬜️ gob dynasty The Last Dynasty
⬜️ gob englishfever English Fever
gob fascination Fascination JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
gob geisha Geisha JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
gob gob1 Gobliiins nightm4re94, GandalfTheWhite80
gob gob2 Gobliins 2 nightm4re94, GandalfTheWhite80
gob gob3 Goblins Quest 3 Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80
gob inca2 Inca II: Wiracocha BJNFNE, GandalfTheWhite80
gob lit Lost in Time Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ gob lit1 Lost in Time Part 1
⬜️ gob lit2 Lost in Time Part 2
⬜️ gob magicstones The Land of the Magic Stones
⬜️ gob nathanvacances Nathan Vacances
gob littlered Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ gob onceupon Once Upon A Time
gob playtnck1 Playtoons Construction Kit 1 - Monsters GandalfTheWhite80
gob playtnck2 Playtoons Construction Kit 2 - Knights GandalfTheWhite80
gob playtnck3 Playtoons Construction Kit 3 - Far West GandalfTheWhite80
gob playtoons1 Playtoons 1 - Uncle Archibald GandalfTheWhite80, BJNFNE
gob playtoons2 Playtoons 2 - The Case of the Counterfeit Collaborator GandalfTheWhite80
gob playtoons3 Playtoons 3 - The Secret of the Castle GandalfTheWhite80, BJNFNE
gob playtoons4 Playtoons 4 - The Mandarine Prince GandalfTheWhite80
gob playtoons5 Playtoons 5 - The Stone of Wakan GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ gob playtoonsdemo Playtoons Demo
gob urban Urban Runner JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
gob ween Ween: The Prophecy Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80
gob woodruff The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
griffon griffon The Griffon Legend GandalfTheWhite80
grim grim Grim Fandango Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
grim monkey4 Escape From Monkey Island Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
groovie 11h The 11th Hour bobdevis, GandalfTheWhite80
groovie clandestiny Clandestiny Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
groovie t7g The 7th Guest NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80
groovie tlc Tender Loving Care Tucky27
groovie unclehenry Uncle Henry's Playhouse GandalfTheWhite80
hadesch hadesch Hades Challenge GandalfTheWhite80
hdb hdb Hyperspace Delivery Boy! SupSuper, GandalfTheWhite80
hopkins hopkins Hopkins FBI rehail, GandalfTheWhite80
hugo hugo1 Hugo 1: Hugo's House of Horrors JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
hugo hugo2 Hugo 2: Whodunit? JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
hugo hugo3 Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
hypno sinistersix Spider-Man: The Sinister Six Tucky27
hypno soldierboyz Soldier Boyz Tucky27
hypno wetlands Wetlands Tucky27
icb icb In Cold Blood GandalfTheWhite80
illusions duckman Duckman Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
kingdom kingdom Kingdom: The Far Reaches GandalfTheWhite80
kyra eob Eye of the Beholder Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
kyra eob2 Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
kyra kyra1 The Legend of Kyrandia Tucky27, beresk_let
kyra kyra2 The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
kyra kyra3 The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
kyra lol Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos dotdc, GandalfTheWhite80
lab lab Labyrinth of Time Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
lure lure Lure of the Temptress GandalfTheWhite80
m4 burger Orion Burger GandalfTheWhite80
made lgop2 Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
made manhole The Manhole Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
made rodney Rodney's Funscreen Matt, GandalfTheWhite80
made rtz Return to Zork JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
mads nebular Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender TrivialBalderdash
mm mm1 Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum GandalfTheWhite80, Tucky27
mm mm1_enh Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum Enhanced GandalfTheWhite80, Tucky27
mm cloudsofxeen Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen GandalfTheWhite80
mm darksideofxeen Might and Magic V: Dark Side of Xeen GandalfTheWhite80
mm swordsofxeen Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen GandalfTheWhite80
mm worldofxeen Might and Magic: World of Xeen GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk arthur Arthur's Teacher Trouble mileso
mohawk arthurbday Arthur's Birthday Tucky27
mohawk beardark The Berenstain Bears In The Dark Tucky27
mohawk bearfight The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight Tucky27
mohawk create The Story of Creation GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk daniel Daniel in the Lion's Den Tucky27
mohawk grandma Just Grandma and Me Tucky27
mohawk greeneggs Green Eggs and Ham Tucky27
mohawk harryhh Harry and the Haunted House Tucky27
mohawk lilmonster Little Monster at School GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk makingofmyst The Making of Myst Tucky27
mohawk myst Myst TrivialBalderdash
mohawk newkid The New Kid on the Block GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk riven Riven: The Sequel to Myst TrivialBalderdash
mohawk ruff Ruff's Bone GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk seussabc Dr Seuss's ABC Tucky27
mohawk sheila Sheila Rae, the Brave GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk stellaluna Stellaluna GandalfTheWhite80
mohawk tortoise Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare Tucky27
mortevielle mortevielle Mortville Manor WhiteRakogis, GandalfTheWhite80
mtropolis mti Muppet Treasure Island GandalfTheWhite80
mtropolis obsidian Obsidian GandalfTheWhite80
myst3 myst3 Myst III Exile JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80,beresk_let
nancy nancy1 Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill GandalfTheWhite80
