This file contains task that are being work on or will be work on shortly.
If you would like to help with the development of Sapling, please follow these steps:
- Select an item from the list that you would like to work on.
- Search the the issues track to see if someone has begun work on the issue.
- If the issue has not been started, create a new issue outlining the problem as you understand it.
- Create a fork of Sapling the project.
- Solve the problem.
- If this is your first time contributing add your name to and
- Create a pull request.
- Removed dependencies to Bootstrap, and jQuery.
- Improve testing suite. Ideas:
- Packages test with packages mypackage/
- Adapt testacular to read coffeescript directly
- Integrate with Brunch's test suite.
- Sever angular.js using Google CDN in production
- Render and serve templates server side for web-crawlers
- Add XSRF middleware ($http).