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SKADA-Bench: Benchmarking Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Methods with Realistic Validation

Welcome to the official implementation of SKADA-Bench: Benchmarking Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Methods with Realistic Validation

To reproduce the results in this paper, you have three options:

  • Visualize stored results (Step 3): with results in /visualize/cleaned_outputs/.
  • Run bench (Step 2): with config files in /config/datasets.
  • Start from Scratch (Step 1): Generate new config files and proceed from there.

We provided all the necessary files for running each step without the need for running the previous one.

If you want to add new solvers, dataset or scorers just follow the instructions in the file.

Note: Current implementation reproduces results from the paper, with minor variations in some cases. Expect minor code adjustments in coming weeks to improve reproducibility. A revised paper version with near-exact reproducibility is also planned.


Note: This project requires Python 3.10.

To install the necessary requirements to run a benchmark, use the following commands:

  1. Ensure you have Python 3.10 installed. You can check your Python version with:
python --version
  1. Install the benchopt library:
pip install benchopt==1.6.0
  1. Install the desired datasets and solvers using benchopt. Specify the dataset and solver you want to use (e.g., simulated and bci solver):
benchopt install .  [--download]

Note: The --download flag is optional but highly recommended. It pre-downloads the datasets, which is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • When working on large clusters where internet access might be limited on computing nodes.
  • To avoid multiple processes attempting to download data simultaneously.
  • To ensure data is properly loaded when installing the benchmark.
  1. [NOT MANDATORY] Install the preprocessing - visualising - all requirements:
pip install -r preprocessing/requirements_preprocess.txt # Install preprocessing dependencies
pip install -r visualize/requirements_plot.txt # Install plotting dependencies
pip install -r requirements_all.txt # Install all dependencies

Running the Benchmark

Step 1 (shallow methods only): Finding the Best Base Estimators for Each Dataset

1.1 Generate the Configuration File

Generate the config file for selecting base estimator on source:

python benchmark_utils/generate_config/

This generates config/find_best_base_estimators_per_dataset.yml.

1.2 Run base estimator selection bench

Run base estimator experiments and store the results:

benchopt run --config config/find_best_base_estimators_per_dataset.yml --output base_estimators/results_base_estimators --no-plot --no-html

This generates outputs/base_estimators/results_base_estimators.

1.3 Extract the results

Extract the results and store them in a CSV file results_base_estimators/:

python visualize/ --domain source --directory outputs/base_estimators --output results_base_estimators --file_name results_base_estim_experiments

This generates results_base_estimators/results_base_estim_experiments.csv.

1.4 Find the best base estimators

Find the best base estimator per dataset and store them in config/best_base_estimators.yml:

python benchmark_utils/

This generates config/best_base_estimators.yml.

1.5 Generate Configurations with Best Base Estimators

Update the config file per dataset with the best base estimator:

python benchmark_utils/generate_config/

This generates a config file for each dataset in config/datasets/.

Step 2: Launch benchmark for each Dataset

To launch the benchmark for each dataset, run the following command:

benchopt run --config dataset.yml --timeout 3h --output output_directory/output_dataset --no-plot --no-html
  • dataset.yml: Config file of the specified dataset.
  • output_directory: Name of the output directory (real_datasets or simulated_datasets depending on your data)
  • output_dataset: Name of the output result parquet/csv.

Example: Simulated Dataset

benchopt run --config config/datasets/Simulated.yml --timeout 3h --output simulated_datasets/output_simulated --no-plot --no-html

Note: In the paper results, the timeout was set to 3 hours for shallow methods and 24 hours for deep methods. The benchopt framework supports running benchmarks in parallel on a SLURM cluster. For more details, refer to the Benchopt user guide.

Step 3: Displaying Results

Convert the benchopt output into a CSV format:

python visualize/ --directory outputs/simulated_datasets --domain target --file_name output_readable_dataset

This generates visualize/cleaned_outputs/output_readable_dataset.csv. This csv file can then be used by anyone to plot the benchmarking results.

Visualization Commands

In the visualize folder, run the following commands to generate various results and plots:

Shallow Methods

  • Main Result Table (Shallow):|
    python --csv-file cleaned_outputs/results_real_datasets_experiments.csv --csv-file-simulated cleaned_outputs/results_simulated_datasets_experiments.csv
  • Individual Tables per Dataset:
    python --csv-file cleaned_outputs/results_real_datasets_experiments.csv --dataset BCI
  • Cross-val Score vs. Accuracy for Different Scorers:
    python --csv-file cleaned_outputs/results_real_datasets_experiments.csv
  • Accuracy of DA Methods using Unsupervised Scorers vs. Supervised Scorers:
    python --csv-file cleaned_outputs/results_real_datasets_experiments.csv
  • Change in Accuracy of DA Methods with Best Unsupervised Scorer vs. Supervised Scorer:
    python  --csv-file cleaned_outputs/results_real_datasets_experiments.csv

Deep Methods

  • Main Result Table (Deep):
    python --csv-folder cleaned_outputs/ --scorer-selection unsupervised

Both Shallow and Deep Methods

  • Mean Computing Time for Training and Testing Each Method:
    python visualize/ --directory outputs

All the generated tables and plots can be found in the visualize folder.

Note: For the get_computational_time script, you need to give directly benchopt outputs which are not provided due to size limits (all other results are provided).

Happy benchmarking!