nancy nancy2 Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger GandalfTheWhite80
nancy nancy3 Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion GandalfTheWhite80
nancy nancy4 Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower GandalfTheWhite80
nancy nancy5 Nancy Drew: The Final Scene GandalfTheWhite80
nancy vampirediaries The Vampire Diaries GandalfTheWhite80
neverhood neverhood The Neverhood Chronicles JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
ngi fullpipe Full Pipe App Store page, GandalfTheWhite80
parallaction nippon Nippon Safes Inc. Redbar, GandalfTheWhite80
pegasus pegasus The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
petka petka1 Red Comrades 1: Save the Galaxy GandalfTheWhite80
petka petka2 Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice GandalfTheWhite80
pink peril The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
pink pokus The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink Tucky27
plumbers plumbers Plumbers Don't Wear Ties! nightm4re94, GandalfTheWhite80
prince prince The Prince and the Coward JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
private private-eye Private Eye Adventure Gamers page, GandalfTheWhite80
qdengine maski Mask Show GandalfTheWhite80
qdengine 3mice1 Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat GandalfTheWhite80
qdengine 3mice2 Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday GandalfTheWhite80
qdengine nupogodi3 Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a hare GandalfTheWhite80
qdengine shveik The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik GandalfTheWhite80
queen queen Flight of the Amazon Queen NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80
saga2 fta2 Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II GandalfTheWhite80
saga ihnm I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream NekoFever, GandalfTheWhite80
saga ite Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
sci astrochicken Astro Chicken thevolumeremote
sci camelot Conquests of Camelot: King Arthur, Quest for the Grail GandalfTheWhite80
sci castlebrain Castle of Dr. Brain thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ sci catdate The Dating Pool
sci chest Inside the Chest Tucky27
⬜️ sci christmas1988 Christmas Card 1988
⬜️ sci christmas1990 Christmas Card 1990: The Seasoned Professional
⬜️ sci christmas1992 Christmas Card 1992
sci cnick-kq Crazy Nick's Software Picks: King Graham's Board Game Challenge Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci cnick-laurabow Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Parlor Games with Laura Bow Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci cnick-longbow Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Robin Hood's Game of Skill and Chance Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci cnick-lsl Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Leisure Suit Larry's Casino Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci cnick-sq Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Game Pack Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci ecoquest EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
sci ecoquest2 EcoQuest II: Lost Secret of the Rainforest thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
sci fairytales Mixed-up Fairy Tales Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci freddypharkas Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ sci funseeker Fun Seeker's Guide
sci gk1 Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers TrivialBalderdash, GandalfTheWhite80
sci gk2 The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery TrivialBalderdash, GandalfTheWhite80
sci hoyle1 Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 1 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci hoyle2 Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 2 GandalfTheWhite80
sci hoyle3 Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 3 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci hoyle4 Hoyle Classic Card Games tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
sci hoyle5 Hoyle Classic Games Thunderforge, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ sci hoyle5bridge Hoyle Bridge
⬜️ sci hoyle5children Hoyle Children's Collection
sci hoyle5solitaire Hoyle Solitaire tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
sci iceman Codename: Iceman rehail
sci islandbrain The Island of Dr. Brain thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
sci jones Jones in the Fast Lane Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci kq1sci King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown dotdc, Tucky27
sci kq4sci King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci kq5 King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder JenniBee, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci kq6 King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow JenniBee, Tucky27, beresk_let
sci kq7 King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
sci kquestions King's Questions Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci laurabow Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci laurabow2 Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci lighthouse Lighthouse: The Dark Being thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
sci longbow Conquests of the Longbow: The Adventures of Robin Hood Tucky27, beresk_let, GandalfTheWhite80
sci lsl1sci Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards rehail
sci lsl2 Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) rehail
sci lsl3 Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals rehail
sci lsl5 Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work rehail
sci lsl6 Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! rehail
sci lsl6hires Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! rehail
