A Command Line Tool for Infomaniak's SwissTransfer Service. ☁️
This project is not affiliated with Infomaniak and is not an official tool.
All the binaries are available in the releases section. 📥
Download the binary for your platform and add it to your PATH. ⬇️
Usage: swish [OPTIONS] <FILE>
<FILE> could be a file or a folder or a link
-p, --password <password> Sets the password for the file(s) downloaded / uploaded (not encrypted)
-a, --aes-password <aes> Define the password for derivating the AES encryption key for the file(s) uploaded (will be uploaded as a 7z encrypted)
-m, --message <Hello World> Define the message for the file(s) uploaded
-n, --number-download <250> Define the max number of downloads for the file(s) uploaded
-d, --duration <30> Define the number of days the file(s) will be available for download
-o, --output <output> Define an output directory for the downloaded files
-i, --insecure Use insecure tls connection
-c, --ca-root Show the bundled ca root
-s, --system-ca-bundle If not set, the bundled cacert.pem from Mozilla (Tue Dec 31 04:12:05 2024 GMT) will be used.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode
-w, --curl-verbose Enable curl verbose mode
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Upload a file 🚀:
swish /tmo/super-file.pdf
Upload a file with a password 🔐
swish -p mypassword /tmo/super-file.pdf
Upload a encrypted file in a 7z archive 🔒:
swish --aes-password mypassword /tmo/super-file.pdf
Download a file ⬇️:
swish https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/188be047-5b8c-48bf-9c4a-e70076c0e53c
Download a file with a password 🔐:
swish -p mypassword https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/188be047-5b8c-48bf-9c4a-e70076c0e53c
The password option does not provide any encryption feature.
I strongly recommend you to encrypt your file with the --aes-password option 🔒
File Upload Limit
When uploading many times the same file, it seems that infomaniaks servers flags you as suspicous traffic and you won't be able to upload for a while. It seems to be linked to your IP address, no extensive testing has been done. Use the debug mode to see the error message.
SSL error
If the local cURL library installation does not have the necessary certificates, the tool will not be able to connect to the server. You can use the insecure flag to bypass the SSL verification.
If a developer who truly has the skills and doesn't face the same skill issues as me wants to contribute to this project, feel free to do so. PRs and stuff. 🤝
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details. 📄
You can contact Blutsh at compote.interroge.0i@icloud.com 📧
Blutsh drank some during the project, it would be nice if you could help him