diff --git a/src/app/UI/Match/ClassicWeaponStats.js b/src/app/UI/Match/ClassicWeaponStats.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..867b62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/UI/Match/ClassicWeaponStats.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+"use client"
+import Header from "../Header";
+import Tabs from "../Tabs";
+import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
+import InteractiveTable from "../InteractiveTable";
+import { ignore0, getPlayer, getTeamColorClass } from "@/app/lib/generic.mjs";
+import PlayerLink from "../PlayerLink";
+function renderTable(selectedWeapon, data, players, totalTeams){
+ const headers = {
+ "player": {"title": "Player"},
+ "kills": {"title": "Kills"},
+ "deaths": {"title": "Deaths"},
+ "shots": {"title": "Shots"},
+ "hits": {"title": "Hits"},
+ "acc": {"title": "Accuracy"},
+ "damage": {"title": "Damage"},
+ };
+ const rows = [];
+ for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
+ const d = data[i];
+ if(d.weapon_id != selectedWeapon) continue;
+ const p = getPlayer(players, d.player_id);
+ rows.push({
+ "player": {"value": p.name.toLowerCase(),
+ "displayValue": {p.name},
+ "className": `text-left ${(totalTeams > 1) ? getTeamColorClass(p.team) : ""}`},
+ "kills": {"value": d.kills, "displayValue": ignore0(d.kills)},
+ "deaths": {"value": d.deaths, "displayValue": ignore0(d.deaths)},
+ "shots": {"value": d.shots, "displayValue": ignore0(d.shots)},
+ "hits": {"value": d.hits, "displayValue": ignore0(d.hits)},
+ "acc": {"value": d.accuracy, "displayValue": `${d.accuracy.toFixed(2)}%`},
+ "damage": {"value": d.damage, "displayValue": ignore0(d.damage)},
+ });
+ }
+ return
+export default function ClassicWeaponStats({weaponNames, weaponImages, data, players, totalTeams}){
+ if(data.length === 0) return null;
+ const [selectedWeapon, setSelectedWeapon] = useState("0");
+ const tabOptions = [];
+ for(const [value, name] of Object.entries(weaponNames)){
+ if(value === "0") continue;
+ tabOptions.push({name, value});
+ }
+ tabOptions.sort((a, b) =>{
+ a = a.name.toLowerCase();
+ b = b.name.toLowerCase();
+ if(a < b) return -1
+ if(a > b) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ const firstTab = (tabOptions.length > 0) ? tabOptions[0].value : "";
+ useEffect(() =>{
+ setSelectedWeapon(firstTab);
+ }, [firstTab]);
+ return <>
+ {
+ setSelectedWeapon(value);
+ }}/>
+ {renderTable(selectedWeapon, data, players, totalTeams)}
+ >
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/layout.js b/src/app/layout.js
index 920e623..b531e4e 100644
--- a/src/app/layout.js
+++ b/src/app/layout.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export default async function RootLayout({ children }) {