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amentotaxus edited this page Jul 31, 2013 · 5 revisions

So you're having trouble with the Posts 2 Posts plugin and you need help. Here's what you can do:


If you've ended up in "It's a bug in plugin X", besides describing the bug, please also include the call(s) to p2p_register_connection_type() that you are making.

If you've ended up in "It's a conflict with the last plugin you activated", besides the call(s) to p2p_register_connection_type() that you are making, please also include the name of the other plugin and it's version.

If you've ended up in "It's a conflict with your theme", try to narrow down the code that you think might be causing the problem (it could be an action or filter in your functions.php file).

It's a conflict between last version of NextGEN Gallery 2.0.0 and Posts 2 Posts: no more connected items in admin boxes. The connected posts remain in wp_p2p table but not shown in admin boxes or in front end of site

After deactivate last version (2.0.0) of NextGen Gallery, the connected posts are show again.