sci lsl7 Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail! rehail
sci mothergoose Mixed-Up Mother Goose dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci mothergoose256 Mixed-Up Mother Goose dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci mothergoosehires Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe dotdc, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci msastrochicken Ms. Astro Chicken Tucky27
sci pepper Pepper's Adventure in Time Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci phantasmagoria Phantasmagoria dotdc, DavidAriyan, GandalfTheWhite80
sci phantasmagoria2 Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh dotdc
sci pq1sci Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel Thanius, Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci pq2 Police Quest II: The Vengeance JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
sci pq3 Police Quest III: The Kindred JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
sci pq4 Police Quest IV: Open Season Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci pqswat Police Quest: SWAT Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sci qfg1 Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero JenniBee, Tucky27
sci qfg1vga Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
sci qfg2 Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire JenniBee, Tucky27
sci qfg3 Quest for Glory III: Wages of War JenniBee
sci qfg4 Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness JenniBee, Tucky27
sci rama RAMA thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ sci sci Sierra SCI Game
⬜️ sci sci-fanmade Fanmade SCI Game
sci shivers Shivers thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
sci slater Slater & Charlie Go Camping GandalfTheWhite80
sci sq1sci Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter JenniBee, Tucky27
sci sq3 Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon JenniBee
sci sq4 Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers JenniBee
sci sq5 Space Quest V: The Next Mutation JenniBee
sci sq6 Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier JenniBee
sci torin Torin's Passage Urgeistenergie, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm activity Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack Tucky27; GandalfTheWhite80
scumm airport Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm arttime Blue's Art Time Activities Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm atlantis Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm balloon Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm baseball Backyard Baseball Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm baseball2001 Backyard Baseball 2001 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm baseball2003 Backyard Baseball 2003 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm basketball Backyard Basketball Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm blues123time Blue's 123 Time Activities Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm bluesabctime Blue's ABC Time Activities Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm bluesbirthday Blue's Birthday Adventure Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm bluestreasurehunt Blue's Treasure Hunt Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm brstorm Bear Stormin' Tucky27
scumm catalog Humongous Interactive Catalog Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm chase SPY Fox in Cheese Chase Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm comi The Curse of Monkey Island JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm dig The Dig Urgeistenergie, tag2015
scumm dog Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm farm Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm fbear Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm fbpack Fatty Bear's Fun Pack Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm football Backyard Football Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm football2002 Backyard Football 2002 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm freddi Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm freddi2 Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm freddi3 Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm freddi4 Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm freddicove Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm freddisfunshop Freddi Fish's One-Stop Fun Shop Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm ft Full Throttle JenniBee
scumm funpack Putt-Putt's Fun Pack Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm indy3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm indyloom Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & Loom JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm indyzak Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & Zak McKracken JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm jungle Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm loom Loom JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm lost Pajama Sam's Lost & Found Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm maniac Maniac Mansion JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm maze Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm monkey The Secret of Monkey Island Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm monkey2 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Thanius, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm moonbase Moonbase Commander JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm mustard SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm pajama Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm pajama2 Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm pajama3 Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm pass Passport to Adventure JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm pjgames Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm puttcircus Putt-Putt Joins the Circus Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm puttmoon Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm puttputt Putt-Putt Joins the Parade Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm puttrace Putt-Putt Enters the Race Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm puttsfunshop Putt-Putt's One-Stop Fun Shop Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm putttime Putt-Putt Travels Through Time Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm puttzoo Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo Retrodude, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm readtime Blue's Reading Time Activities Tucky27
