This is a Dockerfile to set up "Deluge" - (
The built image is also hosted at Docker Hub - ( If you don't want to customize the container you can run it directly by typing the following commands.
export VOL_CONFIG="/Volumes/shares/docker/config/deluge"
export VOL_DOWNLOADS="/Volumes/shares/docker/data/deluge/downloads"
export LOCAL_PORT1="8112"
docker run -d -h $(hostname) \
-v ${VOL_CONFIG}:/config \
-v ${VOL_DOWNLOADS}:/downloads \
-v ${VOL_INCOMPLETE_DOWNLOADS}:/incomplete-downloads \
-p ${LOCAL_PORT1}:8112 \
-p 58846:58846 \
-p 58946:58946 \
-v ${VOL_DOWNLOADS}:/downloads \
-v ${VOL_CONFIG}:/config \
-e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \
-e PUID=1000 \
-e PGID=1000 \
--name=deluge --restart=always cryptout/deluge
Clone this repository and run the script.
git clone
cd deluge
Change to match your situation.
ENV appUser="media"
ENV appGroup="1000"
Make sure to map the Volumes to match your situation.
VOLUME ["/config", "/downloads"]
Edit (this will be replaced by docker-compose soon...).
To reach the WebGUI go to - (http://localhost:8112). Or replace localhost with your target IP. Login with admin/deluge.
- Shell access whilst the container is running:
docker exec -it deluge /bin/sh
- To monitor the logs of the container in realtime:
docker logs -f deluge
I'm still learning Docker and use these private (pet)projects to develop my skills. While I use these containers myself they are by no means perfect and are always prone to error or change. That said, even if only one person copies a snippet of code or learns something from my projects I feel I've contributed a little bit to the Open-source cause...