This is a terraform module for unzipping a file from put to an s3 bucket. It creates a lambda function, role, policy and s3 bucket notification trigger. When a zip file is uploaded to the src s3 bucket, then it will unzip it, and upload those files to the dst bucket.
- src_bucket - (Required) The source bucket to listen for put object events
- src_bucket_arn - (Required) The arn of the same source bucket
- project_name - (Optional) Identifier for your project
- dst_bucket - (Optional) The destination bucket to send the unzipped files, if not the source bucket
- delete_zip - (Optional) A boolean, set true if you wish to delete the original zip file. Default is false.
module "test" {
source = ""
src_bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.s3_bucket.bucket}"
src_bucket_arn = "${aws_s3_bucket.s3_bucket.arn}"
project_name = "test"
delete_zip = true
Credit to for writing the go code for a similar idea.