A git-aware two-line fish shell theme. Inspired by simple-ass-prompt and the default bash prompt.
- Two-line prompt
- Git status icons: dirty
, staged+
, ahead↑
, behind↓
, diverged⥄
- Previous command status (prompt turns red on error)
- Root user indicator (username turns red when running as root)
- Remote host indicator (hostname turns red when running under a ssh connection)
- Kubectl context:namespace indicator after first use of kubectl in given shell session. Reacts to following commands/aliases (configurable with
list):- kubectl
- k
- kg
- kd
- kubectx
- kx
- kubens
- kns
- nix-shell indicator (from any-nix-shell)
Using fisher:
fisher install schrenker/solarfish
Add any of the following lines to ~/.config/fish/config.fish
# Display a shortened directory path
set -g theme_short_path yes
# Disable the git indicator
set -g theme_no_git_indicator yes
# Disable kubectl indicator
set -g theme_no_kubectl_indicator yes
# Set your own kubectl commands to trigger context:namespace indicator
set -g theme_kubectl_commands kubectl helm k kn
# Disable any-nix-shell indicator
set -g theme_no_any_nix_shell_indicator yes