scumm samnmax Sam & Max Hit the Road JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm samsfunshop Pajama Sam's One-Stop Fun Shop GandalfTheWhite80
scumm soccer Backyard Soccer tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm soccer2004 Backyard Soccer 2004 Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm soccermls Backyard Soccer MLS Edition Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm socks Pajama Sam's Sock Works GandalfTheWhite80
scumm spyfox SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal Tucky27
scumm spyfox2 SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required Tucky27
scumm spyozon SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone Tucky27
scumm tentacle Day of the Tentacle JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm thinker1 Big Thinkers First Grade Tucky27
scumm thinkerk Big Thinkers Kindergarten Tucky27,GandalfTheWhite80
scumm water Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm zak Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
scumm zakloom Zak McKracken & Loom JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
sherlock rosetattoo The Case of the Rose Tattoo Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
sherlock scalpel The Case of the Serrated Scalpel Tucky27
sky sky Beneath a Steel Sky nightm4re94 , GandalfTheWhite80
stark tlj The Longest Journey JenniBee
supernova msn1 Mission Supernova 1 Tucky27
supernova msn2 Mission Supernova 2 Tucky27
sword1 sword1 Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars nightm4re94, beresk_let
sword2 sword2 Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror nightm4re94, beresk_let
sword25 sword25 Broken Sword 2.5 JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
teenagent teenagent Teen Agent robertmegone, GandalfTheWhite80
tetraedge syberia Syberia GandalfTheWhite80
tetraedge syberia2 Syberia II GandalfTheWhite80
tinsel dw Discworld rehail, GandalfTheWhite80
tinsel dw2 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed ...!? JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
titanic titanic Starship Titanic thedoc, GandalfTheWhite80
toltecs toltecs 3 Skulls of the Toltecs Canuma, GandalfTheWhite80
tony tony Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths rehail
toon toon Toonstruck JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
touche touche Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer Canuma
trecision nl Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
tsage blueforce Blue Force JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
tsage ringworld Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch JenniBee
tsage ringworld2 Return to Ringworld tag2015
tucker tucker Bud Tucker in Double Trouble JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
twine lba Little Big Adventure Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
twp twp Thimbleweed Park GandalfTheWhite80
ultima martiandreams Ultima - Martian Dreams Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima martiandreams_enh Ultima - Martian Dreams Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima remorse Crusader: No Remorse Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima thesavageempire Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima thesavageempire_enh Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima ultima4 Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima ultima4_enh Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima ultima6 Ultima VI - The False Prophet Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima ultima6_enh Ultima VI - The False Prophet Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
ultima ultima8 Ultima VIII - Pagan Tucky27, GandalfTheWhite80
vcruise reah Reah: Face the Unknown GandalfTheWhite80
vcruise schizm Schizm: Mysterious Journey GandalfTheWhite80
voyeur voyeur Voyeur JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute 5ld Five Lethal Demons tag2015
wintermute 5ma Five Magical Amulets tag2015
wintermute bickadoodle Bickadoodle tag2015
wintermute chivalry Chivalry is Not Dead JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute corrosion Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute deadcity Dead City tag2015
wintermute dirtysplit Dirty Split tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute escapemansion Escape from the Mansion tag2015
wintermute helga Helga Deep In Trouble GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute openquest Open Quest JenniBee
wintermute reversion1 Reversion: The Escape JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute reversion2 Reversion: The Meeting JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
⬜️ wintermute reversion3 Reversion: The Return
wintermute ritter 1 1/2 Ritter: Auf der Suche nach der hinreissenden Herzelinde tag2015
wintermute rosemary Rosemary tag2015
wintermute thekite The Kite tag2015, GandalfTheWhite80
wintermute twc The White Chamber tag2015
zvision zgi Zork: Grand Inquisitor JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80
zvision znemesis Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands JenniBee, GandalfTheWhite80